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Andrew W asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Would the BNP stoop so low as to change the words of a war veteran?

See below

Would you vote for a party that is so clearly lying to the British people? Can you trust them on anything after reading this?


The reason that the source is from Searchlight / Hope Not Hate is that the BNP took words from a Hope Not Hate appeal and used them in their own appeal, completely altering the meaning to imply that a completely different soldier - maybe an internet stock photograph, who knows? - supported their cause. I think this is disgusting.

Update 2:

Crow - I never supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and marched along with 2,000,000 others in 2003 against them. I don't support New Labour either.

Update 3:

If you don't believe me, do what the person in the blog did and search for "Bob Head" and "Kenneth Riley" - who is the real veteran, and which is made up nonsense?

Update 5:

New Labour Voter - I agree with you. I think we need a new political party to stand up for ordinary people in this country and not big business. All the main parties, and the far-right are lying.

Update 6:

New Labour Voter - I agree with you. I think we need a new political party to stand up for ordinary people in this country and not big business. All the main parties, and the far-right are lying.

Update 7:

One thing which makes this unlikely is his surname "Head" which is common in Norfolk and Berkshire, but very uncommon in Scotland (he claims to have been with the 51st Highlanders Division). Also, the fact that others have searched on Normandy Veteran websites and found no mention of him, yet there is abundant evidence that Kenneth Riley is genuine and lastly there is the obvious plagiarism. This has to be very suspect.

Update 8:

Rikstir - yes - 2,000,000 - that is the generally accepted figure for the number of people on the anti-war march - February 15th, 2003 in Hyde Park.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is true the BNP are peddling their filth with a man dressed as a solider, who answers no questions and is used as some kind of visual aid as the BNP have problems with coherent sentences. The BNP refuse to answer any questions if the man is actually a solider

    On the day Gordon Brown finally got around to naming the day for the long awaited 2010 General Election, a new video by the BNP leader Nick Griffin is released in which he clearly advocates violence and the use of terrorist methods.

    Nick Griffin, says white people “with a legitimate grievance” have the right “to hurt people, to maim and blow things up”.

    BNP supporters “have a right to take up arms, arguably in fact a duty to take up arms”, using “physical force” against their enemies, he says

    It seems that the leadership of the BNP do not rule out any methods of getting their vile race hate message across, there is a long history of use of bombs within the BNP just two name straight off the top of my head: David Copeland who blew up a gay pub in London and Terrance Gavin who was jailed in January 2010 after the discovery of his bomb factory in his home, both where members of the BNP.

    If people want to vote for terrorism don't blame others for acting in defence.

    BNP claim to be a "peaceful, mainstream" political party. So why did their party official threaten to kill?;_ylt=Av...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am part of a very large family, amongst which are war veterans. My dad's brother was killed in WW2. My dad was in Burma in WW2 for 4 years, in the Chindit's. He was awarded The British Empire Medal by The Queen. They volunteered because they had pride in their country, England. If people like my dad and many other war veterans did not go to war then, you would not be enjoying the life you have now in England. My dad vote's BNP thankyou very much and he has earnt that right. BNP represent best what my dad believes and so do I.

  • Quite. And we won't find out if 'Bob Head', the BNP's 'Normandy veteran' really exists till the membership list gets leaked again.

  • nlv
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Your right I would not vote labour as you say "Would you vote for a party that is so clearly lying to the British people"

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no low to which the BNP would not stoop. They've had the nerve to invoke Churchill, when Churchill rightly had their hero Moseley locked up. They are an unscrupulous bunch of thugs. If our present government would like my vote, they only need to copy Churchill and lock up that traitor Griffin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think "vote no to bnp" could possibly be considered an unbiased source. So until you find a mainstream, unbiased report of this I'm going to doubt it.

  • David
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes they would I've no doubt about it, Its the votes they are thinking of

  • You guys have the BNP (British Nazi Party), we got the Republicans(Nazi Light).

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if the convicted burglar, and self proclaimed Communist Gerry Gable's mob say so, then it's almost certainly a lie.

    Has it crossed your mind that Bob is a diminutive form of Robert, or that people often go by their middle name?

    I hope you are as eager to apologise as you are to accuse, because I think you're going to be proved wrong on this one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WHAT utter nonsense.....You really are a sad little alarmist aren't you. The Labour party told deliberate and calculated lies that were designed to sanction the merciless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent men women and children in Iraq. whole families huddled together in terror BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS BY NEW LABOUR.......I notice you are very silent about that????....

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