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How does a virgin know he's a bottom?

I've talked to a couple of young guys recently. They claim to be bottoms, yet have never actually had sex.

My question for the "bottoms" is: did you know you were a bottom before you had sex? And can you explain how you knew that?


Sorry if this wasn't clear, by "virgin" means that they've never been penetrated by another guy. Obviously (well it SHOULD be obvious) the guy knows he's gay by the fact that he's ATTRACTED to guys. He does not have to have sex to know that. If you don't get that, there's not much more to say.

Update 2:

Oh and tagboy, if you are not interested in gay sex, why are you reading my question? Methinks you have issues....go crawl in a hole until you figure out why.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've never done anal (I'm a little scurred, and want my first time taking it to be with someone I trust) But I've topped girls, and done oral with guys an girls. I know I'm a bottom. Cause when I'm with a girl, a girl naturally lets you take the lead in bed, and you do the work, an sort of dominate her, and idk, I'm not really into it. I'm not into how passive the girl is, I'd rather be the more passive one. It sends chills down my spine to think of a guys hands on my waist..kissing the back of my neck. I just want to be taken lol. I'm just so emotionally the feminine one in bed, and I really want to recieve. I don't fantasize about taking guys, just guys taking me. I'm kinda eh, towards the idea of topping. I might do it sometimes, but I would definitely be sexually frustrated if I did it all the time. who knows, I might change how I feel after I do anal, but I'm pretty sure that I'm a bottom haha. I'm also solely attracted to very masculine looking and acting men.

  • 1 decade ago

    As with any sexual activity, there are two major categories of perception to enjoy. The first is the tactile sensation. With anal sex, the locus of enjoyable stimulation is the prostate. Bottoms enjoy the sensation of bottoming because the foreign object is pressing up against the prostate. The other category of perception is the idea of what you're engaging in. In other words, a bottom will also be aroused by the idea of being penetrated.

    It is most likely that the "virgin bottoms" that you are talking to claim to be such because they are aroused at the idea of being penetrated by a man. Additionally, these guys may have learned how to use their fingers while masturbating to stimulate the prostate. Still, your question raises an interesting point. Anal sex is involved and takes practice. You really aren't sure that you like it until you experience it with a partner who is practiced and careful. These guys are young, and they are figuring things out. Its good for them to play around with the idea before they get serious about engaging in it.

  • 1 decade ago

    They have either penetrated themselves with toys etc or simply the thought of that turns them on more then topping does... but i do agree that u never know til u try it...

    but also, the person is SO turned on by the thought, that they end up liking it more when they do finally get to bottom... its a game of the mind

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe by virgin they mean sex with another man but they've used "other things" to discover that that's what they THINK they want to be....on the bottom.

    They'll never really know for sure unless they try and be a top at least once now would they.

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  • sting
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You just do. Same way a woman knows to take it in the vagina not the anus. You fantasize and one way turns you on more than the other.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe they practice with candles and Crisco. Or is that too much information?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I gotta question for ya, how come you now ignore me?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Amazing how people know things like, sex, relgion, politics, etc, etc and only listen to the misinformation. Is that bottom as to compared to top? Tell them to quit watching porn and learn what it is to make love to a female. Boys know how to please themselves but haven't yet figured out how to please a female.

    Source(s): Why does it seem every other person is gay, bi or both. How can you chose guys when you look at females?
  • 1 decade ago

    Uhm, they're probably just saying that.

    You obviously can't if you're a ******* virgin...

  • 1 decade ago

    How do you know that your gay if your a virgin or ever had a guy?

    That is the Answer TO your Question Honey...

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