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Anonymous asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

To the time travelers: I think it's about time I asked a question about time and the spiritual meaning of time?

This question is for those who are spending time, wasting time or doing time..passing time, killing time or out of time..gaining time, losing time or stuck in time.. right on time, ahead of your time or whose time has not yet come...for those for whom it's the end of time or the end times or the sign of the times...whether it's the worst of times or the best of times, the right time, wrong time, first time, last time, high time, daytime, nighttime, or that time of the month...whether time flies or time marches on or time stands still...whether you have too much time half the time, or not enough time all of the time...whether the time is at hand for the hundreth time in your lifetime or you're having the time of your life and there's no time like the present time...whether you know that time after time, time will tell that it's times like these that we need to take the time to turn idle time into quality time...

Throughout many spiritual teachings and religious mythologies the theme of time is repeatedly mentioned...what is the significance of this and what do you know of the nature of time?

I've heard it said that if we understand this aspect of reality we will realize our freedom from it and our freedom within this true? Does this have anything to do with the wheel of karma or the cycles of re-incarnation or realizing our immortality?

I've heard it said that events are objects in time and our life-history is the form our body takes on within the dimension of Time...a singular event that spans an entire lifetime...and just as our physical body as an object is composed of smaller and smaller physical objects,i.e., organs, cells, molecules and atoms, so is our body as an event-in-time composed of smaller and smaller events and at the same time is part of larger and larger events/ this true and is this what is meant by the phrases 'you are actions-within-actions in action' and 'all time is now'?

How can I shift my perspective and come to know myself in time? And is it possible to be in time and out of time at the same time, like the pilgrims who've seemingly learned to transcend? And if I transcend time enough times, will I live longer in time? Is this the secret to the fountain of youth?

And for the last time; is time like a river which we can let flow past us and/or let carry us? And if yes to either/or, then is it possible to move faster than the speed of time? Or move upstream or downstream ? Or branch off and travel alternate streams/histories...?

I wonder...


21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sir you have described so many 'times' in your question, but unfortunately one 'time' is left, which is the master time of all 'times', this 'time' makes every time successful. and which is most welcomed by Lord God, at the time of our appearance in true court.

    कुदरति करि कै वसिआ सोइ ॥

    He created the Creative Power of the Universe, within which He dwells.

    वखतु वीचारे सु बंदा होइ ॥

    One who reflects upon his allotted span of life, becomes the slave of God.

    {{{Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Siree Raag 84}}}

    वेला वखत सभि सुहाइआ ॥

    That time, that moment is totally beautiful,

    जितु सचा मेरे मनि भाइआ ॥

    when the True One becomes pleasing to my mind.

    सचे सेविऐ सचु वडिआई गुर किरपा ते सचु पावणिआ ॥२॥

    Serving the True One, true greatness is obtained. By Guru's Grace, the True One is obtained. ||2||

    {{{Guru Amar Daas Ji, Raag Maajh 115}}}

    सभे वखत सभे करि वेला ॥

    Always, at every moment,

    खालकु यादि दिलै महि मउला ॥

    remember God, the Creator within your heart.

    तसबी यादि करहु दस मरदनु सुंनति सीलु बंधानि बरा ॥७॥

    Let your meditation beads be the subjugation of the ten senses. Let good conduct and self-restraint be your circumcision. ||7|| {{{Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Raag Maaroo 1084}}}

    Source(s): Guru Granth Sahib and meditation on name of Lord God.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    With regard to ‘time’ I have cut and pasted something from my own book, I hope it helps in answering; at least in part, your question on ‘time’ as it demonstrates ‘physical’ and ‘spiritual body’ in contact with each at the same moment in time, and yet separated in time.

    ‘However, a word of warning is needed here. While experience has shown me ‘astral doorways’ do exist, I would point out that in Druidry, (See 27th annotation) the ancient ‘Trilithons’ of Stonehenge, ‘sacred groves’ and the like, while they and any such doorway can give access to previously hidden realms and altered states of consciousness, also have the potential of being extremely dangerous. Because when carried out correctly, one is normally aware of the physical body and at the same time is in and fully aware of the spirit (astral) body being outside of the physical yet in complete touch with both at the same moment in time. In this position, the inner spirit, ‘at times,’ can be confronted with what appears at first glance to be a negative situation and if one cannot handle it, trouble is clearly on the horizon. Indeed, I have met several people who have ‘consciously’ tried astral projection but have never been able to pass the initial ‘exhilaration phase,’ (for those who have experienced this you will know what I mean.) Fear of the unknown has gripped the mind and has put a stop to the next phase. Further, should the two bodies ie, the astral and the physical suddenly impact and ‘jolt’ during astral travel, it is a sure sign of an imbalance within, unless the ‘jolt’ had been caused by the presence of another person nearby, or a rough landing, as it were.

