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Muslims, please correct me where I am wrong, is this what you believe about the Gospel?

Let me get this straight... Jesus receives revelation from God called the Gospel..Jesus begins teaching this revelation we dont know what it was.. I guess it had to be Islam..what other revelation would Allah give him right? but it must have been good..because Jews and Gentiles converted to Islam Christianity. They no longer called themselves Jews but Christians...of course they were technicly Muslims.

Now most Jews wanted Jesus crucified, not for making himself one with God of course.. so it was probably because he taught Islam (called Christianity) and they were jealous right? So at this time Islam was called Christianity.

So these Jews that disliked Christ tells the Romans to cruicify him..this after his ministry of about 3 and a half years.

Allah saves Jesus by causing these to believe they crucified him when they did not.

So Jesus began teaching Islam Christianity in the year 29Ad until 32 ad when Allah tricked people to believe he was crucified so Islam Christianity was only taught for 3 years or so..

Now almost immediately after these people were made to believe in the crucifixion Islam Christianity vanished off the face of the earth. Even the book of the Christian Islamist vanished because the first gospels were written after the incident.

Now apparently these followers of Jesus must not have known he wasn't crucified.

So immediatly after Allah saves Jesus and has some guy he didn't like as well as Jesus crucified.

The Christian Islamic Gospel vanishes off the face of the earth for six hundred years.. the earliest Christian writings speak of Jesus crucified and the Gospel tells of the crucifixion of Jesus..

So history is clear the earliest Christians belived Jesus was crucified.

So not only were the people who wanted Christ crucified tricked but also these followers of Christ were also deceived.

So for 600 years Allah forgot all about Islam Christianity and it became the Christianity we have today then he sent revelation to Muhammad and instructs Christians that this Gospel is his Gospel and they should follow it...Wait!!! cant be Jesus's Islamic Gospel can it?

There's a problem Allah says in the Quran this Gospel is his word...What??? Yes and he instructs these Christians who believed in the atonement of Jesus Christ to follow their Gospel... What the corrupt one that teaches the atonement??? Obviously.

So someone must have found the Islamic Gospel after it had vanished for 600 years (You know the one Jesus carried, the Islamic Gospel) just before Muhammad received his revelation so the Quran is accurate to tell Christians this is his book and they should follow it...then it must have quickly got lost again...Really lost because all of those Christians completely forgot they had it and what it taught right after they found it, after it had been lost for 600 years.

So quickly Chrsitians found the other gospel and quickly lost it again. So apprently they also forgot that Jesus wasnt crucified really quick after Islam and found their corrupt Gospel again.

This makes sense right?



Rosy, I qote the Quran

157: That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus(1) the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not(2), nor crucified him, but so IT WAS MADE TO APPEAR TO THEM(3), and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-

Update 2:

Allah spared Jesus according to the Quran by making it appear to them they had killed the Messiah.

The Bible does not say Jesus wemt back to show them he had not been killed you might want to read the Gospel again...Jesus was crucified in the Gospel.

Update 3:

So Rosy the Islamic Gospel Jesus taught for three years..then it vanished for six hundred years and then found again for a brief moment so the Quran could tell Christians to follow their Gospel and then immediately lost again even to this day and those who found the real Gospel immediately forgot Jesus wasnt crucified.

Update 4:

Rosy the story was how Allah was saving who made it appear to them Jesus was crucified and whoever it was saved Jesus right?

BTW you need to read the Quran Allah says he misleads who he chooses

Update 5:

Rosy I am nearly 50 Years old. I have read the Gospel pretty much since I was old enough to read..Jesus is crucified in the Gospel..It IS the Gospel.

Update 6:

Jesus proved he was resurrected.

Update 7:

In Al-Nahl (16-93), Al-Ra’d (13-27), Ibrahim (14-4) all of them confirm that He guides those He wishes and misleads those He wishes. Since God is omnipotent, this means that no one can guide anyone God misleads, because no one is capable to counteract God’s actions. This fact is confirmed by Al-Nisa’ (4-88 and 143), AL -Shura (42-46), Al-Kahf (18-17) which assert that you will not be able to guide those that God misled. Of course not,

Update 8:

To say Allah does not mislead is against the teachings of the Quran.

Update 9:

So Rosy, Allah does mislead and those were misled to believe Christ was crucified right?

Update 10:

Basicly, if we go by the fact historicaly Christians have believed Jesus was crucified.. since the earliest recorded history of Christianity..we need to blame this belief on the fact Allah led them to believe Christ was crucified..for at least 600 years.

