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You don’t eat if you don’t work.” Do you agree with the eminent scholar Emmanuel ben Yosef?

“You don’t eat if you don’t work.” [paraphrased]

Many years ago the noted Jewish scholar, Emmanuel ben Yosef [It’s his real name, but few know him that way.] stated that the able-bodied who wanted to eat should work. Do you agree or disagree with him?

You may rant all you wish on either side of the question, but you need to back up your rant with something other than your opinion.

You need to cite some religious or scholarly source at least as famous as mine. Failure to do so will doom your answer to the scrap-heap of ordinary answers.

Before I pick a winner, I will reveal his famous name and the source of my ‘quotation’. So, if you don’t know to whom I am referring, you may want to put this question on your watch list.

For those who do know him, please don’t spoil fun by revealing too much.



4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah your hidden name isn't so hidden. Most that answer will know who your talking about but to those that don't, eh...I won't give it away any more than the first person did.

    Anyway, yes, I agree. So much for Him being a socialist. That is the way it has been since the beginning and should be that way today. I am tired of working for others to eat.

  • 1 decade ago

    "God with us" son of Joseph didn't actually say that, but it was the Christian custom of the time. It's found in the new testament, the Didache, and numerous teachings of the Church Fathers.

    2Th 3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

    Teaching on acceptance of fellow Christians:

    "But if he wants to stay with you, and is an artisan, let him work and eat. But if he has no trade, according to your understanding, see to it that, as a Christian, he shall not live with you idle. But if he wills not to do, he is a Christ-monger. Watch that you keep away from such". - Didache 12

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Quote: "You need to cite some religious or scholarly source at least as famous as mine."

    I'm an atheist, as such I don't believe fame equals credibility so I'm ignoring that part.

    Anyway I think the answer to that question depends on what your definition of "work" is. Some people get paid to sit at a desk all day and literally do nothing, and some people who are technically unemployed work their butts off all day on independent projects such as artwork, writing a novel, or making software.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I thought his name was Yeshua ben Yosef or something like that?

    Source(s): So confusing.
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