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Lv 4
Kev asked in News & EventsMedia & Journalism · 1 decade ago

Has any who works in the media been pressured to lie or drop stories?

When reviewing the corruption that is going on in the world there does appear to be systemic censorship and blurring of reality in the main stream media. I am interested in any stories people have in regards to this.


Kesly, I like your attitude but you do seam a little naive on power politics. The problem is that you know there is a problem, but find it hard to accept. By bagging and brushing of the cable media as irrelevant, when in fact they have the biggest chunk of the ratings. Your integrity is great and we need more of it, but without applying logical and reasoned thought you will fail at missing the bigger picture.

Update 2:

Char Grip - well it is good to see that their still some functioning over sight. How do you think a story like this would go down?

If you need more supporting evidence then let me know.

6 Answers

  • Kelsey
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nope. I can't speak for "cable news," which I honestly don't see as real news, but I've been a working and/or student journalist in newspapers for seven years and not once have I ever been told to lie, cover something up, "spin" something or withhold information. This may be hard to believe (/sarcasm) but all respectable newspapers take lying very seriously and that's something you can lose your job over. And any journalist worth his or her salt would NEVER intentionally lie, and would immediately issue a correction if it turned out they got a fact or a name wrong. And frankly I find the insinuation that we would to be offensive and insulting.

    Now I'm American and we have different laws and a different journalistic culture, so this experience may differ from places where journalists DON'T have freedom of speech (in which case the blame should lie with the government, not the journalists).

    It's hilarious to me just how big of a gap exists between what lay people "think" goes on in newspaper newsrooms and what actually does. Hate to disappoint you, but they're not the dens of evil and iniquity that so many people like to imagine. The vast majority of them contain a few hundred hard-working people (most of whom ARE NOT even reporters) just trying to do their jobs. They'd laugh out loud at implications that they're involved in some far-flung corruption fantasy.

    Edit: Thank you for butchering my name. I'll just say that I think you're equally naive for thinking that cable media infotainment is the same thing as newspaper or network journalism. If people are too stupid to tell the difference, well, that's their problem, isn't it. And if people choose to watch and buy into "news" that they know to be biased, then they deserve what they get. But I refuse to let people like you, who have in all likelihood never stepped foot in, much less worked in, a professional newsroom, lump me and journalists like me with the mouth-breathers on cable news.

    How many people like Char Grip and I have to come forward saying that we've never been told to lie or drop a story and that cable infotainment IS NOT NEWS before WE stop being the naive ones, and YOU start?

    Source(s): B.S. in journalism, B.A. in political science, three professional internships, four years in campus media, professional copy editor.
  • 1 decade ago

    With the exception of a bad experience at a very small newspaper I worked at briefly after college, I have never, ever seen or heard or seen any editor kill a story, force a reporter to write one or dictate the angle of a story based on political reasons and I've been a professional American newspaper writer for about a decade.

    I think if most people would sit in on their local paper's daily agenda meetings, they'd be delightfully surprised to see the amount of effort put into covering things accurately, fairly and with a focus on what is important to the community.

    Cable and television news in general is not news. It's entertainment with the rare exception.

    Back to the story about the small paper: The publisher was pretty unethical and would put reporters out to do positive stories on local advertisers or his buddies from the Rotary Club. That was a rare case, and I can only imagine someone doing that at a very, very small newspaper where one person wields 100 percent control.

  • fonner
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Sony and Michael Jackson made a list deal however Tony Matolla was once racist. From what I heard Michael Jackson wasn't related to Sony on account that of that motive. I do not believe Jordan Chandler's father is an excessively steady guy. He attempted to kill Jordan Chandler and he used to overcome him lovely critically. Jordan was once pressured to lie for his father on account that he could not flip towards his dad. The father was once loopy. Later while Michael Jackson gave up the ghost and Jordan Chandler was once older and clear of his father he learned what occurred was once improper. This is what I believe occurred. Michael Jackson settled. He didn't repay the loved ones. He was once instructed by way of peers/loved ones to try this instead then going threw the complete court docket method and hazard being punished for a criminal offense he didn't dedicate. If that was once your freedom at stake you could do this as good. Paying off the character might be extra predominant then the hazard of being despatched to jail.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you got to be kidding?

    yes, just listen to the news on any TV station . if you are unwilling to change or lie about a story , the story is given to some who will.

  • 1 decade ago


    Years ago, around l990-l994, I owned a State-Licensed Small Business with l0 Professional Contractors in a classy neighborhood which did not know we were there! I contacted the newspaper and asked for a story. They made an appoint-ment in the late afternoon - early evening, and all the people working for me showed up. We waited for about an hour or two, and no one came. When I called the newspaper, they said, "We had an emergency come up and all our Reporters are out covering the story!" Two years later, they finally wrote a story when we won our first contract.

