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Islam teaches Jesus was not crucified, Why was Jesus indicted to begin with?

The Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that Jesus was accused of blasphemy making himself one with God.

Jesus did not deny the charges in the Gospel

What crime was Isa accused of according to the Quran?

Surely Isa would have denied the charges and been set free with no need of Allah to rescue him from the cross.

Why would your Isa prophet be charged of blasphemy? Why wouldn't he simply deny the charges?

Does the Quran explain why people wanted to crucify your Isa? Was your Isa accused of saying he was God?

Why? What was the evidence against him? Why wouldn't he simply deny the accusation and be set free?

I find in interesting that their must have been enough evidence against him to convince the powers that be that he was guilty even more evidence if he denied it and was still considered guilty.

I remember seeing in the Quran that people thought they had crucified messiah but I don't remember seeing what the charges against him were...why would the Quran leave out such important information?

Is this answered in the Quran?


Nothing fake about my research.

You stopped answering my questions because Islam has not provided you the answers.

Update 2:

Catherine, if you don't care then how would you know? So you give me your personal feelings of something you can't be sure of.

Update 3:

Ankaboot, Why are you always so angry?

I am not here to be a problem to you or anyone else my friend.

I would like to share with all the good news.

Update 4:

Human, I thought all prophets of Islam were to be highly esteemed by their people. If Isa was thought to be a blasphemer would he be considered a good prophet of Islam?

Shouldn't the Quran explain?

Update 5:

Ankaboot, my question is not did Allah take him, the Quran is clear on that.

My question is what was he accused of?

Update 6:

Why would someone think him guilty of a crime worthy of crucifixion?

Update 7:

? The Romans were not his accusers even according to the Quran.

Q.155. (They have incurred divine displeasure): In that they broke their covenant...

This seems to be speaking of the Jews..Romans did not have a covenant.

Update 8:

misbiz, What was the allegation?

Update 9:

Friend I understand that he was indicted question is what was he being charged with?

Update 10:

Do Muslims believe their prophet Isa was accused of saying he was God?

Update 11:

Here's my point, if it was unclear. The Bible teaches Jesus is the Son of God who atoned for our sin on the cross.

He was accused of blasphemy by those Jews who thought it blasphemy to make himself one with God.

I find it interesting the Quran denies Jesus is the Son of God who atoned for sin but concedes he was accused of making this claim.

So if Jesus did not make this claim as the Bible said...then why is he being accused of blasphemy?

Update 12:

It appears in the Quran Isa was adamant he was no son of God.

So why were people thinking he made this claim against him?

Why was it so convincing that he was to be crucified for it?

If people believe he was claiming such a thing true or not...his reputation as an Islamic prophet would have to be questioned.

Update 13:

trancinguy even if that were true how would that answer my question?

Update 14:

The White Horse, While you did not answer my question I will anser yours Space prevents me from answering all of those in great detail. Email me and I will address each one.

Update 15:

1) when did Jesus talk about Doctrine of redemption ?

Jesus spoke not of the redemption he came to give us.

The propesies of the coming Messiah were prophesies of the coming Lamb of God who would atone for the sins of the world.

Abraham tells Issac The lord will provide himself a Lamb.

Isaiah prophesied the atonement and mentions he would be as a Lamb

In Luke 22 Jesus quotes Isaiah 53 as prophsy he must fulfill.

Isaiah 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

Jesus in Luke quotes Isaiah 53 which is the atonement as prophesy he would fulfill.

Luke 22:37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

Update 16:

edit ^ that should read

Jesus spoke of the redemption he came to give us.

Update 17:

Isaiah 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto adeath: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

John the Baptist anounced "Behold the Lamb of God"

John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

Here we see the prophets prophesied of the redemption the Messiah would bring. Jesus proclaims he is this Messiah who would atone for our sin

You can also go to the Gospel of John

John 6:51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

Update 18:

? Your answer is that Jews had people executed for doing miracles and claiming to be prophets of God?

