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Survey for bisexual men and women (questions inside)?

I have a human sexuality class and we were assigned to do a survey about LGBT individuals. I chose to do about bisexuality since it is usually overlooked by many. I would appreciate it if any bisexual can answer the questions, I need at least 15 participants and I thought y/a was the proper venue for this. I can't exactly go up to people in the street and ask if they are bisexual. LOL.

1) Did you realize or became aware of your bisexuality early in life or later? For example, did you identify as straight before until you reach 18 or 19 years of age when you realized your same-sex attractions.

2) Was it difficult to accept your sexuality?

3) Can you tell if someone else is also bisexual or is it impossible to know?

4) Are you out as bisexual?

5) Are you more attracted to men or women? Also, do your types change regarding the sexes of your partner? For example, if a bisexual man likes tall women but he likes short men.

6) Do you find yourself one day attracted to one sex more than the other or completely attracted to only one sex depending on your mood?

7) Do you see yourself marrying the opposite sex just to have a 'traditional' family?

8) Do you feel isolated by the gay community as well by the straights?

9) Do you believe bisexuality is more prevalent than it is led on?

10) Are you a feminine or masculine individual? For example, if you are a bisexual woman do you dress according to gender standards or go more "butch" or androgynous.

Thanks for your answers and I hope I don't offend anybody. If any of the questions do please tell me why, I'll appreciate any constructive criticism.

8 Answers

  • ~Alex~
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Did you realize or became aware of your bisexuality early in life or later? I realized that I was attracted to other females when I was about 14. Yes I thought that I was straight before then

    2) Was it difficult to accept your sexuality? Yes it was, I tried to stop the thoughts, I tried to hide it. For a long time I didn't let my self feel because I was afraid of my own feelings. Then I realized, this is who I am, I can't hide.

    3) Can you tell if someone else is also bisexual or is it impossible to know? You can sometimes tell, I mean you get the looks, you catch them checking you out. But nothing is ever certain.

    4) Are you out as bisexual? Yes I am out.

    5) Are you more attracted to men or women? Also, do your types change regarding the sexes of your partner? I think it is pretty even, maybe a little towards men but not much. Yes my types change, I like men tall and strong, and women short/small.

    6) Do you find yourself one day attracted to one sex more than the other or completely attracted to only one sex depending on your mood? It can vary with mood, whether I want to be the dominant one or not.

    7) Do you see yourself marrying the opposite sex just to have a 'traditional' family? No I was not raised in a traditional family nor do I want one

    8) Do you feel isolated by the gay community as well by the straights? Not reallt

    9) Do you believe bisexuality is more prevalent than it is led on? Probably

    10) Are you a feminine or masculine individual? Feminine.

    Source(s): If you have any more questions please feel free to contact me through my profile.
  • 1 decade ago

    1) I knew I had same-sex attraction for some time, but I was still attracted to women so I never really tried to reconcile the two until I was maybe 19.

    2)I guess, but mostly because of outside pressures and expectations rather than an internal conflict

    3)Impossible to know

    4) Nope.

    5)Difficult to answer as I have little experience with women, and no experience with men. I'm probably more sexually attracted to men, but I have more romantic notions with women. I like women who are feminine(but not girly girls) and I like men who are masculine.

    6)Depends on the mood, and the person. Some days I feel nothing for either sex.

    7)If I marry, it will not be traditional. If I marry a woman, I would prefer one who is okay with bisexuality. Maybe a bisexual herself.

    8)Yes. There are negative stereotypes about bi men. I am not confused, and I don't sleep around.

    9) Yes, I think some gay people pigeon-hole themselves in the same way some straight people do. If you are genuinely attracted to both sexes you're bi! That's it. Doesn't mean you don't have a preference, and it doesn't mean you're gay and in denial.

    10)Masculine guy.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) I figured it out when I was 16

    2) No, I always knew I was different

    3) I can sometimes tell...

    4) Yes

    5) I'm more sexually attracted to women, but more emotionally attracted to men. No my types are pretty much the same for both sexes.

    6) Yes, sometimes


    8) Not really...

    9) Hmmm...yes i do

    10) I am a more masculine girl...but i don't dress like butch, i just get along better with straight guys and my personality's more guyish

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. I was 13 now 14

    2. Yea I didn't like it for a while but now I know i'm bi. Wish I was normal.

    3. I can't some people probably can.

    4. NO

    5. Never had a partner but its probably 50-50

    6. Yea

    7. Yea right now I don't wanna marry a guy but my view might change as I get older.

    8. Not really since no one knows i'm bi so idk.

    9. Don't know what that means and I don't think about the nature of bisexuality that much just the guys and girls.

    10. I'm a guy, I dress like a regular guy. Don't act that manly but definitely not girly.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) I realized my sexual orientation fairly early on. I was 15 years old.

    2) Not really, at least not compared to some of the horror stories I've heard.

    3) Impossible to know.

    4) Yes.

    5) More attracted to men, but I prefer androgyny in both sexes.

    6) Nope.

    7) No.

    8) No.

    9) No.

    10) Feminine.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) I realized i was bisexual wen i was 13.

    2) It was confusing at first but then i realized this is just me.

    3) I don't think it's impossible but it's difficult, unless you go to a club for bisexual people.

    4) I am yes.

    5) I think i'm maybe more attracted to girls, as for types big, muscly, tall dudes and short, Innocent lookin chicks usually blonds like me.

    6) for me it's about the same but sometimes you want one or the other.

    7) well no, if i find a dude i love enough to marry then yeah, but not just to have a normal family.

    8) No i have many gay friends and many straight friends.

    9) i'm not sure wat that means.

    10) Oh i'm very feminine, i'm a total girly girl dresses skirts tank tops i love to look my best, but sometimes i dress more butch, you know baggy hoodies, baggy jeans that kinda stuff.

    hope i helped.

    lots of love from the small one.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) i realized something different around 19 so i guess later in life

    2( i am 23 and still haven't accepted it

    3) not always. 99% of people who meet me in person don't know i am, including my husband

    4( yes and no. yes, i'm out on the computer where ppl don't know me. in person, no i'm not out

    5) hmm, tough one. i am married to a man to make my baba happy but i desire a woman. i want both.

    i like egyptian and mexican men and woman only. my husband is egyptian. i prefer also egyptian woman but i would b with a chica too.

    6( yes this whole day i've been wanting to be with a woman. and my husband comes in a few hours

    7) no

    8( i feel isolated for my own good. it's against my baba and religion, both in which i love. i am struggling.

    9) oh yea. i know i am not the only one who refuses to come out

    10( i am woman, i dress like a woman and love too see another woman dress sexy too...heels, perfume, long black curly hair...oh wee

    Source(s): your welcome
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A turn off to me. Can't say that for all guys, but in such cases. To me. It's just excessive. Just uncalled for and extreme! Now. If a girl is fit and healthy. That's just nice. I just hope gals don't become health nuts to fit some ideal!

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