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king_davis13 asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

What should I do if I think my ex is using heroin?

I am a single father that and custody of my daughter because her mother does not want her. She dropped her off at my house 5 years ago and said she did not want anything to do with her except to be able to see her from time to time. We never went to court and I have no legal paperwork saying that she gave custody to me. I have never stopped her from seeing our daughter and never asked her for any support or anything. The problem is that now she is in a relationship with another man and for some reason wants our daughter to come to their house every other weekend which I was O.K. with because I feel it is important for my daughter to know and love her mother. This has been only going on for a couple months and every time I pick my kid up from their house she is crying and depressed for a few days after she comes home. She says that her mom is mean and yells at her the whole time she is there and makes her do all kinds of housework while she is there and does not even get to talk or anything with her mom. She says that when she is there she has to be quiet and watch the other kids because they are all younger than my daughter who is 11. The guy my x is with has 2 young kids and my x has a young son from another guy she was with after me.

It seems like she is using our kid as a babysitter so she does not have to take care of them and my daughter says that her mom and the new guy are always in the bedroom with the door locked. She told me there is no noise coming from the room other than a television and that they don't knock on the door because if they make too much noise they will be in trouble and get yelled at. That is the history for my problem and this is what worries me.

Just tonight I called the father of my ex's son to see if I could pick him up for a picnic this Sunday because he will have him that day. He is a really nice guy and a good father so he agreed to let me pick him up. He said that he trusts me to pick him up anytime that I want and told me that the guy she is with now is a heroin dealer and that my ex is using it too. I have noticed that she is looking really bad lately and is so thin you can see her bones through her clothes. I though she might be sick because she supposedly had ovarian cancer last year and told me she had to have a hysterectomy. I found out that she was lying about that from her brother and she had her tubes tied so she could not get pregnant again. She always wears long sleeve shirts now even when it is 80 degrees but wears shorts and like I said she looks like she is about dead.

I have heard from other people that she has been using heroin too but I just figured they were just trying to make me mad at her or some thing. I don't know what to do now. Should I keep my daughter from her mom and risk losing custody of her if it goes to court? I am so afraid to lose my daughter. I love her with every ounce of my soul and don't think I could handle losing her. I live in Pennsylvania where the court always gives custody of the child to the mother until the court has a chance to hear the case and I have no proof of the drug use. If I let my daughter go to her mom's house and they get busted for drugs I will lose my daughter to the child protective services. If I call the police and turn her in she will file some thing against me to get our daughter from me and might even turn me in for kidnapping even though she goes to school right beside my house and her address is here I think she could do that. I don't know what to do or where to turn for help.

Sorry for such a long question but I feel it is important to let you know the history so you can try to help me. Please take this serious because it is no joke and I can't sleep because I am so scared to lose my kid. Thank You all for any help you can give me.


Thanks guys. I am going to talk to a lawyer Monday and I am going to see what he has to say before I talk to her. My daughter will NOT be going to that house until I speak with the lawyer and get his opinion. I don't know why I didn't think of talking with a lawyer before. I guess I was just too worked up but thanks again for the help.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I recommend you get private legal counsel as soon as possible. You might be able to find some useful information online, but a lawyer will definitely know your rights and local applicable laws. Professional assistance in this matter will greatly increase your chances of success.

  • 6 years ago

    No offense but every time you let your daughter go to her mum you are risking the worst happening. You seem like the kind of person that should be praised and supported. Your daughter is only 11 that is so sad. I have been a heroin addict but if I had children I would have never put anything before my child.

    You need to tell the police or something. I have a very bad feeling that you don't understand how many things out of your control can happen and your poor daughter is the only level headed non child at your exes when she is there. Come on

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Man that sucks. I would confront her about it but go in gently. Wait until her boyfriend is going to be gone for awhile. Make sure to talk to her face to face and don't get mad and start playing the blame game. Even though she sounds like she deserves some guilt. Say something like: I heard from So and So you have been using heroin and I Don't want our daughter to be around that sort of thing. Don't threaten to call the police or anything. If she doesn't admit it tell her what you have heard from your daughter. If she still doesn't admit it tell her to show you her arms. If she refuses you pretty much have your answer. If she shows them to you and you can see the track marks tell her that she cannot see her daughter until she gets cleaned up. If she threatens legal action then go to court and maybe the judge will force her to show her arms or take a drug test. If she admits to it tell her she needs to quit or she will lose her daughter.The important thing is to act like you forgive her for it. Don't act mad just act concerned. But for your daughters sake i would get your daughter out of that house. Hope this helps, best of luck.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have handled alot of individual drug use. Now that he's blank he thinks he has one and will do it simply as soon as. However, from individual revel in, he's fallacious. The bodily signs are long gone till round for or 5 usages, however the intellectual is ceaselessly. I wish this is helping, and i'm hoping he does no longer must do rehab once more to discover this out.

  • M S
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    waste no time, as soon as you see your ex "high" call the police.

    never send your daughter to her until you go to court for sole custody.


    if I may: the lack of faith makes it impossible to raise happy and save child. there are no random events, but we get tested by God every now and then believers or not. you need Him now more than ever

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