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NRL Fans, where are you from?

I've been wondering, for sometime, where the people on the NRL section live? If you don't mind, please mention the country (since all of us don't live in Australia :-), state and if you are native born to that country.

I am American born and have lived most of my life in the Midwestern part of the US. Have been a resident of Wisconsin for over 30 years. Got introduced to the NRL on a vacation to Australia in 2005. Have only seen one match in person (Roosters v Tigers, Rd 4, 2005) and have been hooked on League ever since. As I have said before, I get up at 3:00 or 4:00 AM to watch most of the Tigers games being streamed online and also subscribe to several Rugby League online forums.

The Rugby League section of Y/A has been a great place for me to learn more about what is happening in the League. Great questions and answers (for the most part - and I think you know what I mean) and I am very happy to be a small part of it.

I hope this section continues to flourish.


The Rugby League in the US is semi-pro at best. They are trying to form a more professional league, but rugby in general is an east and west coast game; with most of it Union not League. Very little recreational, school or university rugby and what there is - is not league. The NRL doesn't have anything to fear from the US for some time, although it would be great to get some just retired NRL players to get the game going around here.

Update 2:

Great answers! Keep 'em coming.

Update 3:

Had a chance to go to the Blue Mountains but it was so damn foggy, couldn't see 2 feet (oops, meters) in front of your face. So, I couldn't tell if they were blue or not. Sounds like a PR campaign to me, ha, ha!

Update 4:

FYI - 6 June One of the cable stations, MSG+, is showing SOO1 today! Just thought you might be interested that sometimes we do get RL all be it somewhat late.

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I hail from the Killcare, Central Coast of New South Wales. Been here all my life (I's twenty one now), goes alright.

    Got set straight by my old man who's from Bondi, so I follow the Chooks and have been for about ten years. It's kinda funny that, mumsy goes for the Rabbitohs (The Dark Side), it's a pretty tense household when they play each other.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am born in NSW Australia, I was born in the town I live in now, and have lived here my whole life :) I am a QLD SOO supporter though. I have been watching Rugby League my whole life, brought up with it. My mum is a parra supporter, my step-dad is a manly supporter (so is my 6 year old sister) and my 16 year old brother is a roosters supporter... I am 15 and I am a Melbourne Storm supporter. I love this game, it has to be the best in the world other than barrel racing ;)

    Its great to hear that someone from another country is that passionate about a team to get up at 4am!! Just shows how great the game is hey?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Great news Skando, it is good to see that you support NRL from abroad, I think that they have a Rugby League comp in U.S but is quite bad, hope the quality of the games over there improve, they should bring in some people who are at the end of their career to help promote it over there, because that is what the game needs. I live in Brisbane, QLD but am a born and bred New Zealander. I support the Warriors and watch most NRL games in a season. As I have said, rugby league needs to expand into the USA as they have a MASSIVE market their and with all the Gridiron players there who don't make it in to the NFL can join league. It would give us Aussies and Kiwis some competition. :P

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good on you mate. Thats really fantastic that you have that much commitment. I'm a Raiders fan I live in Wellington New Zealand born and bred here. Although we have the New Zealand warriors they are still mainly supported in Auckland as they don't take any home games around the country and also the were only introduced into the comp in 1995 after I and many others were already a league fans with teams to follow.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're a dead set champion lol I never would of thought an American would get so hooked on Rugby League when the U.S has so many cool, major sports. Its great! Good on you, keep it up. What do your mates think of you being a die-hard League fan?

    I was born on the Gold Coast, Queensland and have spent my entire life here, I love it. Great weather, great beaches and I think some of the best looking girls in Australia lol I dont think I'll ever leave.

    Anway its great that you're a part of the Y!A section, your knowledge is impressive so hopefully you keep contributing your views and opinions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was born and bred at the foot of the Blue Mountains.

    Was a Parra Junior for a while until The Panthers entered the competition then without moving I became a Panther junior.

    Now live and work in Wuxi in China. About 120 klms from Shanghai.

    This is one way to keep in touch wih what is happening in league and I love the opinions expressed here, even if I dont always agree with them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Born and lived my half of my life in Melbourne the other half of my life I lived in country Victoria this past two years moving back to Melbourne again...naturally being a Victorian and into my 50's I've followed Aussie Rules all my life...I started out watching Union and only when the Storm joined the comp did I start watching League...I love it so much so that each Friday night I find myself sitting up till 2.00am to watch the first of the Friday night double that Channel 9 put on...I would love it if we got more games down here in Melbourne but as it's an AFL area I seriously doubt it'll happen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i was born and raised in brisbane, been here all my life except 2 years workin on oil rigs in sth aus. I am a sports fanatic i enjoy anything as a kid i played league, union, soccer, cricket and baseball all at club level, but my passion is league and the broncos. Its good to know some people from the US of A supports this game that is not popular around the world. One day i will go to usa for a sports/poker trip..... Yeah one day.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are so nice! It makes me happy people from non rugby league countries love the game :D

    I've lived in Newcastle, NSW my whole life, it's a hole haha. I want to move to New York next year or the year after though, and will be getting up at 4:00am to watch the game like you -_-

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Great you are supporting bthe game in the land of the free. A throwback to the "good old days" in tonight's game. Didn't like the cheap shots but the blues vwere good to see again.

    I'm from the NSW South Coast but originally from the land of the thistle and home of Jura Superstition. Keep up the good work over there.

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