So the allegation against him was being a false prophet and the evidence was he did miracles?

Update 19:

? So doing miracles was forbidden for prophets?

Doesnt the Jewish scriptures have many instances of prophets doing miracles?

So the Quran says they wanted to cruicify Jesus for doing miracles?

The Jews would not execute a person for performing miracles, they might execute him for being a false prophet.. maybe

but they would need evidence which definitely would not be the fact that he performed miracles.

Are you saying their evidence was he did miracles?

That is not evidence against a prophet...

Their scriptures give testimony to miracles performed by prophets.

In order to have Jesus crucified they needed evidence of evil against him.

Jews did not go around having people executed for being prophets and doing miracles.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Islam has never dealt with Jesus in any real detail..The reasons for his arrest are obscured in the Quran just like the reasons for his being known as the messiah, his Claims of Sonship, and his proclamtion of being the ONLY way to God, as well as the fact he was the only Prophet to be resurrected and glorified. It seems that Islam needs his name for its own credibility but they actually do not accept any of his truth or claims. If you have Jesus WITHOUT Islam you have a clear path of salvation. If you have Jesus with Islam you have a strange cult that has leeched onto the Judeo/Christian heritage in order to get itself some validity and history. Islam actually hates Christ, Robbing him of his diety and primacy. They have to grudgingly acknowledge Jesus in an offhand way however or otherwise they are an orphan having no credible foundation of their own. Many other cults have made use of this tactic like the Gnostics and the Mormons etc. The true message of Jesus as well as His identity and purpose get lost in the process. The Simple fact is if you have Jesus there is no need for Mohammed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Gnostic Gospels also said that Jesus was not killed by the Jews; it seems that Islam was quoting the Gnostic gospels which was popular among Arabs in those days.

    The simple truth is, if Jesus sas not crucified, died and rose again, there would have been no Christianity today. The first Christians based their faith on the death and resurrection of Jesus.

    After they death of Jesus, his followers were afraid and hid themselves; it took a resurrected Christ to convince them that he was the truth. Then when they received the holy spirit at Pentecost, they fearlessly went teaching the gospel to every nation. Even while being persecuted, they continued.

  • Rouge
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Read the Quran.

    Several times even in the first couple of Suwar God admonishes those who kill Prophets just for the sake of being Prophets. Eesa (as) bought a new revelation, this in itself would have been considered blasphemous and the stubborn ones (like those who didn't accept the Quran) thought Eesa (as) (and Muhammad (saw)) to be heretical liars. The fact they continued preaching the oneness of God and their claims of Prophecy didn't bode well with the majority and left them subject to abuse and continual threats on their lives. Eesa (as) was considered a false Prophet and a false messiah, this was his triable offence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He was indicted for blasphemy which was a false accusation.

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  • This is the most interesting and intelligent question that has been asked here in a very long time. Of course you know that no Muslim is going to be able to truthfully answer without going against their religious beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus Sallahualaihi wasalam was the son of Mary which both the Quran and Bible agree with. But the Quran states that when he was told to be crucified Allah subhanahuwata'ala lifted him to heaven and put another person to be crucified in his place which others took as Jesus PBUH..which is why the Bible states he was crucified but its wrong to think so. The reason for him to being crucified was because he went against the jewish laws and ethics of that time. The priest of that time plotted a plan against him to frame him saying he was out to ruin the face of the government and so was sentenced to be crucified but before they did that, they beat him and slashed him 100 brutal slashes. but before they could crucify him Allah took his soul and lifted him to heaven putting another man in his place.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you met the Romans?

    I'm sure the two thieves next to Jesus didn't steal anything, either.

    He was indicted for professing his prophetship when the Jews tried to cut that off.

    1. Not all prophets were "highly esteemed" at the time of their entrance into history. The Prophet Muhammad was repeatedly stoned, punished by the Quraysh tribes...half of the men whom we call "sahaba" today (like Umar ibn al Khattab) wanted him dead for his blasphemy against the pagan Arabs.

