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Lizzy P asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

help with processed foods?

what foods are and aren't processed?

1 Answer

  • Summer
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Any foods that have refined sugars in them, or white flour are processed. The only foods that you can be sure are not processed and do not have any chemicals added to them are organic foods which you buy in their raw form such as meat, fresh fish, eggs, fruit and veg, lentils, beans, nuts. Wholemeal bread is the best form of bread to go for. Most foods from take outs are processed as are all ready meals and junk foods, and things with added sugars. Sodas have lots of added chemicals too. Anything that you buy in a package is processed really. The only way to really avoid processed food is to cook everything from fresh raw ingredients.

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