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Lv 6
? asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

June 2010 Discover magazine has printed that a cause of both MS & Schizophrenia is a virus common to everyone!?

What do ya think of this? Still think getting all worked up about DNA research is a great idea ~ given especially that the noted research is 13 years old and not yet capitalized on to form a permanent cure for BOTH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND SCHIZOPHRENIA ?


While I'm certain that some people will always know everything, despite the research, I'm offering here celebration, and wondering what you think of it. And the celebration I'm offering is not about "anecdotal" or "observationary" "findings" from politically motivated and thus less reliable sources, but rarther a fellow who spent 13 years in a level three isolation suit doing factual reproducable science. He claims to have literally identified a gene that is universal to the human species, reproduced with EACH child before birth, hiding in our so called "junk DNA" that on occassion is activated by a common illness, usually in childhood. He claims, that at least one mere fact that is anecdotal goes to support this: most children with said diseases are born and thus exist in their most vulnerable states as infants in the cold and flue season, winter and fall. Rerad the article, please. Maybe you will feel better.

And if you are a Liberal, maybe you can toss a few tomatoes at the cons.

Update 2:

Neo-conSERFatives have long held that they don't care about LIBERAL medical research. & they have discouraged DNA research in particular.

The odd thing is they aren't really discouraging research, but rather publicly funded research.

They WANT to know how to give YOU schiozophrenia AT WILL. Perhaps, just perhaps, the fact that 75% of those with long term unemployment ( and thus those that might embarass the neo-conSERFative politico with high unemployment figures ), who immediately go on to leave the unemployment roles because they are found to develop Schizophrenia aren't so many times as the "unparanoid" suspect are "faking it".

Are there other terrorists, you should know about, quiet "private" terrorists?

Who else works for money in medical reseasrch and uses private medical research to exclusively benifit private VESTED INTERESTS, and quashs such research as I'm telling you about here ~ research thats 13 years old and yet unacted on AND done in another country (GB)?

Update 3:

Yes, this is strong language. The want I'm talking about isn't "emotional want". It's rather the cruel inhuman kind ~ .

I'm speaking to the FINANCIAL WANT born of the certain knowledge the rich cliant no longer has to pay financial reimbursements of any kind ever to the unemployed fellows that "turn out" to have "been insane", and thus a hard working representative of theirs can maximize profits for them and NOT LOOSE HIS JOB, to the firm that DOES.

This is the same financial WANT that asks us to accept full unemployment is "bad" ~ the "we" WANT the poor to be hungry ARGUMENT.

Don't blame me, I didn't invent it.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would be great it this were a path to solutions for these conditions. Perhaps it is more complicated than just the genetic issue. But if this could possibly end these problems, I'm all for it.

  • hamb
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Giardia infections are infrequent. If the person who has IBS is not at prime hazard for a parasitic contamination, why must the medical professionals order Ova & Parasite assessments again and again? Insurance may not quilt it, and its no longer low cost. IBS is a truly situation. Its regarding different disorders, sure -- contributors with IBS are almost certainly to additionally endure from melancholy. Women who've been sexually assaulted are at a MUCH better hazard of constructing IBS than different ladies. That doesn't suggest its no longer a truly situation and does not must be handled on its possess. Also, IBS can also be accelerated via drugs like Zelnorm and through a difference in vitamin -- those would not have an effect on a Giardia contamination. Everything does not holiday down into both a parasitic, viral, or bacterial contamination.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well MS is partly a genetic condition. People who develop MS have a genetic predisposition for the disease. What brings it on sometimes is a common infection. Just because you get this common infection doesn't mean you will develop MS. Now Schizophrenia I'm not sure about. Could be the same as MS. Infection is just one of the causes of MS and Schizophrenia.

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