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If terrorism is defined as the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation?

of the criminal laws of the United States for purposes of intimidation, coercion, or ransom, are Americans who throw rocks through the window of a Congressman who voted for healthcare reform terrorists?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes...I would tend to agree with Centurion Tim C., I mean...I throw rocks through peoples windows all the time, you send a little message. I'm not necessarily trying to intimidate or coerce them...I'm just saying, "Hey, I disagree or have some issues with your (race/religion/political ideology/choice of window treatments)" and can't adequately articulate my concerns...I'm not trying to "terrorize" anyone. But people take things the wrong way sometimes so my solution is to write on each rock I throw the following disclaimer:

    "Please be advised that this rock in no way represents or symbolizes anything other than my disagreement and/or personal issues with your _____________________ (whatever it is...position on healthcare/ugly drapes). Specifically this rock does not imply that further damage to your personal property or injury to yourself or your family is imminent or planned. Thank you for considering my position. Anonymous"

    I think this covers all the bases.

    I also hate roman centurion caricatures, if I knew where Tim C. lived I would probably break a window in his house about that or maybe set his car on fire...but, it doesn't mean he should be scared. This isn't Nazi Cuba!!!

    EDIT: See, this is exactly what I'm talking about, everyone gets all emotional when you threaten to throw a rock in their window...I don't get it! I actually agree! I doubt they will be "tried for terrorism"...but the questioner really asks if they fit the definition of a "terrorist". Maybe post your home address and I'll just mail you my rock. I still don't like the Romans.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I don't think they would go that far as to charge someone for terrorism for throwing a rock through a window, regardless for the reasons, and regardless whose window it is. This is not Stalinist Russia.


    You couldn't throw a rock high enough to hit my window.

    Second of all, we will just see who is right and who is wrong. Ill make sure to monitor the news and send you a link when these people are NOT tried as terrorists. Clearly you have the common sense of a hillbilly, so go back to your trailer park.

  • 1 decade ago

    in theory and if being consistent (rare for any government)then the answer would be yes but the fact is it is really only terrorism, or vandalism etc depending on the mood of the moron making todays rules as they go along!

  • Yes but only when it's not the US government doing it.

    They(the federal gov.) have used it many, many times and change the definition so as to suit their needs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    yes. Anytime you attack an institution of the USA or even a representative of the USA like a congress person or senator you are in MY opinion a terrorist. We handle our differences at the POLLS.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if there muslim, then yes

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