    My advice is simple, forget it! Astral doorways can be dangerous and are quite unnecessary, because if one is not properly centred and mentally equipped when travelling through such doorways, it can and will cause a great deal of psychological damage. I feel very strongly here those who advocate such methods (and there are many) would do well to demonstrate some measure of responsibility instead of making astral travel sound like some wonderful thing at the bottom of a garden! Since astral travel can have its dangers, clearly it is not a game! Therefore, I would not recommended astral travel and certainly not to the timid. On the outside, the house looked so sweet and delicious, but once through the door the suffering began. Hanzel and Grethal were lucky, they escaped unharmed. Oh how sweet and mysterious ‘astral doorways’ appear!

  • 1 decade ago

    The aggregate creative forces who made this universe were trying to form something that resembled eternity, no begininning no end. Being begotten themselves, this is what they came up with helped by Chronos. The myth is perplexing but the result gives credence to Plato's demiurgos in Timaeus. So the nature of time which seems like forever is but a reflection of the real thing and all the actions within actions have beginnings and ends here.

    I have heard that memory is the enemy of divine inspiration. Memory implies time so to shift your perspective and live longer one would have to bring all thoughts to a focus of the present moment.

    Not swaying from this focus requires much practice and if successful you might live to be two hundred and nine. And you might find in so doing that you do flow freely in any direction exhibiting an Eye of the Sibyl as written of by Philip K. Dick. Bottom line is your present condition of purity.

    The more freed from matter the more easily you can fly.

    Strange how you write bootzy. Perhaps you can help me with a dream I had two nights ago. Someone was speaking to me and said a word that sounded like trei and told me it means life without sunset. That is all I remember.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    man hit it and pass...thanks dude (hits)...OK...i think time is just an unproven theory made up to explain why everything just doesn't happen all at once.

    Though time wears this linear mask i sense that time has many faces and only a Truly naked soul can even come close to a fleeting glimpse of the expanse as a whole that which we just call Time. To me time is more than a quantity of something...more than a measurement...Time reaches out to me and welcomes back an old friend...

    wow, i've been reading your questions and seth and yodas' remarks..(for some time now)...i'm glad there are some minds out there that are that brilliant to just be able to articulate thought processes this way. Everytime i read this page i feel like i'm rolling a handful of hundred sided dice and another facet faces up. yea...i;m blown away lol

    Source(s): jeff ! the language! (smacks jeffs hand with ruler and grabs a bar of soap)
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  • 1 decade ago

    Is there time for time out. The infinite time within the wheel of life having birth life and death inspire enlightenment. For the eternal karmie one must pass on to the nearly born the magic time line contained with the spiritual wisdom from the dieing mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    Time is a relative dimension laid over our existence to control, manage, and predict the movement of bodies whether they be human, human created, or of the cosmos. Time as we know it is only a few hundred years old and it wasn’t until the late 1700s that clocks themselves were even readily available. To me time means next to nothing spiritually. I am a space traveler :)

    Source(s): research the schumann frequency and its relationship to our perception of time. the rabbit hole of time digs deep
  • 1 decade ago

    Time is always trying to be measured, time is the key to mans eternal thoughts-it plagues man. But time is also everything to mankind as well. From the beginning we are born into this world fighting for time. In the end we are fighting for every bit of time we can get as well.

  • Jason
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Time is an attribute of a changing universe. If nothing changes in the universe then time ceases to exist.

    As far as your "spiritual" questions are concerned, they are beyond the scope of psychology and I would suggest the "Religion & Spirituality" category of Yahoo answers.

  • 1 decade ago

    The more clarifications of time has given by learned questioner. In my view for good act of work one should do at once without waiting of time. For bad activity it is good if some one postpones it on time as defined by questioner.According to my view without waiting time one should do immediately as stated. For bad work the post pond on time is always good.

    Greeting to the questioner for excellent question asked.

  • 1 decade ago

    Time, interval between two events, is a mental construct, quieten the mind, time is off! Then, things/events/people exist eternally right here and now, making memory redundant.

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