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Creative Minds Must Reed?

Interested in becoming Independent Virtual Assistant (VA); however am having trouble coming up with a catchy name for my sole-proprietorship. In short a VA is a person or company that completes a variety of administrative tasks virtually. This meaning that I would complete the required work from my own home office & send the completed work back to the client via email, web link, fax, or overnight services. The benefit to the client is that they do not have to foot the bill for the office furniture or supplies, nor a huge yearly salary, no insurance, or paid vacations, holiday pay, etc. They simply send me any / all administrative tasks needed and provide me with a time line of when they would like the work completed. The work will be either done by the hour or contract price. I benefit them by providing them with my 23+ years of executive administrative experience, my ability to type 80+ wpm, prompt turn around. And everyone benefits from it.

I am searching for the best catchy name for the company. I have thought of many names (Hidden Helper, Secret Staff, Elite VA) and many many more. Unfortunately someone has used those names already. I want to stand above the rest and would greatly appreciate suggestions. If I pick the name you have provided; I will give you 4 hours of VA work at a discounted rate and would also provide the same services to anyone who you recommend at the same rate. Please keep the ideas coming.

1 Answer

  • Milton
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How about an acronym? Here's one that might be too funny but it is an example. We provide the best SEX. Now, all you have to do is come up with three words for S, E and X like Security, Expertise and Xellence. I'd guarantee with that one you'd get more hits than your competitors but would any of them appreciate your humor? I do not know.

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