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Regarding sexual relationships, what's the difference before and after marriage?

Before marriage, a person can have as many sex partners as desired. A person can live with as many people as desired.

After marriage, doing the same thing can be illegal in some places. Most people "frown" upon the idea of a harem whether populated by men or women.

Yet it is "acceptable" before marriage? This difference in standards makes no sense to me.


My real concern isn't about activity after marriage. My real concern is the promiscuity society seems to permit before marriage. That does not make sense. Why is this allowed? If it is allowed, then why is it illegal to commit adultery or have multiple spouses?

There seems to be a conflict of standards. Is the marriage relationship at risk? Will marriage and family forever be redefined or changed in our "modern" society?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Firstly there is no straight forward answer for your question, but a general reply can be given.

    I hardly think that there is any conflict of standards. In fact i think we are not in a society where one can go around having sex, with no explanation with as many women as you want. Modern society, though modern, still does not warm up to it. You don't normally have a harem before or after marriage. Usually the point is even before your marriage you are expected to have one GF and spend time with her. Share you sex life with her (thought you might laugh and say 'Women!' I think there is something to what i have written). Now if you find other women who dont mind 'Sharing' you are just plain lucky....

    The main difference I Think is before marriage you are only accountable to yourself and so as long as you dont care what the society says you dont hear/listen to it. Now post marriage you are accountable to each other and trust me you WILL listen to what the society has to say about each other. PLUS the point of marriage is COMMITMENT and if a person is not able to commit I dont see why he or she would even consider to something like it.

    To some extent it is also linked with religion and belief system which you have been brought up with. A very loose system would give you more flexibility than another.

  • 1 decade ago

    The rational here is before you get married and are just dating around, you don't have any real obligations to anyone but yourself. And usually during that time period a lot of people live up this period of their lives by getting away with all kinds of things that would usually piss off a normally exclusive partner. After all this period is known as sowing your wild oats before you take the big leap into marriage. Which where marriage is concerned you have more than one person to consider other than yourself. You have a spouse and or kids to think about. So if you were to sow some wild oats after you were married like you did when you were single then you are hurting several people at once just for your own selfish pleasure. And that is not ok and would be deemed a very senseless choice to make.

  • 1 decade ago

    As far as I'm concerned, there is no difference between before and after marriage. I know of a few couples who are married, living together, have kids and still have sexual relations with other people. At the end of the day it would only be of concern only if you have a moral, or religious difference. Again, each person has it's own opinion and point of view.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can live with as many people as you want, before or after marriage... It's just illegal to be *married* to more than one person. People will frown at anyone who says they have a "harem", whether they're married to their "harem" or not... It's just the way our culture is. But you CAN have multiple partners if you so choose, it's not illegal even if you are married.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's because when you get married, you promise to be faithful. That is the difference. It's like entering into a contract without the intention of fulfilling it. Legally, it's wrong and morally it's wrong. I don't disagree with having multiple spouses as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. What is wrong with sex before marriage exactly?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the only reasons i can come up with are these:

    The person could be seen as doing polygamy. This could be because if your living with a person for x amount of years, apparently your "married" by law.

    And you should look at i ethically as well. Its cheating and of course people will frown on cheating. It just wrong according to some people.

    although i see where your comming at. But then again, common sense.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    .The difference is that when you marry, you are committing yourself to that one person only...prior to marriage, you are free to date or screw as many people as you desire, as you haven't given any the commitment to be true to only them.

    If poly marriage were legal worldwide, things would be different...but it is not (in general). So if you choose to marry, most countries only allow you to be married to that one person. Whether or not you have other girlfriends or lovers, is something you'll need to discuss with your wife. Some couples do have open relationships...some are swingers who play with others as a couple.

    For those who don't choose to stick with just 1 person, but still want to marry, there are long as you marry someone who is open to them.

  • x2000
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Actually, too many partners before marriage is not acceptable as well, male or female. You are using a strawman argument.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say having multiple partners IS sensless.. if you find someone you love and aren't married to them, you should stay faithful to them.. just because you aren't married doesn't mean you should roam.. loving someone is just that, loving them and respecting them.. marriage is just the document that binds you legalally.. Love, trust and faithfullness will hold it toghether.. try the book what your mother couldn't tell you and your father didn't know..

  • 1 decade ago

    well when you are married you have made a commitment to someone!

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