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How do I become more open minded towards Christianity?
I like to claim to be very open minded, which I think I am. I feel like I should accept everyone because not everyone accepts me. But when I start to debate with Christians about the Bible and God, they turn it around and say "You say you're so open minded!" Or "You need to open your mind more" something like that. And it gets me thinking, how do I become more open minded towards Christianity? Or what do I even say to a statement like that? Now I believe in God, it's just that I like to argue that I don't think the Bible is the exact word of God, and why we don't follow ridiculous verses in there like how it's okay to stone your wife, and put people to death. But people still believe homosexuality is a sin. When I know God made me this way.. Help?
But what do I say to a Christian who's telling me to be more open minded? I'm not about to get on my knees for them, unless he's hot. But idk how to even respond to that.
Oh, and the fact that she tells me I'm a hypocrite because I'm a gay Christian. And that If i were a real Christian I wouldn't be gay. According to her I'm also going to spend an eternity in Hell.
12 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
The whole point of Christianity is "Christ." Simple way to put it: What would Jesus do? Did Jesus say something about it? Jesus spread a message of love not hate and hypocrisy. Those people are not real Christians.
Source(s): Went through this already. - Anonymous1 decade ago
Well half the Christians that claim they are Christians are really not. And I pity ppl who start to hate God and what not just because some of his "followers" paint him out to be this big bad guy all because they are douche bags. People just need to stop listening to these homophobic, over zealous religious freaks and actually get to know God themselves rather than listen to these people. If you dont believe in God, fine, but if your just basing everything you know about God of these morons then you've been seeing things wrong. God doesn't hate gays, if your going based off the Bible it says that nowhere. All it says is the act of Homosexuality is wrong, not Homosexuals themselves. The act of lying and stealing is wrong, but does it say that God hates liers and stealer's?, no, it doesn't. Same with homosexuality. Point being, we all sin, wither we be gay or straight, but God does not hate sinners. If He did, we'd all be screwed. We can all be forgiven of our sins. What I dont like is how people blame Christianity for all there problems. Beacuse Christianity is not responsible for that, it's the people in it that are responsible. You get some perfectly good people that come out of Christianity and many other Religons, yet people look at the bad side of things and geberalize us all into the same box. It's not Religons fault that it's in control by bastards, so I dont blame religon for anything, I just blame the people who are actually responsible. And those are ignorant bastards. You think people would be any different if Religon wasn;t around? No, it would still be the same.
How do you become more open minded? Well to me you sound open minded enough.Open mined does not mean "Believe what they believe" No no no. It means you can accept that they believe what the believe and you respect that, even though you may believe another way. I respect a Buddhist and his beliefs, I dint believe the same way he does but yet I can still understand that we both have our differences and that does not make either of us better than the other. That's being open minded. Close minded is "Oh you wrong because you dont believe what I believe blah blah your going to Hell" that's not open minded.
- 1 decade ago
Jeremy, if they are un-willing to be open minded about your orientation, (I'm assuming you're not straight) why should you be open minded towards their religion? I don't like Christianity. I tolerate them because I do not want to repeat my past with violence again. The bible isn't the exact word of God. it was written partially a few hundred years after Jesus died, so how can it be the exact word? Honestly, I do not know how people are made to be gay. I know they don't choose it. You can respond by saying, "I'll be more open minded about you and your faults, when you are more open minded about something I cannot control and didn't choose." Hope this helps, William.
Source(s): a gay who has trouble with christians. - Anonymous1 decade ago
You gave the Bible chance, thought about it and concluded that it is false, so you were open minded. It would be close minded to plug your ears and hum while they try to tell you about the Bible, insisting that it is wrong without even considering the fact that it may be right. You don't have to believe everything to be open minded about it :)
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- 1 decade ago
You just have to try and accept that it's their faith. Try not to debate theology with someone that is extremely devout, IT LEADS NOWHERE. Discussions can be good, but people often get defensive in debates because they feel that their religion (which is often everything to them) is being mocked. But you should be clear that you respect their beliefs and you expect them to respect yours. I guess it's not really open mindedness, but it's definitely tolerance. I've had to do the same thing. As for the gay thing, if you feel strongly enough, just say "Why would I choose to be gay when people are going to judge me and discriminate against me? Like I woke up one morning and just decided, like sexuality is some light switch? Think about it." That causes a loss for words, trust me.
- 1 decade ago
The people on here have made me hate God. It's all because of these homophobic christians. Remember, the Bible was not written by God, but by men. It isn't really a sin because you are born that way.
- RobLv 41 decade ago
You can respect their beliefs without agreeing with anything that they believe in. However, disrespectful people do not deserve respect. I have no problem with Christians as long as they don't try to convert me.
- 1 decade ago
You're not closed-minded. You're just rational. God doesn't exist. The concept of sin is man-made, just like the concept of god. Enjoy your life while you're here because this is all that there is dude.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I would be lying if I said I don't hate Christianity. The stuff it has put me through is unbelievable. It ruins a lot of lives. It causes homosexual teens to commit suicide. And on top of that, Christianity has no scientific evidence to back it up.