    Several years later, someone called me from another newspaper, having met me several miles away, and did a very nice telephone interview. He read the story back to me on the telephone, and I said "Great!" I told everyone to look for the story in the newspaper in the next week.

    It never appeared. Someone who spent the entire 4 years trying to "take over" my business bought a $l000 full-page ad in the same newspaper, and later, the Reporter called me and said, his Editor had told him they were "dropping it" and it would not appear in print!

    This is called "Censorship." We were all doing a good job for very little pay, and a very powerful Corporation didn't want us to be there, because they wanted the money instead of us! I had never heard the word before, because that concept supposedly "went out" in the l950's with McCarthyism, or so I thought. One of my clients used the word in l994, and I was unaware of what was going on until later! "Are you being censored?" he asked. I said, "I don't know! Why do you ask?"

    "Smear tactics" on the Radio started soon thereafter. My name and voice, and the names of my clients whom that powerful Corporation wanted on their caseload (and who didn't want to go there!) were "dragged through the gutter," and I had to go down to the Radio Station (which also had broadcast a paid advertisement by the same Corporation) to clean up the mess! They were totally unaware of the dirty, backstabbing games that Corporation had played, in the name of "earning money!" We had to "close down our office" after 4 years of hard work, because all these politics

    wore me out, and I ended up in the Doctor's Office, physically ill. Our Contract was revoked, and my name and those of my clients were smeared once more - this time, all over the State - in writing! There was no reason for any of this outside of "Greed" on the part of the large Corporation. (They had made many enemies along the way, because our clients liked us better than them!)

    As some kind of an "Apology," the Newspaper which had never showed up to Interview my staff decided to print my "Letter to the Editor" on the front page of the paper with a photo, the week I closed my office, after all of the Consultants had left, disgusted with our lack of success during our 4 year

    lifetime and also physically ill, because most of us were mid-lifers and "did not have youth on our side." (I should never have given them that photo, because I was "stalked" by those who hated what we were trying to do, for the next l5 years, and my car was smashed 5 times by bad people who were never arrested by the Police Department in any area where I lived! Our insurance rates went up each time I was hit! - yet my name was still smeared, and I was"victimized"

    Several years later, our "competitor" went bankrupt, and was "taken over" by another large Corporation. I thought that was a good thing. The Department that had competed with our Company was "phased out." But no one cleaned up the damage which had been made to my reputation. As a matter

    of fact, I was later "ushered out of town" by people who didn't want me living there! - after a third "smear campaign."

    I then moved 3 hours away, and the same cycle began soon after I arrived. My first boss had a story written about me and my work by a Newspaper Reporter. Someone obviously didn't want me to obtain any publicity for my work, because problems started soon after my photo appeared in the newspaper. (Someone obviously called the paper and told them stories that were not true!)

    After many useless "starts and stops," I started a new business in 2002. I repeatedly called the local Newspaper and asked for publicity. The Reporter there and the Editor of a local Business Weekly both said, "I can't write a story on your program!" -- (I think it was "Won't," not "Can't!")

    "Someone upstairs" obviously told them not to give us any publicity!) This went on for 5 years!

    Right before our last "big event" in the area, I wrote my own story, and drove it to the newspaper. I gave it to the Secretary at the front desk, and I said, "If your paper doesn't publish a story on this program, I am going to stand in this lobby until you do!" She called someone on the phone, and then said, "Okay! Someone will call you about it!"

    The story was given to the same woman who turned us down

    5 years before! She interviewed me and 2 others. The story was "cut," and the photos she took did not appear. She later

    wrote a story about the same exhibit in another town; it was okay, but someone wrote a cutline which was incorrect, and

    I had to write a "Letter to the Editor" to correct it!

    Another reporter interviewed us for a foreign-language newspaper. It was never published!

    I also had several stories rejected out-of-State, even though I prepared press releases and included photos.

    I believe all this has happened because of our "competition," Publicly-Funded Agencies which are jealous of the quality of our work! That's very foolish, because we could otherwise be "partners."

    Source(s): Here's a thought: In "The Old South," Black people were treated as "invisible." In the Southwest, Mexicans and Native Americans are con-sidered to be "invisible," whether or not they hold Citizen-ship papers. In "The Southwest," creative, intelligent "Change Agents" are also considered to be "invisible." I am Jewish, and there are only 30 familes of us in that town! A story in the newspaper would give all of us "publicity." Nobody wants that, so they just ignore the people, and pretend they aren't there! Do you doubt me? If I was allowed to advertise on this blog, I would give you the name of my four websites!
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