Update 11:

Ruchjat K, Thanks Understand this is totally unbelievable to me..I just wanted to know if this was what Muslims you believe this Islamic Gospel was found after being lost from the face of the earth for 600 years just long enough for Allah to tell Christians to follow it in the Quran..and them immediately lost again and Christians went back to the gospel they had for 600 years?

Update 12:

Roger, I'm really not sure where you get your information but it isn't Islamic teaching.'

It's not from the Quran nor from the Hadith. The Isa of Islam is Quranic and taught after Jesus Christ who was born of the virgin Mary. The Gospel can not be a forgery of Islam it is before Islam. Emanuel comes from the prophesies of Isaiah which is roughly 1400 years before Islam and is a Hebrew book not Aramaic. I agree Isa is not Jesus but Muhammad would not agree with you.

Update 13:

Akshara, Yes this is ridiculous I agree.

Aksahra, Have you considered how ridiculous it is to believe that the gospel is based on a lie generated by God?

You see if you read the Quran and know the Bible you can see how the Quran could not teach that eveil men corrupted the Bible when it teaches that Allah made people believe int he crucifixion of Christ..So it is because of Allah that the world is deceived to believe a lie he generated.. worse he allowed the truth to be lost and left people to believe this lie for 600 years!!! Now babies were born and died believeing in a lie he caused them to believe and he took away anything that would have taught different and left his own people to perish believing in a lie that he caused.

Now how perverted in evil to believe God deceived people and left them with no truth and this led to billions of people believing in the atonement of Jesus Christ throughout these thousands of years..and then one day he will burn us all in hell for believing

Update 14:

in him and not believing he was a liar. beacause if you are going to accept Islam today you have to reject the word of God as wrong and believe God is a liar and if you dont accroding to Allah you will burn in hell...for what? for believing God is not a liar and he would keep his word

Update 15:


In Sahih Muslim, the Hadith related by Mughirah ibn Shu'bah, #5326, says:

"When I came to Najran, they (the Christians of Najran) asked me: You read "Sister of Harun", (i.e. Mary), in the Qur'an, whereas Moses was born well before Jesus. When I came back to Allah's Messenger I asked him about that, and he said: "The (people of the old age) used to give names (to their persons) after the names of Apostle and pious persons who had gone before them."" [Sahih Muslim, translated by Abdul Siddiqi].

Update 16:

Dawud, a day is as a thousand years to God, unfortunately for man a thousand years is generations and generations of people Allah will burn in hell for believing his lie. How and this not bother you?

Update 17:

Butterfly, I agree and would add extremely dishonest and absolutely evil.

Update 18:

(((Magic))) I guess we need to add <sarcasm> because apparently the truth of these teachings is pretty scarey and some can't see the difference.

I expected some would say I had gotten this all wrong, I only got one who explained Allah does not deceive...but Allah says he is this truly what Muslims believe their god did? Apparently.

Update 19:

muslim worshiper of 1 god.

I don't think I do..but if I do perhaps it's because of.....

1) Muslims don't answer my questions

2) Muslims delete my questions.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why do Christians find all this so hard to believe? Why wouldn't we believe that God would trick people for 600 years? I can just imagine Him laughing it up with the angels about how He pulled one over His creation. Why shouldn't we believe that the original Gospels were here, disappeared, reappeared with Muhammad and are gone again? It all makes so much sense now, lol! <sarcasm>

    Thank you for showing us all the truth as taught by Islam.

    Source(s): Your best question EVER!!! (((djmantx)))
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to understand that the quran quotes of Jesus was taken from the Gnostic Gospels which were written centuries after the death of Jesus.

    The theory in the Quran which says Jesus didn't die on the Cross was taken word for word from the Gnostic Gospels.

    The simple truth is, the writers of the Quran knew very little of the real Jesus; they even thought that the mother of Jesus was the sister of Moses.

    You are wasting your time listeninging to remarks of 'Rosy Pearl' who is dumb like moon rock and is presently reporting your question to the Yahoo Police. But don't worry, Allah will deal with him. People like Rosy Peal are dangerous to themselves, dangerous to Humanity and also dangerous to Allah.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's a good question DJ.I find it hard to think how Allah could have duped Mary the mother of Jesus to believe after making her (not to mention the disciples) suffer such anguish.Also the Jesus who fled is a coward and very dishonourable.I mean couldn't he turn his opponents into frogs?

  • musa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wow. You almost got it and made it to the finishing line. But blacked out just b4 the end.

    I really appreciate your effort. We Muslims cant guide anyone. All we can do is just point at the direction one should be going to reach the right destination. It is Allah Who guides. It is just a mercy from Him that He gave us a chance to talk to people.

    A 1000 years in your sight is a day in the sight of your Lord. So what is 600 years in the sight of your Lord.

