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Why would Obama and his Dems give a standing ovation to the Mexican President.We give them so much money.?

America is the bad guy for wanting safe borders is seems.Are we afraid of Mexico?


For the person who thinks I am an idiot..I realize our country is being sold out.Thats why I joined the Tea Party.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a sad day when a foreign diplomat can address congress and criticize the US and its states and ANY member of congress applauds. By the way, if I am not mistaken most the the Republicans did not stand or clap.

    Every one should write/call/email their congressman/woman TODAY and demand the US institute comprehensive immigration laws that are at LEAST as strict and enforced as Mexico's!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah study all right learn what is going on! WE meaning the citizens have nothing to say about what THEY the govt does.

    We have nothing to say about handing out money or granting citizenship, you are completely controlled by wealthy elitist who puppet-master govt! They want cheap labor & indentured servants.

    Safe borders what a joke, That has nothing to do with what is really going on here, it's about govt & business selling out the citizens of America. Your to stupid to understand it.

    There you go again "is being" yes partly true it has long been "sold out". The tea party or any other party is not the solution. Representative govt must be legally ended & replaced by a True direct Democracy, Full shared legislative power in the hands of the citizens "ONLY".

    Anyone regardless of any party will take bribes from the wealthy! Only 1 way to stop this. legal shared rule & control by the citizens, a check & balance we have never had over money/business/govt.

    The comprehendsive immigration reform buzz words are typical slogans lawmakers use to confuse you the public, when all forms of immigration should be halted and millions of citizenship grants since 1985 should be revoked. Plus federal officials & employers thrown in prison for economic treason on their fellow several generational American citizens.

    I never called you an Idiot, my term was stupid as in stupidity which everyone has some trait or form of even myself.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, where were they when this happened? Was it giving a speech that said things we agree with? I would say it is call respect from one head of state to another. You are NOT an idiot.

    You are an American with an opinion. An opinion that I would not say I agree with, but I would still try to show you respect. The person who called you an idiot should learn that lesson. He/she was wrong for that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because obama wants to take America down a few pegs.

    Have you read the Mexican immigration laws?? I want to know why they are so racist to anyone that wants to go there.

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  • C.S.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Republicans were there too. They gave Calderon a standing ovation, because that is what you do when a foreign head of state (on good terms) visits. And Obama was standing with him, he didn't give an ovation, he got one.

    Seriously, study, study, study.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thanks for the question .

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