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Can I not take an ap test and still pass the class?
I wanted the college credit, but now I don't care about it and I just want to pass the class. So, if I just open the test and write my name on it, will that affect my class grade?
4 Answers
- CarolineLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
You'll have to check with your teacher on that. At my school, your AP exam grade has no effect on your grade in the class, but I've heard that at some schools, your AP exam grade counts for a huge part of your grade in the class (so your final grade would not be calculated until after you get your results back).
But either way, why would you sign up for an AP exam and purposely do poorly on it? I mean, if you really don't know anything on the exam, fine, but at least make some effort. And anyways, if you do what you sound like you're planning to do (ie turn in a blank test with your name), they'll probably just cancel your score. You paid $86, and I'm guessing you've worked hard all year or all semester long in this course... don't throw it all away now! The finish line is just around the corner!
- 5 years ago
As long as you take more than the required history classes, you may not have to mention that you got a D in the class. But, I would recommend that you take that semester of World History AP (WHAP) again to erase the grade from your transcript (I don't know if you can do that at your school. Students at my school can do that. So check with your counselor.) Colleges don't really base admission decisions on what score you got on any of the AP tests, they're more concerned about the grade you got in the class. So if I were you I would retake the semester for a better grade.
- msi_cordLv 71 decade ago
In most schools, it will not affect your class grade one bit. Teachers and schools do not receive the details of who earned what score until well after the end of the school year (mid-June at the earliest). A poor score on your AP Exam should not change your overall course grade.
I don't see why you wouldn't just try it. You don't need to study for it or anything, just go in and do your best. If you don't care about your final score, why not give it a shot. If you don't, you have probably wasted three hours of your time, a year taking a class you didn't care about, and a hundred dollars of your money.
Source(s): I am an AP Teacher.