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If the Tea-Party people actually want to be taken seriously...?

...shouldn't they have the class and discipline to police their rallies and discourage those folks who carry racist and inflammatory signs from giving the entire movement such bad press?


To those who think MSNBC made the whole thing up, your in denial:

If the Huffington Post is too leftie to take seriously, below is a link to an article on the Fox website. An excerpt:

Going further, swastikas, as well as pictures of Obama's face next to Adolf Hitler's, have appeared on signs at dozens of rallies blasting the president and the Democrat-controlled Congress ....

Joan Fabiano, an organizer with Grassroots in Michigan, a Tea Party group based in Lansing, Mich, [said] "If there's any sort of hateful and racist signs, that is something the Tea Party in general would disavow," she said.

So, Fox and some serious Tea Party people agree with me. Now, can you all try to answer this serious question seriously? Some of us have real issues that we care about. These racist signs need to go.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I understand your frustration. The reason why is evident from some of the responses to your reasonable question. Imagine being so blinded by partisan propaganda that some of these people deny that such signs and incidents as those you refer to never even happened? If Fox News even admits that these things have happened, those who deny it are just kidding themselves. For this reason, I have grave doubts that the Tea Party movement can ever become anything but a pathetic punch-line for the cable comics and liberal media commentators.

    I think the major reason that so many lacking any intellect flock to the Tea Party is because such mindless propagandists as Beck and Palin are their main proponents. Until they find a leader or two that are reasonable, and not ditto-head ideologues, they have about as much of a chance of making a real difference as does the KKK.

  • 1 decade ago

    I completely agree. The issue, for me, has nothing to do with a black man in the White House. There are many serious issues at stake. When people go over the top and carry signs comparing our democratically elected president to Hitler, it draws the attention away from he real issues: too much taxation, too much government, etc.. I think that people at the rally who really care about these issues should tell the people carrying these signs to put them away and come up with a sign about the real issues. If they want to act like the KKK, they should put on a sheet and congregate with like-minded racists. The Tea Party is not for that kind of thing. Quite making the rest of us look like Nazis.

  • 4 years ago

    With all due appreciate, the only those who've made them into Fox information, Republican lobbyists and any cutting-edge politicians are gullible, sheeplike followers of the novel left. the first man or woman to inquire from me to a tea social gathering replaced into my black neighbor in the course of the line, whose spouse ran for workplace as a Democrat. The tea social gathering flow is grassroots, no longer beholden to anybody.

  • Ingrid
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They would like to but won't be because of the array of People they attract. And it is not the cream of the crop. Their signs tell all.

    Just look at their forum of speakers. Mensa members they will never be.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Again we hear more lies from the Left. There are no racist signs. As for "inflammatory", if I told you to pay your own way through life you would probably find that inflammatory.

    Don't forget, anyone can go to these things, there's no membership list. Obviously we can expect agitprop operatives to infiltrate and do things designed to tarnish the reputation of the grandmothers and soccer moms who attend.

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    that racist sign as you call it is the truth and I'm very serious. the tea party people for the most part are true patriots and hate what Obama is doing to this country. if you can't see that then you are not serious or you are blind. they do not carry signs like that, though I think they should, it is the truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Didn't you hear? Leftists have been infiltrating the TEA Parties and holding up these signs in front of the video cameras in an attempt to make the TEA Party look racist. Google :disrupt the TEA Party. They were stupid enough to make their plans public.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hate to break it to you, but they are taken very seriously. They get more press time than Obama himself, and they certainly have the attention of Obama, Pelosi, Reid et al., as there are days that is all they can talk about.

    and on that note, that is all you libs on here seem to be able to talk about too

  • Link to racist signs. Oh wait you have none just parrot what MSNBC told you.

    polly want a cracker.

  • 1 decade ago


    they look and act like such ignorant idiots!!!

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