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If there is a fire. Can I put important documents in my oven and have them survive the fire?

5 Answers

  • rowlfe
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not really. The thing is, all that will do is delay the heat entry. In the same manner as a freezer will delay the heat as long as it is working. I do not have to have the actual fire touch things to start them burning. All I need is a heat source hot enough and fire will start itself. A frying pan with oil on a hot stove will burst into flame if it gets hot enough long enough. So, all that happens when you put paper into the insulated box of an oven is delay the fire, not stop the fire, from getting to the things inside the oven.

  • 1 decade ago

    From my understanding, it will depend on your oven and how severe the fire is. Since ovens are designed mainly to keep heat in, if the outside burns/melts away, then the fire will have access to whatever is inside the oven. If the fire is extinguished before it has sufficient time to heat the air inside the oven or heat the oven itself to a high enough temperature, then any documents inside should survive.

    So basically, if there was a fire in the kitchen and you are out of the house, by the time any fire fighters extinguish the fire, your documents will probably be gone.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. the heat in the room would quickly exceed any temperature your oven has ever seen, causing the documents to reach their flash point and ignite.

    Go on Youtube and search "Flashover." Most people have no idea how fast a house fire can grow from small to deadly. If you see a fire, get out. Please. I know your question may have been tongue in cheek, however I have seen too many deaths in fires to joke anymore.

    Source(s): Fire Investigator
  • 1 decade ago

    No? the oven would explode if there was a fire and the fire caught on-to the oven..

    I think yer trolling >__>

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  • 1 decade ago

    are you planning on starting a fire? i find this a very odd question you have asked. if there is a fire get out quick time!!!! with your documents in your hand!

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