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How do you tell a 2 year old his grandpa has passed at his level of understanding?

This grandpa was very attached to his grandson, picked him up every week and took him to the park, played with him in the backyard. He was very close to his grandpa. He was named after his grandpa and was his first grandson. When he passed the next day his grandson was looking for grandpa and they have not told him anything yet.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Someone should tell this child the truth.Depending on the child's level of understanding and the families beliefs.What eve the child's Imagination trumps up will be worse than the truth.Explain about death to the child.let him know it is a natural part of the human experience just like birth then depending on family beliefs let the little fellow know that Grandpa hasn't been avoiding him due to anger or whatever kid might be thinking while in the dark about this death.Tell the child that grandpa is at Peace now he isn't sick or hurting anymore & that he is with the lord or is still living with other people who have passed that he knows in the spirit realm or paradise and grandpa still loves him and will see him and all other people he has loved and lost to death when it is his time to cross over and visit his loved ones who are in spirit now and very happy.They still love him ETC.This depends on what you believe.It is worse to let this poor child not know what happened to his Grandpa and maybe feel guilty and feel he has done something wrong to make grandpa go away and not want to see him again.After you talk to the child ask if he would like to see grandpa's body at rest before the funeral so he can have a chance to express his feelings to grandpa and grieve properly so he can move on.Explain that the body is just where we live while here on earth and when the time comes we pass on to the next life leaving the body that we no longer need behind.Maybe even getting a new body a better one that don't get sick or ever hurt again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take your son in your arms give him a big hug, then set him on your lap, let him know that grandpa won't be coming back any more that he went to heaven but even though he isn't here with you, he is and always will be in your heart and mind forever (then point to his heart and mind by touching those areas0 this will give him a sense of security, then sometimes when he is feeling down about his grandpa teach him how to cross his arms across his chest and give a big squeeze or hug, this will help him through the loss, also give him as much support and hugs and love that he needs, he will start coming out of in time, teach him to broaden his mind with other things to help take his mid off of his pain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You don't. Just don't bring grandpa up anymore. It is harsh, but act like he didn't exist around the kid and he will forget about him. Two year olds won't remember a whole lot from that age.

    Source(s): I have dealt with many young children and have many young brothers and sisters.
  • ayyad
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    attempt to maintain your factors very, extremely hassle-free and don't connect his dying to something that she would be able to in my view relate to as slightly baby. do no longer tell her he "went to sleep" considering'll make her petrified of going to mattress. do no longer tell her he "have been given incredibly unwell" because of the fact returned, in case you announce you sense unwell, she would be able to worry which you will bypass away her, too. supply her an elementary clarification, that his physique wasn't waiting to maintain working anymore, and that he's lifeless. clarify that being lifeless skill somebody is long gone, and we gained't talk with them or see them anymore. That makes us all sense unhappy, yet additionally it incredibly is not something to be petrified of because of the fact it would not take place each and every of the time. in case you're a guy or woman of religion, you're able to additionally point out your ideals -- which you think of you would be jointly in heaven, or what's particular on your faith. My little ones have been older while my grandmother died. They have been 5 and seven.5 years previous. they have thoughts of her, of while she became unwell with maximum cancers, and her funeral. They have been unhappy, yet to no longer the comparable depths that i became, or my mom. the single element that struck me later became that considering we observed her fairly frequently for the time of her ailment, and likewise we went to be certain her close to the tip, understanding complete nicely it may be the final time we observed her alive, they had an incredible experience of her passing no longer being a frightening element. They asked my mom if their Mimi's ghost became interior the mattress room the place she died, and have been extraordinarily disenchanted while she reported no -- they actually wanted to have self assurance that an factor of her became nevertheless there, and that they've been hoping for a delightful form of parent angel of a ghost. childrens in basic terms have a a lot diverse attitude than adults, so don't be shocked if it finally ends up that your daughter is the single comforting you rather of any incorrect way around. And, i'm sorry on your loss, which i understand you're already feeling.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you guys should tell him grandpa not coming back his in better place and you guys should go do the things with him that his grandpa did for about a month and he wont think about it

  • 1 decade ago

    He's gone fishing, with god in heaven,and will be waiting for you and will hold the boat for you, till the time comes to pass, when you get to be older then his age.

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