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Seriously, who among you really does NOT want to be covered by health insurance?


Really, why?

What is this "Government insurance" you mention?

Update 2:

So, doctors do not get sick? Or do you just expect to get "free" treatment that other people have to pay for?

Update 3:

It wouldn't be easier for you to pay cash. Do you have any idea how much they charge you if you don't have insurance???

I had a foot operation a few years ago - my insurance company was charged $1400 for it. If I didn't have insurance it would have cost me $45,000!!!

Update 4:

This is enlightening. All the people opposed to the bill think it creates some government run insurance program. It doesn't!

Update 5:

OK Jack. I assume you will drop your coverage tomorrow.

19 Answers

  • Happy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There ya go, that's the question, and it is still private insurance. No wonder so many are against it when they know nothing about it except the lies Fox tells.

  • 1 decade ago

    OK, it's really simple but I'll go slowly for the people who can't keep up. !) Why does the government want to be the one to dole out our health life as if we're all on welfare and don't have the sense to buy our own? Obviously it's to save the last program called social security that they screwed up to the point that it's no longer able to pay the money it has promised in order to buy your vote. So now since they can't admit failure they must find another way into your pockets so they can keep the whole mess going and so Nancy can fly from San Fran to DC in her private ( people supplied) jet and so she won't miss her Botox appointment.

    If you think this is about "better" health service then you will be choosing to believe a lie because if you want to know what this is all about you can find out. Just think about how fun it is to go to the DMV or your local IRS office after you get one of those little invites. Now think about being sick and going to your friendly bureaucrats for help and a little human kindness. OOPS fresh out-heck the buggers don't even have souls because they have to hand them in when they get the jobs that they don't have to produce in and they can't get fired from. We're pretty much screwed if there are a lot of people with your thinking.

  • 1 decade ago

    17 million Americans living in a household making more than $50,000 a year didn't have health insurance because they didn't want health insurance. Many elderly have not signed up for Medicare. So yes there are millions of people that don't want to buy health insurance yet could afford it.

  • 1 decade ago

    you just don't get what this has done. The Democrats took out the cap on how high the insurance agenices can raise your rates. So they're forcing you to become their customer and telling All State they can charge you as much as they want.

    Think of what this means for the person with the pre-existing condition. They are forced to buy insurance, and the company, because of this pre-existing condition, might charge them $10,000 or $20,000 a month, which they are required now to pay, because it's illegal to say "No I just won't get insurance then."

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have health insurance and it's fine. The cost today doesn't put me in a bind. I work hard to call it mine all mine. But the government will take it from me in due time.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't want to be covered by the government's insurance. I'm fine with privatized insurance.

  • Sam.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well, I am covered, so....

    But, I wouldn't want to be FORCED to buy health insurance.

    And before someone says, "You have to buy auto insurance!", that's only if you drive. If you don't drive, you don't have to buy it. But yet, I don't have to go to the doctor, but I have to buy insurance for it? And in response to people who might say, "Well, what if all of a sudden you need it!?", well, I guess if you're worried about that, you would have gotten it to be prepared. But if you swear up & down you don't need it/want it, well I guess you're SOL aren't you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Seriously, who among you really does NOT want to be covered by health insurance?

    Who among you really does NOT want to drive a Mercedes?

    Who among you really does not want to live in a 6 million dollar house?

    Life ain't fair. Accept it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't, not by the Goverment's one. Let me choose which health insurance I want not some bozo in la la land deciding what's "best" for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't, and I certainly don't want to be FORCED to do so because someone I've never met thinks it's what's best for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone wants insurance, but this is about more control. Those sick treacherous, wicked fools have done this to us. Hope they need it soon, sorry in a very angry mood.

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