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What is Big Bang,Big Crunch and Evolution?

My sister want to know this one not me

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everett, if you would bother listening to someone other than other Christians echoing that there's "no proof of evolution", you would know that, to date, there has never been a theory in science with more evidence behind it than evolution. Because something is called a "theory" doesn't mean it's false because "theory" in science means "causality", in other words using thousands of documented facts to clearly explain a phenomenon. The phenomenon in this case being, "why are there so many fossils of species that are similar to living species, yet clearly different and no longer living?". Evolution is the "key ring" that binds together many observed facts in science in to one idea that explains why those fossils exist, and in so doing, also explains how we, like those other species, came in to existence.

    Evolution consists of 3 components:

    1) Genetic Drift: caused when a species is isolated in a certain location and begins to look different from other members of the species it originally resembled.

    2) Mutation & Diversification: caused when that isolated species continues to mate with other members and spreads around beneficial mutations that arise in their species, just how we have humans who are taller and can reach things easier, or are double jointed and are more flexible, or have better vision and can see danger better, etc.

    3) Natural Selection: this is the final step in the process of evolution. Natural selection is when a species now comes in contact with a new predator (maybe the predator has mutated better eye sight so they can more effectively hunt the other species) or maybe the climate has changed and the new species needs warmer fur, or what have you. Natural selection is the process of letting nature select who will live and who will die based on what members of a species already have the mutations in advance that are needed (through centuries of diversification ahead of time). So the members of the species with the warmest fur will be the most likely to survive. The members with the better eye sight will be able to better avoid danger than the members with the poorer eye sight (and those members will become dinner for a predator, allowing the members with the better eye sight to survive and pass on their genes).

    The Big Bang and Big Crunch are theories dealing with how the universe began and how it will end. The reason why the big bang is universally excepted in science is because we can see the after-effects of it and wind the effects backwards to figure out what happened. For example, we can see that all the galaxies are moving further and further away from each other, and that would mean that if we moved time backwards, they would get closer and closer to each other until they were at one central point in the universe (the original point of the explosion).

    The Big Crunch is a theory that explains what will happen when all the galaxies stop expanding because matter is attracted to other matter, so if matter is attracted to other matter (like magnets), then it's reasonable to assume, that one day, everything will stop expanding from the force of the Big Bang, and start moving back to the original "explosion point" where the big bang originated. Once we get there and collide, we'll create another "Big Bang" to repeat the process, and the process has been going on for uncountable bangs and uncountable crunches. We might have already had this conversation countless times in previous universes. ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution is the theory of how species change through natural selection. There is variation within any species, random mutations, etc., and some of those traits that individuals have are more suited to their survival and producing offspring. Because of their greater ability to reproduce, gradually the population will be more composed of individuals with those traits, and that's how species slowly diverge and become new species. There is nothing "hard to believe" about it, because it takes place over millions of years. You want me to believe what the bible says? That all species currently existing were just created all at once, by some being (God) who seems a lot like a human? Yeah right. Evolution is not a "theory," any reasonable person has accepted it and the enormous amount of evidence there is for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The big bang is the theory of how the universe began. It says that everything began in one huge explosion and is constantly expanding outward.

    The big crunch is a theory of how the universe will end. It says that eventually, everything will stop expanding outward, and start collapsing back inward, until everything crashes back together in the revers of the big bang.

    Evolution is the idea that when someone (like an animal) is born with a desirable trait or feature, their advantage makes them more able to reproduce and slowly, they become a new species. In general, it is the idea that new types of living things vary and begin to exist out of old types of living things. It was thought up by Charles Darwin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Big bang is a theory that the universe created threw a small ball of matter.

    Big crunch is how the universe will crunch-- The universe is expanding so scientist say the universe will stop expanding and crunch such a ballon inflating then deflating.

    Evolution is how species evolve through adaptaion natural selection and etc.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Big Bang is NOT the same as Evolution they are completely separate sciences.

    Have her read this web site:

  • 1 decade ago

    Gah! Theory=/=layman's guess.

    "In the sciences, a scientific theory (also called an empirical theory) comprises a collection of concepts, including abstractions of observable phenomena expressed as quantifiable properties, together with rules (called scientific laws) that express relationships between observations of such concepts. A scientific theory is constructed to conform to available empirical data about such observations, and is put forth as a principle or body of principles for explaining a class of phenomena.[1]"

    Quantifiable statistics. Empirical data. Do these words mean anything to you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    big bang is when you nail a fat chick, big crunch is when you take a massive shiit and evolution is the divergence of seperate species from a common ancestor through genetic isolation, mutation, or natural selection

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Evolution is rediculous. The idea that some god just magically poofed everything into existence makes so much more sense. (Sarcasm)

  • 1 decade ago

    They are all theories, since neither is observable or verifiable. It takes more faith to believe in either of these theories than it does to believe in an intelligent creator. Read Job chapters 37-42.

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