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Lv 6
JenV asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

What is the most polite way to let her know I will NEVER be interested in making a donation?

For several years, I have been visited regularly by a lady who is a Jehovah's Witness who brings me their publications. I have been polite and allowed it, although I really have no interest in the religion, because I really feel for anyone who believes that their religious relationship has anything to do with going out and spreading the word, and I know it must be hard to do, as so many people have strong opinions about the religion, as it is. However, over the past few months, each time she brings her publications to me, she mentions how they are supported by voluntary donations, and that she would be willing to turn in my donation for me, if I wished for her to. I suspect that this may be "against the rules" for her to even mention, but I certainly don't wish to get her in any trouble for it. She's never directly asked for money, only points this out every single time. But, at the same time, I really don't care one way or the other regarding the publications, I only accept them as a courtesy to her, and I don't ever intend to pay anything for them.


I have tried to let her know, politely, that I am not interested in the religion, and that I have my own beliefs. She is a client of the business I work for, so I am very careful not to say anything that might compromise that business relationship. Actually, her business transactions with our company take place at another location; the former owner thought it would be funny one day to tell her she should come here to meet me, because I would be interested. I do occassionally take an interest and read the literature, but I never intend to pay for it. If it would be better for me to not accept it all, then perhaps that's what I should do.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the lady that is visiting you is probably asking out of habit. It has become part of her routine. It is not "against the rules" as you put it for her to let you make a contribution.

    Our literature is without charge, and the donations collected fund many activities. Funds collected provide food, water, and medical care to disaster victims. They fund Kingdom Hall construction in poor nations, as well as Bibles and literature at no cost. It is not necessary to contribute anything if you don't wish. Most of the funds used for these things come from Jehovah's Witnesses, she is not asking for a handout, only providing a way for you to show appreciation for our worldwide work.

    She thinks you read and enjoy the literature she provides. Many who do, learn of the scope of our activities and want to help.

    If you don't read the literature she is giving you, telling her so would be a kindness. It would also allow funds to go to those who would benefit. Tell her you really don't read the literature and are only trying to be nice. Tell her what you said above.

    If you do read the occasional article then tell her "Thank you, and I already know I can contribute" when you receive the literature and continue receiving at no cost. Our reward is in educating people, all our work is free, from printing to presentation. Please don't feel like you have to pay for our voluntary ministry.

    Additional: FeeVerte we do not tithe you have been misinformed. All our donations are voluntary. We don't pass a plate, or net at our meetings. We put contributions in a locked box bolted to the wall and no one can see what is given.

  • X
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Too scared to simply (and yet politely and respectfully) explain that you have no real interest in the Bible or in our literature and would rather they didn't come back?

    If this woman is coming back, it is because of YOU and your reaction. You haven't given a definitive stand that you have no interest, instead you appear to be leading her on that you DO have interest in the Bible message she's presenting to you.

    No, it is not "against the rules" for her to mention to you that our work is funded solely by voluntary donations. Our literature does go to people at no-cost, however, many do ask us what we charge and so we make them aware that we do accept donations toward our work.

    It's pretty pathetic and sad that you would keep doing this if you admit you have no real interest. You're NOT doing a courtesy to her or to yourself. A more mature person would have ended this some time ago with the polite message to the woman that there is no interest there.

    As one of Jehovah's Witnesses myself, we're not out to waste people's time if they have no interest in the Bible or its message, and we'd certainly appreciate people not wasting our time in feigning an interest they don't have simply because they're too scared to tell us that's the case.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah! Why would anyone follow Jesus direction to go make disciples. (Matt chapter 28)

    She probably assumes that since you have accepted the magazines for years that you enjoy them and might be interested in helping with the cost of making them. She didn't realize that you have no interest.

    If you don't care about the publications quit wasting people's resources and this lady's time by taking them. There are people this lady could be helping to better understand the Bible but she takes time out of her schedule every month to bring you magazines because she cares about you and thinks that you have an interest in knowing more about the Bible. If you don't then let her help them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Either you muster up the humility to tell her that you are no longer interested in reading her magazines. Or put up a "No Religious Of Any Kind" sign so she will not return again. Save her some times to "search" for someone who enjoy reading the articles from the publications. (Matt 10:11) Unless, you feel miss out if she doesn't come back anymore. Honesty is the only solution.

    I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    We also have website if you want to read our materials without having someone to visit you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Soliciting is never considered a polite activity in the first place, so it's not necessary for you to be so worried about your refusal. However, since you have nothing against the lady personally, simply say that you do not make religious donations and believe that members of the congregation should be the sole supporters of their church. I don't see how she could come up with an opposing argument to that, and it's frank, but polite. I also tell the jay-dubs to save their publications as I know I will not be reading them and it would be wasteful.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry Ive Already Donated Via The Website.

    And If There Is None You're Bummed :P

    You Could Also Say A Lady Just Came And I Just Donated to Her. I Think It Was The Same Company.

    And If There Is No Other Lady You're Bummed :P

  • BBG
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would STOP accepting the publications. It's a waste of paper and you're sending her the wrong message.

    The next time she comes just politely tell her that you are not interested and then excuse yourself and close the door.

    If this is someone you have a social relationship with and don't want to just shut the door, I would tell her that your charitable funds are already allocated for the year or that your husband takes care of the donations or that you NEVER donate to religious organizations or that you donate to the church YOU belong to....whatever floats your boat. I'm quite certain she's heard them all. :-)

  • WB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've never had a Jehovah's Witness directly ask me for money. But in your case, you have. To prevent this in the future, you might try asking for a donation to another religion or group. When someone calls me up, asking for a donation, or trying to sell me stuff that I don't need or want; I immediately ask for a donation to a real or made up group. If they try to sell me magazines, I try to sell them an old set of encyclopedias. Hopefully, she will get the message.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses pay 10% of their annual income (called tithing) to the church. They are NOT hurting for money. Their beautiful churches can be found in any city, around the world.

    Also, they CHOOSE to go door to door, they are not forced to. IMHO, they are forcing their religious viewpoints on other people, often interrupting people's lives (we have a home office, and I get mad as a hornet when I have to put a client on hold to answer the door for a JW).

    The next time she visits, tell her to please stop, as you have no intention of joining their church, or donating money. Tell her that you already give to other charities (there are many charities that are more deserving than the JW's... charities for hunger, earthquake victims, children with HIV, cancer research, endangered animal species, etc.).

    If you don't have the heart to confront her, just stop answering the door. You sound like a good person, but you need to be careful... people will take advantage of that quality.

    Peace & Blessings

  • 1 decade ago

    just politeley let her know that you are not interested and that you apologize if it comes out the wrong way but you also would not be interested in making a donation. let her know that you no longer would like to receive the publications and wish her a nice day.

    Source(s): experience. i am a born again christian and time and time again i get watchtower publications from jehova witnesses, i just let them know i am christian and that i am fine and thank you for their time but i really would prefer not to receive any of those publications or make a donation
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