    Allah says in the Quran that He will never change a people till they change themselves.

    Which Gospel are you talking about? Where is the Gospel of Jesus (Injil)

    Which Bible among the hundreds of the Bibles today do you think is the right one? Yours?

    If yes, what about the others.? Why don't one denomination agree with the others.

    You know what happened in the Necea Council in 325 .A.D. right?

    How many individually written Gospel records were burnt and disposed? Why only four gospels were chosen? Why even the four Gospels don't agree with each other ?

    Why are such statements as the following and similar other statements are found written in brackets, between paragraphs that speaks of the same incident but differently in the same book ?


    [ The most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark. 16. 9 - 20].

    In the above the Bible itself agrees that things have been added. Why are you trying to refute what the Bible says. Don't you believe the Bible ?

    Who removed the stone from the tomb ? What happened to the body of Jesus ?

    Why wasn't there even a single witness to the Resurrection in the Bibles.

    Peter the Rock, who walked, talked, ate and slept with Jesus, denied it was Jesus. Was Peter who sweared it wasn't Jesus , than a liar ?

    Life is a test. A test also to find the Truth about God. If not God would have appeared in person b4 everyone and would have made all believers. as He says in the Quran, "If it is Our Will, We would have made all believers. Will you than compel mankind to believe. None will believe except those who Allah guides".

    Or at least He would have made things obvious before our eyes. If He did, than it wont be a test at all and there wont be a purpose in life.

    Im no scholar. Just a student of comparative religious studies. Am still a student.

    You have done some thinking. I truely appreciate that. May Allah Guide you to His Truth and save you from the fire, :

    "Where their worms does not die and the fire is not quenched. Everyone will be salted with the fire" (Jesus in the Bible}

    Why do you take so much trouble trying to prove Jesus died ?

    Cant you love Jesus without taking it as he died but saved by God, just the way we muslims believe and love Jesus.

    Why do you want him dead? Is it because Paul says that if you don't believe that he died for you than your Faith is a waste.

    [well 1 last question., According to the Bible , Jesus had knowledge that he will die and come to life after three days, as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of man. Why than he uttered such words if he knew that he was here to die for your sins?.] (Think about that)

    Actually he was what he was. You people killed the character of Jesus in your made up story to suit your whims and wishes. Thats why we cant's get answers to all those Q's above.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    What is this new theory ?

    We have two books - the quran and the bible.

    We know what they state.

    Why are you spinning new hypotheses ?

    Read the bible too with an unbiased viewpoint, it tallies everywhere - the ancient prophecies of the prophets were fulfilled - every word - by Jesus.

    So now how does this far-fetched theory make sense ?

    Nobody can lose important manuscripts time and again

    RIDICULOUS HYPOTHESIS, the scholars and other people do the same thing - twist and confuse something to be something else using a lot of guesswork. where's the proof that it really happened ? How do YOU know that allah made somebody else who was the look-alike of jesus die in his stead ?

    Answer ---> guesswork

    Reading texts with a previously acquired mindset will get you nowhere.

    EDIT :


    I'm still in the process of reading the quran, so I can't say whether Allah deceives people or not, but it says in the bible that GOD NEVER LIES.


    God is all-powerful and almighty, what need has he to lie to the puny creations on earth who don't undrsnd his mightiness ?

    My religious views may not be the same as yours, but I respect Allah and am open to any argument - but if u insinuate that allah is a liar . . . Well.... What can I say ?

    And Bdw I've researched rosy's arguments and am in complete agreement with her views on islam, Allah doesn't trick people or play games and whatever illusion/reality the people saw is not equal to ALLAH made them see it ( the 2nd point sort of gets me, though - read the bible, Jesus's message was foreordained to be preached around the world - but everybody is entitled to their own opinions ).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yea and during his crucifixion that wasn't really him God allowed his followers and mother to stand there and watch Him be tortured, they saw His suffering and His death. When did God become so cruel as to let a mother stand there and watch all this mourn for her son as any mother would and it not be her son after all. The God I know and worship is not that cruel.

    The rest of your posting could only possibly be believed by people who think God is cruel and stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes mate, Jesus has been Crucified then went out of his grave, this is the back bone of modern Christianity, the whole process is the reason for being called Jesus which means the savior. This is a myth and this so called Jesus or Emanuel his original Aramaic name, he is not a prophet nor son of God, he did not receive any thing from ALLAH, modern Christianity just like Buddhism and ancient Egyptian religions took the original story of ISA the son of Mariam who lived prior to 1000 BC and built their myths around it.

