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I need short story ideas?

I have to write a short story for a school project it has to be a minimum of 1000 words, I want to keep it simple. I like writing about fantasy and science fiction so anything under them would be good, if u have any other ideas just say them and i will consider them im in year 8 and not a very good writer

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The model I am going to describe here is the pyramid plot: The upward slope establishes setting and characters and builds tension; the tip is the climax; and the downward slope is the resolution.

    1. Choose a narrative point of view. You can write your story as if you were one of the characters (first person), as a detached narrator who presents just one character's thoughts and observations (third-person limited), or as a detached narrator who presents the thoughts and observations of several characters (third-person omniscient). A first-person point of view will refer to the central character as 'I' instead of 'he' or 'she.'

    2. Create a protagonist, or main character. This should be the most developed and usually the most sympathetic character in your story.

    3. Create a problem, or conflict, for your protagonist. The conflict of your story should take one of five basic forms: person vs. person, person vs. himself or herself, person vs. nature, person vs. society, or person vs. God or fate. If you choose a person vs. person conflict, create an antagonist to serve as the person your protagonist must contend with.

    4. Establish believable characters and settings, with vivid descriptions and dialogue, to create a story that your readers will care about.

    5. Build the story's tension by having the protagonist make several failed attempts to solve or overcome the problem. (You may want to skip this step for shorter stories.)

    6. Create a crisis that serves as the last chance for the protagonist to solve his or her problem.

    7. Resolve the tension by having the protagonist succeed through his or her own intelligence, creativity, courage or other positive attributes. This is usually referred to as the story's climax.

    8. Extend this resolution phase, if you like, by reflecting on the action of the story and its significance to the characters or society.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I would say to take the advice of the first guy. Failing that, I have a few tips that I like to use when I have writer's block.

    -Watch a movie/TV show, play a video game, etc; I have found that these are all excellent, and often overlooked methods of overcoming writer's block. As you are watching/playing it, pick it apart and look at it from a critical standpoint. What are the things that don't work? are there plot holes? What are some major themes? Most important, what is the story? If you like the story, try to come up with a new spin on it. If you decide to go this route, then be careful to avoid the major themes so you can inject your own. Also, be careful or else this can rapidly turn into a fanfic (unless that's what you want, in which case plow ahead).

    -Talk to someone you don't talk to a lot; This can help you gain a new perspective on something, and is very helpful in coming up with story ideas. This one isn't the most effective method of coming up with a story, but it does work.

    -Listen to music; Music can be an excellent way to come up with a story. I suggest either techno or classical. As you listen, try to have the story play out in your head.

    - This site is an index of various tropes in stories (AKA stereotypes). As you go through, try to come up with ways to contradict the various stereotypes. This can do wonders for your story. It obviously helps more if you already have an idea in mind, but you'll more than likely come up with something.

    That's all I have. Those usually work for me, hopefully they work for you. If you want to bounce around story ideas, then feel free to contact me. :)

  • Junko
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A very important time in your life, fictionalize it. It could be a one shot (A one shot is a beginning of a story, that isn't continued and leaves the reader asking for more.) Since it's a short story anyway.

    Here's one of my ideas that I just thought of right now.

    There was this boy, who was always bullied; in one incident his bullies went too far and was about to kill him, until his bullies just magically disappeared somehow. Little did he know, that guardians from a magical kingdom were watching him 24/7 making sure he's safe. Because he is the illegitimate grandson of their emperor although not the heir to the throne. He actually had magical powers, and he had the ability to sense if an archenemy (let's name them Juls, archenemy of the magical kingdom of, magical creatures.) is close by, through some signal.

    There's this girl that works as a dishwasher in their restaurant, she's a Juls princess working secretly to blow up earth and kill the boy.

    when they are near each other, his magic gets stronger, therefore the nerves on his hands and arms become very visible. One time a car went on fire and nobody ever suspected not even the boy, knew that it came from him.


    Sorry, this is as far as I can get. If you like that idea, then I'm living it up to you to make it more complex, and give the details. Good Luck with that!

    Source(s): Writer
  • 1 decade ago

    How about a short story about a crippled guy who goes to a new planet and can take the shape of the locals.

    The devil goes down to Georgia looking for some souls to steal.

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