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What is the oldest religion.?

From the archives of this world and hidden by time for thousands of years which can now be classified to be one of the worlds oldest religion that has been verified by scientific analysis to have existed once upon a time. Can you name one or all.


Looks like my relatives are pretty close on this one.

Update 2:

theo the cod BTFH mentions the Khoi & San people from South Africa is interesting as they might be related to the Australian Aboriginals who would have migrated into the wide world at that period of time.

Update 3:

morpore also has made reference to the Neanderthal religious burials at Shandihar is another good answer.

Update 4:

The Dravidian civilization from the Indus Valley Harappa artifacts recorded date 2,500 BC enlightens the prospect for spiritual connection to Gods is seen as the bench mark for modern religions.

Update 5:

Animism and Magic superstition has existed among all primitive homosapiens and Neanderthals from their evidence left in rock and cave shelters inscribed by their artwork. 50,000 to 150,000 plus.

Update 6:

The oldest written evidence inscribed on baked clay tablets from Nippur in South Mesopotamia from about 1600 BC about the great flood. The Epic of Gilgamesh when the flood formed the Black Sea.

Update 7:

The Australian Aboriginals are the oldest and continues race of people on this planet that lives by and abide by Dream-Time mythology and Law. The oldest rock religious art is about 70,000 years old

25 Answers

  • Karl P
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well there is evidence the Aborigines worshiped a form of God over 60,000 years ago.

  • There were gods before there were people here. I believe the Sumerians were the first in recorded history. The gods were directly involved with the people at this time. The people worshiped them in temples erected for a particular god who ruled over his domain. When the gods would get into sibling rivalry, the people would go to war for them.

    There was no religion at this time. It was only after all the gods left this earth or died out, that religion was established.

    It is my understanding that the Gnostics were the first to elicit spiritual awareness and knowledge of One God above. It is difficult to really know the origin of religion, since the very word was not even a concept back then.

    Peace and Blessings

  • 1 decade ago

    Up until very recently, like just this year (2006), Hinduism was held to be the world's oldest religion, at least the oldest that is still in practice today. Hindu religious texts, the Vedas, are the oldest known written works on Earth and are seen by some scholars and theologians to be the basis for all contemporary religions. The estimates on just how old range anywhere from 5000 to 20,000 years old.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Probably the animism of the Khoi and San peoples of South West Africa. They still use symbols that are seen on rock drawings that are 60,000 to 70,000 years old. Also these people are genetically closest to the original human stock.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are Neanderthal burials showing evidence of religious ritual (at Shandihar, among others).

    This means 'religion' was around before modern humans.

    The earliest religions were probably practised by proto-hominids - maybe they were even developed by monkeys.

    But we evolved past that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, atheism, ancestor worship and worshiping one over-weight goddess figure or another are probably the big three. Polytheism comes with a little more complexity, and the big four current religions wouldn't come around for another 180,000 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    Still practiced today, Hindus and the Parsi/Zoroastrians both have a claim to being the oldest religion still in existence.

    Oldest ever was probably an animist pagan religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    the truth is that nobody knows,

    logically, since the mesopotamians are the first human civilization they had the first religion.

    what it is interesting, is that the place described in the Bible as Garden of Eden, is close if not in, Mesopotamia.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dreamtime Creation Mythology.

    More than 40 thousand years of the same Creation Myths and songlines.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    It's funny how people are saying Christianity, do you people not realize we know when Christ was born, assuming he actually existed? Weren't a lot of Christians before Christ, which you could probably figure out if you thought about it for a bit.

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