    Source(s): ISSA means the blond camel hair, Jesus means the savior, how stupid do you think is the translator who changed the meaning of the name in translation, the purpose is to make people believe they are the same, but they are not, according to Quran ISSA is the nephew of Aron, wonder if the same applies as well for JESUS. Stop reading texts it wont lead you anywhere, to understand the text you must study history and linguistics @ yes mate, what am telling you is what Muhamed knew, in Arabia Christians believed in the real ISSA, which is mentioned in the Quran, when Mariam brought her baby back home, her family said to her you are the SISTER OF ARON you can not do bad things, this statement is clearly mentioned in the Quran. In old testament you read Moses had a brother called ARON and a sister called MARIAM, they were his half brother and sister, as MOSES was not the son of IMRAN, Muhamed knew it and all the Christians around him as well as those living in Eritrea the first destination for Hijra. But outside Arabia Romans falsified Christianity, they created the myths, PAUL spent three years in Arabia learning about Christianity before creating JESUS myth. I agree with you ISSA was born prior to 1000BC and Muhamed knew this, real Christians of Arabia did not find a problem converting to Islam, but the ones from LEVANT who converted after the defeat of Romans, they entered Jesus myths into Islamic literature simply because those people were pagans before the Roman occupation and never heard of the Original Christianity which is extinct. Most writers of early Islamic literature tafseer and hadith are convert Christians and Jews they were from LEVANT because they are the only ones who can read Greek and Aramaic then translated the myths of the bibles into Arabic, they did it in good will as those myths were their religion, this is the major problem for contemporary Islamic studies, some honor the old guys, but others prefer to conduct original research in history, Ze'ev Herzog the professor of archeology at Telaviv university made it clear in 1999 no prophets ever lived in Palestine, professor Salibi from American university of Beirut announced since early 1980 all prophets lived in Arabia including ISSA, he wrote a book about ISSA titled the search for JESUS you may refer to it, you can learn in what direction contemporary Islamic research is moving, forget about hadith and old tafseer books, for most today Muslims they are nothing but rubbish, Muslims you find on this site are teenagers or disadvantaged Arab, Pakistani asylum seekers came from the worst social classes in their countries, they can not give an indicator about the new Islamic trends, they lack proper education, and the basic information about Islam @ASKER MATE, I MADE IT CLEAR THE INSTITUTION OF HADITH IS INVALID, YOU READ THE ABOVE TO KNOW WHO WROTE IT. Arabs do not use the word sister to assume descendant blood connection, rather they use the word daughter, the one who made up that hadith is not an Arab, he's from the levant, why can't you understand those people themselves thought that the Quran is talking about their previous prophet YESHUA they thought he was ISSA of the Quran, they built the whole stories of the hadiths and tafseer on that assumption, all prophets lived in Arabia this is proved by historians, IBN BATOUTA the Arab traveler , wrote about his trip to southern Arabia and named the places all over the cost of today's OMAN all of which form the same geography mentioned in the bibles ,the new testament is a mix of the original story of ISSA and the falsifications concerning Jesus myth there are 1500 years between ISSA who lived and died in Oman and Emanuel how was crucified in Palestine, I assure you Muhammed knows about that better than you and me
  • 1 decade ago


    The only problem Christianity is facing, that the available Gospels we have now is a product of the Roman Church that were issued about at least 250 years after Jesus's ascendance. If you want to know the true account of what really happened to Jesus pbuh, you're gonna have to refer to Quran.

    The available Gospels are not meant to reveal the true account of what actually took place, the polytheistic element had to be implemented by the Jews and the Romans for an ideology that will ultimately serve the Jews and the vatican. (guess who are ruling the world now, exactly, those 2 parties), The Prophet Muhammed pbuh never represnted any institution or any political agenda, that's why our religion is not called "Muhammadism" or "muhammadity", its called the way God decreed.

    The original Gospels had been spread and taught before the interference of the Vatican, if you want to know what the "unofficial" classic Gospels have to say about the life of Jesus pbuh, which surprisingly don't say anything related to his alleged divinity, you can always pay a visit to Jerusalem and check this classic version yourself, a version which is being concealed as it contradicts the man made dogma imposed in the Vatican's version.

  • 1 decade ago

    Assalamu alaikum. You are right.Yes really I do agree with your story given to all of us..Thanks for sharing knowledge to us about the islamic Gospel.which has been lost and during the era of Muhammad pbuh emerged again in the form of original Al Qur'an masya allah,but until now the followers of Jesus do not believe it

    Jesus in line with the Qur'an was not crucified. He was saved by Allah swt by replacing him with someone who had the appearance just like Jesus.

  • 1 decade ago

    All i Believe in is (There is) none worthy of worship except Allah. Muhammad is Messenger of ALLAH !!

    Rest i Don't give a crap !!

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