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If you are a Christian, would you be disinclined to read a novel about a demon, even if...?

...the book is in the Religious/Christian fiction section? Or any fantasy books in the Religion section, for that matter.

I'm quite curious. I'm writing a novel about a demon that is turning out to be a rather Christian book (makes sense, I'm religious), but I know many Christians have a problem with fantasy in general, despite the undertones. The story is getting written either way, obviously, but I did have to wonder while I was working on it this morning.


I'm totally one of the people who has a strong enough faith that I don't feel threatened by things that seem to go against what I believe. I read whatever I want without fear of being swayed.

I'm not really concerned about people not reading it (chances of publishing are null until I finish it, anyway, and the end is a long way off), I'm mostly just curious. I'm pretty sure it would be placed in the Christian section, though, as the other main character is an angel and it deals a lot with God and Christian beliefs. Sooo...y'know. Hard to just slap that in Teen or something. xD The thought just struck me that some people would see the protagonist is a demon and be like, "Um, excuse me, wrong section much?" and toss it back on the shelf. Like my grammy, who would call it evil. *shrug*

Update 2:

Let me rephrase: I'm quite certain that this story I'm writing is going to be a Christian novel when all is said and done. However! This was a curiosity question, not a "will they still like my idea omg?!" question. xD So thank you all very much for the reassurance, but I really don't need it. Don't take that the wrong or way or anything, I'm just beginning to feel that my question isn't being taken for face value. That's probably my fault for typing too much, though. My fingers have an issue with shutting up. Like now.

Update 3:

@ agilebrit: You are totally right, and I do know that "Christian" doesn't define just one type of person...and boy, do I know it. O,o Avoiding the ugly details, let's just say I fall heavily outside of the general, er...stereotype (if that's the right word to use here) of a Christian, and my friends and family all fall into varying places in between. I truthfully only know one person who would think my story is evil, and that's my grammy, who I mentioned before. She's a bit...close-minded, let's say. X3

Update 4:

@ Dani: I totally get where you're coming from with the type of people who will gravitate toward the Christian section. I only brought it up because at my local Waldenbooks (before it closed), there were quite a few fantasy books in the Christianity section, and my local Life Way (Christian store) sells a lot of Christian fantasy novels. I have to be honest and say that I haven't really seen any teenagers hanging around Life Way looking for a good book about demons, though, so you definitely have a point. XD

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I *am* a Christian, and I read books with content like that all the time. One of my favorite book series is the Dresden Files. I've written a short story where a guy sells the soul of his yet-to-be-conceived child to the devil, and other stories with magic, werewolves, and vampires.

    It depends on the Christian, of course. "Christians" aren't a monolithic group any more than "women" are.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm Catholic, but what I read really has nothing to do with my religion. I'd read a book about a demon without any problems... however I'm not sure I'd be inclined to pick up a fiction book that's in the Christian section, to be honest. If I'd heard about it somewhere & it sounds interesting, then yes, I'd read it.

    And I agree that many Christians don't like to read fantasy-type stuff, but just as many will be willing to read your book... I'm just not sure that the Christians who would like to read your book are the same Christians that hang out in the Christian section of the book store. I think the people who read typical "Christian" books are like my grandmother was, the type of people that condemn Harry Potter and Stephen King and rap music and most of the things I do/say/think on a daily basis. Not that I didn't love my grandma... she was just, in my opinion, religious to the point of being close-minded, which I consider a very bad thing. I think you'll just need to draw in an audience that, especially if they are religious, are more open-minded.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just because you read something in a book doesnt mean you agree or believe in it. Book are for our enjoyment and imaginations.

    Everyone told me that The Golden Compass series had atheiest metaphors but I read it anyone becasue its an entertaining story.

    The onyl thing I would suggest is that you dont classify it as a relgious book, that might turn people off. Maybe just think of it as fiction with a christian theme just Like The Lord of the Rings.

    good luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    check out books by Frank Peretti novels, The Veritas Conflict by Shaunti Feldahn and The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis - these are books by Christian authors that deal with demons and humanity from a Christian perspective. Then check out books by David Brown and Steven Berry and similar book - these are secular books that deal with the occult, demonology, and similar issues from a secular perspective. Just because you're dealing with religious issues doesn't mean you're necessarily writing a Christian novel. And just because you're writing about demons doesn't mean Christians will ban your book.

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  • Well, I am a Christian, and honestly, i think its fine. I know some Christians don't read Harry Potter and stuff, but i do. Your book sounds really interesting. I would totally read it! But make sure that it is in line with the Bible or else it would be blasphemy. If its blasphemous, i wouldn't read it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely not. If I were a Christian I would like to think my faith in god and knowledge that the book is only a story would allow to read it without feeling uncomfortable.

  • j3
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No. I'm Jewish/Agnostic and I'm writing an analogous novel about the life of Christ, Christian philosophy, and the Biblical answer to the great philosophical questions.

    And I'm not offended by books about Christ or the Bible

  • 1 decade ago, i have no problem with fantasy.

    seriously, my room is packed with fantasy books, posters,movies and so on. i plan on being a fantasy author if i casn ever finish anything.

    me? i'm mormon. just like brandon mull, orson scott card, obert skye, j. s. savage....( all si fi/ fantasy authors, jsyk)

  • 1 decade ago

    i wouldnt worry, christians are supposed to be cremated - in da bible, but how many christians are cremated?

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