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Are you happy with that stupid ending to LOST/?

I watched the finale of LOST.This was the biggest waste of time I'd ever seen.The plot fell apart.They left many questions unanswered.The smoke monster wasn't even in the finale.Apparently these people were dead all this time.GIVE ME A BREAK!!! The writers made no effort in making the ending exciting.It was just the same old CRAP with someone saying they're going to kill someone else.This wasn't a mystery.The real mystery was how did it last 6 long years. Jack should have done us all a favor and left that stinking rock out the hole and let island and everyone on Oceanic 815 sink,good riddance.LAME!!!!!!!!!!!

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I used to LOVE lost. I would say it was my favorite show, BUT:

    The end was so stupid! Actually, The whole show is stupid! I can't believe the writers DARED writting an ending like this!

    1. The smoke monster is just a guy who goes in the cave of light and becomes the smoke monester. Thats what the smoke monster is. (LMAO! are you joking? LOOOL!!! they played us for fools).

    2. Whats the connection between honso and the dharma initiative

    3. How does jacob or whoever becomes the protector have powers (cuz of the island?)

    4. What do those symbols mean?

    5. I'm just gonna stop here, but LOST is one stupid show which I will NOT be wasting my money on. After making all that $, selling DVDs, action figures, and advertisements on TV, I reaaallly do think the career of the creaters are pretty much over, good luck to them.

    Source(s): Loyal fan of the show since the start
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe the polar bear is a manifestation of Walt's imagination, because at the end of an episode he's reading a comic with a polar bear on and he's got some incredible ability to do loads of ****** up ****..... .... ..... ...

    Of course, Walt and Michael were ignored at the end, no closure on that, amongst countless other things. But this is exactly what the writer's intended to do. Generate so much 'mystery' that it seems like you should watch it in the hope for some amazing revelation. However, it essentially is creatively anaemic, epitomising everything that is wrong with most TV show's now, a drive for money rather than actually making something with substance.

    Embarrassingly, I didn't entirely pick up on the purgatory side of things at the end. Probably because it was done poorly.

    The thing that annoys me the most though, is the douche-bags of this world who try and read some meaningful rubbish into all of this. "Oh it's all about the different emotions they go through, we can all relate in some way, we're all so 'lost' with this thing called life etc."

    Well seriously, really? It's not is it. At all. It's a writing team sitting in some room somewhere trying to make the show interesting by introducing many many questions and only giving a few answers.

    Infact, I have the best summary of what Lost is.

    You know that episode when they're in the cage, pulling the lever? That's exactly the psychology of Lost. Occasionally they'll reward you, but most of the time you'll just be pulling the lever as you trudge through another monotonous, predictable episode of smug bullshit.

  • 1 decade ago

    My rant: I feel sucker-punched. My hackles began to rise a few episodes ago when I saw the religion creeping insidiously in, hoping "no...they won't! please!" Well stupid me for hoping they'd have an intelligent ending....instead it was trite. The implication that the characters were in some purgatory limbo fantasy land learning how to "cross-over" (after the the writers reputedly claimed it was not a story line) is most insulting! I fell for the interesting pseudo-science, thinking, "wow this is kind of interesting scifi...i wonder what it's going to be" ... only to be f-----d by, yes, you guessed it...stupidity. We used to joke..."yeah, the writers must be Lost," and now we are totally annoyed that it turned out to be true...and that they used the show as a vehicle to push religion. This kind of conclusion to a 6 year series, without decent explanations of many of the elements they spent episodes developing is insulting.

    The one-off episodes "explaining" a few of the elements, and the use of passing comments about polar bears as experiments, etc., was phony and cliched. Apparently, they never thought out the ideas in the first place (using those elements as "hey, that would be cool...throw in a polar bear, weird symbols, a temple, a four-toed statue, some interesting phenomena, and a theoretical physicist!). The side-ways, backward, forward flashes became so irritating it looked like they hacked together the pieces because they didn't really have any good ideas in the first "confuse them with confusion! They'll keep coming back to find out the answers..." I feel stupid that I trusted their writing, hoping to get a quality conclusions to the questions they posed. I should have known better.

    It appears that they assumed the lowest common denominator—that all that an audience cares about are relationships—is specious and irritating. So much for a good (not) plot...dramatic emotional arc can they ever be trusted again? They (the writers and producers) shouldn't be allowed to work in this town until they can prove they know how to write from a plot...not invent it as they go. I won't trust anything they do again!

    Yes, I guess I was one of those idiots who kept pulling the lever for a goody, hoping it would be more than superficial entertainment. Should have known the medium better. Learned my lesson.

  • 1 decade ago

    The finale was somewhat satisfying and you had to know they would leave questions unanswered. It only makes sense to leave people with something to keep debating. That being said, I really was expecting something more original but in the back of my mind kind of figured they would go with the purgatory style ending. When the creators made statements a few years ago, that implied purgatory would not be a part of the ending. I was hoping this would be true.

