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Glenn Beck is making more sense or not?

Been watching now for a year and started checking history and I am starting to think we as Americans should be worried about our future.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No matter what other people may feel about Mr. Beck he knows his facts. There is no fault with his information. Some may not like the way he presents it, but do not be confused by all the negativity out there. This man is on the right track and it would do you good to really hear what he is saying.

    From CNN and MSNBC these media news programs give credence to Mr. Beck's facts and acknowledge that what he is talking about and the paths that he is laying out, in regards to our Federal Government, is on the money. Mr. Beck is willing to go outside of the stereotypical "media" box and speak the truth about our politicians. Straight up and to the point, he does Not sugar coat or glaze over were this Country is heading and what the outcome will be if something isn't done about it soon.

    Whether you like the "man" is not the point. What is is the fact that what he is telling us is true. Most of society does not want to be politically incorrect or speak negatively about the President because if you do you are a Racist... Yet that is why we are in the situation we are in. Our government and Congressmen are there to serve US. Not to play party to one man's idea of his utopia.

    I do take note to all the comments left regarding your question and find it surprising the responses that have been posted. As others show favor to “Rick’s List”, on CNN and “The Place For Politics” on MSNBC there should be the same findings for all. What you choose to believe is your choice in this Country and freedom of speech should be left for all. You can always find something negative about anyone yet we should all look for the positive to better understand out country, not just to put someone you disagree with down.

    Side Note: Mr. Beck started his career on CNN before going to Fox News.

    Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, we should be worried about the future of America and Glenn Beck is one of the serious threats.

    People like him are skilled manipulative speakers. Don't forget he makes money for what he says. He knows how to sway people with his opinions. He exaggerates and lies.

    I recently asked a question of a much more serious threat to America:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ok, glenn beck knows history.. so what.

    his problem is that he still lives in the 1700,s.

    and don't give that "if we don't know our history, we,re bound to repeat it" crap.

    most people know history, but its glenn beck and his disciples who think we are going to repeat it.

    exactly what part of history are we going to repeat? all glenn beck can do is speculate in his own sick, little way. the sad part of it is that some people actually take him seriously. glenn and people like him should,nt be aloud to poison those already weak minds.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have looked into some of what he says and it is on the internet, but I will hold my decision until I do more research.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Glen Beck is like the rest of them. It,s all about the $$$$$ and his Hot Air.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's not making sense..HE'S MAKING $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for your informative question ..

    God Bless America .. Amen ...!

  • 1 decade ago

    Never made any sense.

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