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Does Obama listen to the people?

Earlier this year I was on and there was a poll on it: would you support a healthcare reform bill?

When I voted, it was 50/50, and pulled the poll down. Now, when I search for it in their archives, I can't find any poll like it.

Now when I look on the mission statement of "Our Government" it said "Enact the will of our people"

Wait, so how are they enacting the will of the people if half of the country opposes it? Shouldn't they re poll and wait for a unanimous vote? If I remember, Obama promises that he would poll the nation on the White House website for 2 weeks and then would sign the bill. Was he lying? What a surprise!

Here's the split vote:


Billy Blaze, if Republicans were such a minority Healthcare wouldn't have had such a close vote

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    No, Barack Obama does not listen to people, as Barack Obama is a mere puppet for the banking elite that controls this country. As extreme as it may sound, this is the truth.

    Also, if we did things by way of the Constitution, we wouldn't have the health care bill. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote, and an executive order does not take precedence over the law. That is just complete nonsense.

  • 1 decade ago

    Despite the fact this will only illustrate how jaded I am about the entire institution, I will say that all politicians give a rat's a** what their constituents think.

    Prime example: politicians who seem to fight for principles, such as Stupak, are easily bought off by the promise of payoffs (in the form of earmarks) and like a hooker desperate for crack, dumps their convictions for the payday.

    It doesn't matter who won the election... and regardless of what idiotic liberal, tree hugging hippies think, there are logical origins for the arguments against the current administration's policies. It is asinine and juvenile to convince yourself that the dissent merely stems from being butt-hurt because the 'republicans' lost the election. Anyone who thinks that really has no rebuttal for the cold hard statistics, common sense, rules of economics, history, and fact which face them. There are morons on both sides. Unfortunately, the empty headed meat puppets seem to gather in defense of the a** hat sitting in the white house now.

    This a** hat doesn't care about the American people or their opinions. If he did, he'd go back to school, learn about economics, read a bit about history and failures of other countries who instilled the policies he has foisted upon our country (or even look at what happened in Massachusetts), stop apologizing for being American, and try to appoint SOMEONE who isn't a liar, a thief, or a cheat.

  • 1 decade ago

    No President or Government does and local area connections go down quite often and page cannot be displayed pages come up. I think it is like the privatization of Californian power grids and the blackouts. Before there was no problem.

    In addition I want to say if anyone did they would send Green Peace around globe to save money from wars.

    Then put together a film celebrating peace, environmentalism, atheism, Remembrance Day and all the like plus spending money on communities and government run internet.

    Also computers to run for Congress and for President. Resolves complaints perhaps said to be very intelligent better than human government.

    Source(s): Last Days of Earth, own. Stupid White Men .book
  • 1 decade ago

    I think he listens. He came into office saying health care reform was one of his objectives, the majority voted him in and now he has fought for what he campaigned for. Over the years both parties, even Republicans, have worked to make changes to the healthcare system. But when one party is not in power they will fight something just to make the other party fail and look bad. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. The healthcare bill does many good things (attempts to constrain costs, promotes different approaches to healthcare like "paying for results" instead of "paying for service", you can't be dropped because you get sick - which many health insurance companies do!). Even the republicans want some of these things. We have to have change to make progress....let's give this a chance.

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  • inmon
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Now if it have been an clever conservative like the late bill Buckley or David Brudnoy, i could agree, yet why could Obama be a customer while O'Reilly usually cuts off his 'travelers', yells for them to 'close up' while they disagree with him, and so on.? there is not any element for Obama to have interaction with this eejit. Edit: wager Who - i'm a leftist, and that i've got watched O'Reilly on occasion and that's precisely what he does.

  • 1 decade ago

    Which people? You? No, he doesn't listen to you. Nor should he start. It's pointless trying to win the favor of people who will hate you no matter what you do.

    Republicans demand unanimity when they're in the minority. When they're in the majority, they couldn't care LESS what the minority wants. That's why it's time to stop ignoring Republican whining and complaining - because it's complete hypocrisy. Dealing with modern Republicans is pointless.

    Edit: Pass = pass. The fact that not a SINGLE Republican would vote for a bill that was FILLED with Republican ideas says more about them than it does about the bill. Except I don't believe that you know what's in the health insurance reform law, do you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama thinks that "the people" are beneath him, except for those he has been able to deceive and brainwash with his lies and crappola, and turn into his Obamaites.

    I submit that Obama's motives for his health care scheme are less than honorable, and in accordance with his agenda to bring about complete and total government control (which is Communism).

    Any person with sense or a degree of awareness at all can see what that scoundrel is up to. I maintain that he is basically a Trojan horse in the White House, whose lack of eligibity to be President was swept under the rug, with people being ridiculed if they bring it up.

    This country deserves the hell of Obama if people don't awaken, and allow the liberals and their savior to take over.

  • 1 decade ago

    why are you so butthurt you guys lost the election? your acting like children. its amazing. you realize this type of "reporting" distances the moderate republicans? you guys dont even understand what ******* communism and socialism actually is. by your definition, school, roads, parks, and even beaches are already socialized. you guys just spew whatever comes to mind it unbelievable. im even pro gun, and would never associate myselfs with you nutjobs. im not stupid and believe what some jerkoff says who only exists based on shock value. its not communism, its ******* democracy. its how it works, and guess what, it already ******* worked on a much larger scale (the depression and the ccc) the people who are opposed are only oppesed becuase faux news told them to be. their to dumb to think for themselves. rupert murdoch is playing you idiots so hard. he even probly voted for obama so your ratings would go up. and the last guy you put into office? he was one of the worst presidents in our history. that fact is based off statistics. bush even tripled the size of the federal government. way to go guys. obama has also enacted one of the biggest tax cuts in american history.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the White house is not STUPID enough to gauge what 300 MILLION people want by a poll of 1000. Only an idiot would do offense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the real question is does the govt listen to the people? in my opinion current govt needs to be thrown from a cliff/overthrown

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