    I would have loved to see a Fight Club style ending. There is a big revelation about what is really happening, questions (some but not all in the case of Lost) are answered and yet you can still use your imagination about where the characters go from there. With the Lost finale, I'm left with the same feeling that I get from a book or movie where about 25% of the way through and I’m pretty sure I know the ending. Yet you hope the author or director will be clever enough to surprise you with something besides the most obvious ending. However, when you get to the end you find they went with the most obvious ending which is the one you thought of a long time ago.

    All in all, it was a good series and it will probably be a long time before we see anything like it again.

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  • Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Not happy at all.

    the last 5 minutes i guess are importend here, if they didnt happen, the island sunk the Airplane still got away, that would be a faaaar better ending. This ending made a huge paradox.

    They Used a freaking Nuke (detonator of a H bomb is still a nuke) to blow up something (i dont remember what exactly) so the airplane never crashed. Well then they had a paralell dimension. Thats fine, but if the parallel reality is infact just a dream dreamed by the people on the island. then it didnt matter at all to blow up the nuke. But the plane would still not crash and nothing would be happend. I hope u can follow me, it just doesnt give any sense.

    And then the Numbers, what does they mean?

    How did dharma find the island

    how? what? why?

    The writers knew they skrewed up so they made the cheapest thing possible, saying it was all just a dream.

  • 1 decade ago

    What an absolute COP OUT on the series finale these writers did. I can picture them now over the 6 season sitting around with CHILDREN asking them "hey kids what do you think is cool?" oh i know how about a bear that attacks them! Oh a kid that knows all the answers then disappears then comes back then goes away again! OH and a yellow Labrador!!! "wow we can use all these ideas thanks kids!" But chuck how will we end this stupid freaking show? We can just choose to ignore all the fun we've been having shooting this insane show by them all getting together in the end. Don't worry people I'm sure will make up things like "oh it's about the human struggle" or some such nonsense.We had fun and our budget is up. I HATE this show that wasted so much of my lifes time. Next time you writers want to create a show make it with a plot.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not happy. Ok the flash side-ways were purgatory. I wish they had a clip of Hurley as the new Jacob. Imagine if another plane crashed. Then the people are arguing that a big hairy man called Hurley is telling them to protect the Island. He seems mystical. That would have brought closure and been hilarious.They could also have said the island is Atlantis or Eden. Tell us something. This is sci-fi not the Sopranoes. As it was such a let-down.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people think they know everything,in assuming,cause that's all your really doing. JUST ASSUMING. but am not going to assume am going to poke holes in the theory of everyone who thinks they understand the ending.

    Fact 1: Jacob's brother turned into that black smoke when he went into the cave. and in the final episode they had a whole crew of workers in the cave passing rope and letting people down. yet no one turned why?

    Fact 2: When jacob passed on his powers to jack, sawyer asked him if he felt any different, he said no. why ?even though jacob supposedly had powers, he passed to jack

    Fact 3: Nobody knows who made that place that they went to, the bus stop where they waited on the heaven shuttle bus, and if they were all people who were important, where was michael and walt. heck michael played a very important role in the show. and they even had walts dog in the ending but no walt. don't make me laugh

    The last fact is this. the writers of the show had a short time to come up with an ending, and that was the best they can come up with. If they had more time would they have made a better ending?.of coarse they would have.

    and am sure other people can poke holes in that rediculous excuse of an ending. i understood it, and that's why i understand well that's it a complete waste of time.And am not assuming the ending was garbage, am telling you it was garbage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The island was the REAL world. Jack died on the island. The sideways world in which Desmond was trying to reconnect everyone was purgatory. At some point all of the Lost characters died who were in the church...some died on the island and some died many years in the future. When we see all the characters in the church it is purgatory. They were all in limbo waiting for each other so they could cross over into the afterlife. This does not suggest that they all died in the plane crash, but moreover, because they were so important to each other in their lives and on the island they wanted to go to heaven together. I think only the crucial characters were in the church. Thanks to Sandra B for explaining this.

    However I totally agree with you, I thought the ending was just STUPID. The whole episode was boring, and so many things went unexplained. Hope I helped.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    ok, it really is in effortless words been a couple of minutes because it complete. initially, i respect the way it ended. I style of suspected that the most suitable shot should be of Jack's eye remaining. As each and every of the couples were reuniting, I heavily had to choke decrease back the tears. the actual incontrovertible truth that they were all in a state of satisfied Limbo waiting for to bypass on to the subsequent life at the same time is sweet. As Christian Shepherd positioned it, some have died in the previous us and some a lot later. i became a touch dissatisfied to no longer see some major characters on the reunion specially: Walt, Mr. Ecko, and Richard and his spouse. i'm hoping that they are at the same time and properly, regardless of the undeniable fact that it ought to were effective to get some closure. i'm nevertheless a touch at a loss for words, as all people else appears to be like, about what the island is and why it became so major to guard the mild to commence with. How did Jacob's surrogate mom get to be on the island and why became she conserving it from the different adult males. also, why were the others conserving the island from the DARMA Initiative? IDK. i'm nevertheless OVERWHELMINGLY chuffed about the finale, there are in effortless words some loose ends that i imagine the writers/manufacturers prefer to tie up for me :) about the ending.

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