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Why dont women like it when men show interest in them?

Okay, hear me out. I've noticed from experience that whenever I let a woman know that I'm interested in her she seems to run for the hills like I'm the boogey man. On the contrary, though, I am constantly hit on by women who I show absolutely no interest in. It's as if when I make it clear to a woman that I'm interested its a turn off. Now I know a lot of women don't really understand themselves and were not all psychologists but id like some insight on this subject.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ALL women are this way... the notion that some women are 'normal' and do not respond this way is a lie. If there are a few women who do not respond this way, they are the statistical outliers.

    It's actually a balancing act you have to do with women. You have to hint at interest and then pull away. I don't know if it's the fact that women are so over-pursued that the knee-jerk into running away if you are simply honest with them about your feelings, but I can assure you, the only way to get and keep a woman is to FOREVER play the pull-away game. You can't let them know that you are doing this, however, or the game is over.

    This all goes along with the idea that bad boys get the women, which is true... good guys pay the bills while the bad boys sleep with their wives. I know, I have been both.

    It's a cat and mouse game. Women have no clue what they want and, honestly, the role you have to play revolves around their monthly cycle.

    In the middle of the cycle when they are most horny, be the bad boy. Be dark, brooding and dangerous... also be very aloof. Make them come to you.

    During the week before their period, be docile and obsequious. Dress and act like the quintessential husband/father.

    During the week of their period(at least the first few days), be the hopeless romantic who is cuddly, brings flowers and sings sonnets...(don't really sing sonnets! LOL)

    I can tell you by a look and especially how they smell, which part of the cycle they are in. It's not a bad smell... but there will be a physiological response you will have... you may not even actually 'smell' anything, but you will feel something when you smell them and you will know. It's as if we were wired to deal with their roller-coaster ways.

    Here are a few rules...

    NEVER pledge your undying love. Make women always wonder if she is good enough. The MINUTE she knows she is 'all that' she will flip a switch and become the demanding princess who has NO respect for you. This is the most important thing to do when you first meet a woman... make her wonder if SHE is good enough for you. If she thinks you are a better... but not too much better, she will LONG for you, dream about you and think of you while she is banging some guy who she no longer respects...

    Some simple ways to accomplish this is to be dismissive but make sure it's subtle... but ONLY after you have her engaged in some meaningless conversation. Talk about something she is into... women are FAR more narcissistic than men... ALL conversations have to revolve around them! Even when you are asked direct questions about yourself... make the answer all about them. They don't have the self esteem to handle a normal conversation that involves back and forth talk. I have experimented with this with some of the most fascinating men... and the same thing happens... no matter what a man is talking about, it has to seem as though he is talking about his woman.

    I have met many women who SAY they are not all into themselves... but in reality, they are... talk about yourself for 3 minutes and watch her eyes... she will start glancing away. Her feet will point toward the guy she is now interested in... her pupils will constrict... they can't lie with their physiology! It SCREAMS 'you had better be talking about me!'

    Here is the bottom line... women NEED men to think they are attractive. If they read that they already have you, they will move on... you HAVE to keep the game alive and make sure they are ALWAYS trying to attract you. Say no to sex when they are not looking their best... they will know that they don't own sex then... that it is a two way street of give and take... Otherwise they think that as long as they own a vagina, they win! Not so!!!

    Make sure you make them feel sexy... a step forward... then quickly take a small step back...

    It's a tightrope act you have to do... it gets VERY easy if you practice. Make quick contact with a woman and then move on.

    Also... if you can... be seen with a HOT woman before you make contact. You can be the ugliest guy in the bar, and every woman will want you. Find a friend who is hot and hang with her. NEVER behave sexual toward her... be the gay guy who has them as friends(not really, but mimic that dynamic). When you are seen with these women, you will be elevated to god status.

    I always sit next to hot women... when I pay my bill at the bar, I find the hottest woman and pay my bill by her...

    This is all STUPID... it actually pisses me off that woman are this way, but I have been able to attract any woman using these techniques. Married church women have slept with me... women married to millionaires... models, professional cheerleaders...

    I WISH that I could just say, 'I heard you laugh and it made me smile... I'd love to get to know you more, can I buy you a drink and visit with you for a short while?'

    But that rarely works unless they are having their period or coming off a breakup and want to dum

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, most women are flattered by a man's interest if it is shown in an appropriate manner (and if both people are single). But women can easily be scared off if it is too much; most of us have had a stalker or some overly aggressive attention at some point and that makes us wary if too much interest is shown too soon. We can actually be in physical danger if some overly aggressive guy gets the wrong idea, and then get blamed for "leading him on" if we had shown any interest to begin with. So we have to be careful.

    So here's my advice. Express your interest in a subtle manner such as prolonged eye contact, smiling, etc, and if that gets a positive response you can slowly move up from there, with more overt flirtation, etc. If at any point it does not get a response, back off. This way you're not setting up yourself up for rejection, either. It's much easier to back down when your flirting doesn't get a response than go full out declaring your feelings for her and get shot down. So just take it slow and see if she's interested and reciprocates at each level before you step it up.

    Best wishes.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    What, you've never seen a guy at a chick flick movie? One issue is there are few stereotypically female events; the stereotype is women are while men do, but you could count romantic comedies maybe? Or shopping. Men do accompany women to these things, however there is more social stigma for a single guy to go someplace girly than for a single girl to go somewhere macho. They can be attending out of genuine interest, as well, btw

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's best to SHOW them you like them. For some reason people (men and women) find it as a sign of weakness when you open up and spill out your whole heart. I was told by a guy once, "Never tell a person how much you truly love them, they will f#ck you every time." I hate to be a pessimist, but I have found that to be true. It's immaturity but reality.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe the problem is YOU. I am not trying to be mean here. Just stating the facts. I only ran from men that were "obviously" not for me. You might be showing those obvious reasons and you don't even know it. Re-evaluate yourself and make changes if you find areas you need to improve on.

    Good luck!

  • mk
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    I wouldn't say all women, but certainly all feminists. And feminists have no interest in men.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They like it, but it has to be the right man. You are just not the right man for them.

    Try a different type of women.

  • 1 decade ago

    women do like attention. Maybe you are trying to attract the wrong kind of woman or you are giving the wrong kind of attention. Try a different approach and see what happens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps you should try being around NORMAL women- most of us don't play ridiculous games like that. Well...the super immature young ones do...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ah yes, like the women that wear a plunging neck line and are offended that you look at their jugs.

    It's bullshit , 99 % of women are attention whores and part of that game is to play offended by the attention.

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