    2. Jews...Romans...they complimented each other and they refused to have another power...whether it be religious or political (respectively) to undermine theirs.

    3. Isa was NOT the son of God, however he claimed himself to be a prophet (when the Jews explicitly believed that their religion needed NOT any more enhancements) and commenced several miracles for the socially handicapped to prove his claims. That's from where the threats spurned.

    ...son of God...prophet of God...they were both blasphemies.

    a "crime worthy of execution" could be anything, Djmantx; those people punished common day criminals on the cross.



    ...they [The People of the Book] rejected the signs of Allah; that they slew the Messengers in defiance of right; that they said, "Our hearts are the wrappings (which preserve Allah's Word; WE NEED NO MORE)"...


    And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger.

    YES THEY DID CRUCIFY HIM FOR CLAIM TO BE THE MESSIAH DO I NEED TO SHOW YOU THE [OBJECTIVE] HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS?! DO I NEED TO SHOW YOU OTHER EXAMPLES OF THEIR WEAK LITIGATION'S?! WILL THAT CONVINCE YOU? dear lord you are so's like explaining math to a monkey. everything you just professed to me can be deflected right back to your beliefs. it doesn't take a history ph.d to tell you that several men were crucified for crimes both big and small...and were deemed GUILTY BEFORE PROVEN INNOCENT. even so there was a lot of corruption because of power greediness. how can i s.p.e.l.l. it out for you? you explain why jesus was crucified in the Bible? what evidence did they have against him that proved he was NOT the son of God?...he proclaimed himself to be something that the Jews didn't believe and deemed is that so hard to swallow?

  • 1 decade ago

    Historically speaking, he was indicted because the Romans were getting nervous about a dissident who could have been a traitor to the Empire. Not a good position to be in back then.

  • Human
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I do not have detailed knowledge to answer what actually happened at that time.

    But refering to common sense, every speaker of the truth would be the enemy of the people in power. This is because the truth would not allow the people in power to practice their unjust deeds, or it would raise the people against them.

    So what usually happens is a false accusation backed by fake evidence provided by the powerful people against the speaker of the truth. I think this is what happened to Jesus himself (pbuh).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus says : I and the Father are one

    Yes ! Jesus said that .But if we understand the Con**** in which this sentence was said , We will Prove his human prophet hood which has

    Nothing to do with being a God


    John 25 :10

    Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believe not: the works that I do in my Father's ****, these bear witness of me.

    And then he said : I and the Father are one "

    as a response jaws who were asking him about his reality

    After his answer they wanted to throw him with stones because they thought that he made himself equal to God .So what was his explanation for what he previously said ?

    John 33 :10

    They answered, "We are not stoning you because of any good thing you did. We are stoning you because you did a terrible thing. You are just a man, and here you are claiming to be God!"

    John 10 :34

    Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? .

    If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the ******ure cannot be broken;

    This is the point ! Jesus Told them that God in the ******ure described his apostles to be gods .It is very Clear in the sentence :" he called them gods "

    So this sentence "I and father are one " means that they are One in purpose Not in nature ,depending on the explanation of Jesus himself,the story Makes it clear that God used this word to describe all of his prophets Not Only Jesus!


    I remember seeing in the Quran that people thought they had crucified messiah but I don't remember seeing what the charges against him were...why would the Quran leave out such important information?

    1- read Quran please first

    2-why Jews killed Yahya "a.s" ???the same thing about Jesus PBUH.

    3-in bible "they did not kill him after he said "i am and god is one "

    read bible.

    4-"Jesus did not deny the charges in the Gospel"ohhhh

    read bible please

    Source(s): when did Jesus talk about Doctrine of redemption ? when Jesus said, i come for Original sin???!!!! when Jesus said, i am your god so worship me???!!!! when Jesus said father and son and holy spirit is one god ?!!!!
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