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Zoophilia is not a sexual preference is it?
disgusting i know.
Please only answer if you know :)
oops didn't mean to put it into this category :P
i really disagree with that, and i don't think that you can make love with an animal; i see it as a form of rape (non consensual sex) theres a HUGE line between loving an animal, and wanting to penetrate it!
thanks icecreamxsucks! i just read about it quite a bit on the internet; zoophiliac are supposedly the people who have made bonds with the animals first and think they are making love, and the beastiality people- who are classified as rapists :
ZOOPHILIA is the term by apologists of beastiality.
(i agree)
4 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
Zoophilia is a sexual orientation just like heterosexuality or homosexuality. Zoophiles (like me) love the animal they choose to be their partner and would do anything to keep them from coming to harm. They treat them as you would a human spouse, i.e., take care of them, spend time with them, make sure they’re happy, etc. A lot of people seem to think that just because someone is attracted to animals, that they go around raping every animal they see. However, that’s not true. While some may do that, most don’t. It is possible to love an animal and to make love to it, and yes, animals can consent to sex with humans, though it's not through words like humans do. For example, if a female dog wants to have sex with you, she'll do things like turning her butt towards you and moving her tail to the side, rubbing herself against your crotch, etc. If you respond to her advances and have sex with her, how is that not consensual? Besides, if an animal doesn't want to have sex, it can say no with its claws, teeth, hooves, horns, etc. Also, most zoophiles love their partner, regardless of the sex, and even if he/she didn’t show an interest in it, they would love him/her just the same. Anyone who rapes animals or uses them as sex toys is perverted and should be grouped with rapists and pedophiles.
@ icecreamxsucks: Encyclopedia Dramatica is a satirical website and everything on it is based on prejudices and stereotypes. Very little, if anything, on there is factual.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I would say that it is. a lot of people don't know this, but a philia of something just means to like it a lot. so that means a pedophile might just be someone who loves kids. I'm a zoophile. I love animals. they're so cute and fuzzy and cuddley. ^_^ anyway, it can be. some people love animals the way and we normally love our significant other. that's why some people have sex with animals. they're actually making love. of course there are some people who just like to have sex with animals because it's kinky or whatever. then it would just be a fetish.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Yes it is, I know because I am a zoosexual, it's not just a philia, I have connected with my German Shepherd. Usually animals aren't up for penetration, but they like felation =D and yes dogs can consent to foreplay just like they can reject it. People don't get it, our four-legged brothers and winged sisters have feelings too.
Source(s): I'm a Anthrozoologist - 1 decade ago
its just form of rape, ur right, its not consensual sex, the worst part is that people were defending their zoophilia on from that movie "zoo". anyway just read the encyclopedia dramatica article about zoophila, it pretty much says all you need to know.