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Very strange indeed...?

I think I struck the queen mother of weird dreams. Just for grins, I'd like to get people's reaction to it. Mean anything?

I'm walking across an open, wide lawn. The lawn is wet enough to go squish as I walk. Twice people walking nearby (don't ask me why everyone is out walking on wet grass) deliberately shoulder me as they pass. Both times I leaned into them as they did so and we both ended up down in the mud. The second time the other person is covered in gooey mud, so I'm straining to look around and see if I'm the same. I feel something on my shoulder and glance around to find a HUGE black spider about 6" across climbing up my arm. I frantically swipe it away in a violent motion - and wake up... but it's into another dream. I find myself in a college dorm room. I'm lying in bed. My wife and an old friend are sitting there talking. As they talk my wife is casually beating a stick against the ceiling, breaking up a pile of rocks into gravel - on the ceiling. I'm puzzled. How do they stay up there? My wife's friend explains that somewhere else there's a pile on the floor, so they kind of cancel each other out. Just then I notice a HUGE black beetle with spiky legs crawling toward me. Again there is violent motion as I struggle to scramble away from it. The trashing sets off a painful leg cramp - a classic Charlie Horse. This cramp wakes me up for real.

Very strange...

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A lot of the imagery suggests potential problems in your relationship with your wife. I'll refrain from details, though. Perhaps I'm quite wrong. (I admit a bit of curiosity about whether the people in the field and your wife's friend were male or female.) You might do a better job of figuring it all out yourself. This is a good source of dream imagery interpretation:

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    The wet lawn may mean that you feel that your life has become slow and uneventful. The people giving you the "shoulder", might be seen as you not giving in to your ways although other people are trying to give you a bit of a bump, to be more active. Falling into the mud might be a sign that you need to get more energy other wise you will be stuck in a rut.

    The spider could be that although you don't want to change, there are some things in your life that just won't go away and you feel you would like to get rid of them.

    The rocks crushing could be about situations between you and your wife that cannot be resolved with logic, but a more understanding of each others needs and wants.

    The beetle could be some sort of distraction that disturbs you from your normal waking hours.

    Overall, the dream could be interpreted as you not wanting to change from your daily routine but some things could be changed and more attention to your wife could be helpful in resolving some personal issues.

  • 1 decade ago


    Dreams are more often than not strange. In dream the mind projects earlier experiences in one's life, but maybe in a confused manner. One cannot dream of a thing or incident about which he had no exrlier experience. For example, when I am dream myself as a dancing to the order of the monkey trickier, it only explains that earlier I had the experience of seeing a monkey dancing, and myself watching, but in the dream this experience is projected in a confused or different manner.

    Source(s): No particular source, but someone explained this way a long time back. Can't remember his name etc.
  • 1 decade ago

    hloy crap! rude people, mud, spiders, rocks falling, beetles and cramps! i would be afraid to go to sleep! good luck

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