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Before we blame SEWA for all the power woes in Sharjah... is there anybody who knows the real reason behind?

Sharjah Electricty and Water Authority (SEWA) - the sole power provider in Sharjah emirate once again is in deep trouble plagued with blackouts all over the city and yet electrical tariff were raised and is now the highest in the UAE. So many stories and logical explanations have came out from angry and affected residents but no official comments from SEWA has since came out. Worst, speculative technical reasons presented as comments in dailies articles were even funnier. So, is there anybody amongst us who really have the slightest idea what is going on before we cast the first stone to SEWA?


Edit: For you UK time, I understand your language.... hey you just woke up and forgot to gargle hence those words...


thanks for your piece of opinion... but you did not answer my question?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    2 weeks ago "Hans" asked a similar question and "Tin m" gave him a good answer. Because "Tin m" seems to absent for right now, I copy his answer on his behalf.;_ylt=AmqWs...

    @khaleel: didn't know that I live in a Kingdom. Must have missed the news last night:))

    Source(s): me, UAE
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    jointly as there are a number of which will decide this from a moralists view, the factor is it brought about a conceivable protection breach. it somewhat is and may be the only concern. i do no longer care what proportion prostitutes they cavort with while they do no longer look to be on an project, yet from the time they have been given on the airplane to bypass down there till the time the President have been given on the airplane to return back, those human beings the place on project, no count if or no longer they have been on accountability or no longer.

  • 1 decade ago

    frend, SEWA or for that matter any govt body in UAE will not listen to us or ask our opinion about their service. Its a fcking kingdom not a democracy where we can voice our opinion / criticism. Accept and suffer or move to dubai. You will never come across such nonsense in dubai.

    Source(s): lived in dubai
  • 1 decade ago

    WTF is SEWA? And WTF is Sharjah? OH....! It's UK time! Dude, gargling or what , you still failed to answer my question to further help you answers yours! After all, that is the whole point, isn't it?

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