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I want to convert from islam to christianity. can any help me?

I am 16 years old, currently living in an islamic country. My mother is british so i have a taste of the western life. In december i went to visit my family in uk, while i was staying there i went to church on christmas with them. ever since that day i have been confused. when i came bk home I sat down with my mother one night, and told her i wanted to convert but am scared. The conversation started and ended in tears. It really was a magical moment for both of us. I told her exactly my thoughts, and all she said to me was "follow your heart and what you think is right". so i told my self i was going to do that. In my heart i believe in jesus. if any christians are reading this, do you think god will accept me into christianity?

and how do i Officially convert? thank you for all your time

P.S i do not anyone writing comments that are spiteful and mean. We ALL should respect peoples religion and decisions


Thank you alll for answering my question. i am gratefull to all of you :)

P.s: alan h, i only meant that i was open minded.

thank you all again

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We are a family, which means we don't always agree. One most of us, with the exception of the 'crazy uncle' here and there is that God has already called you. You answered. It isn't a question of God accepting you, but you accepting Him. You ask whether He will. He Has.

    I know first hand how precarious your situation can be. The good if difficult part is that the nonsense we aren't immune to tend to be inverse to how dire the circumstances.

    At this stage, since you have some access to the internet, I would follow the crawl/walk/run approach.

    Prayer, Bible. If you don't have the Bible, then 'just' (difficult) remember Charity/Love for now. Love of God, love of neighbor.

    There are others in similar situations, from similar backgrounds. I don't know specifics, and won't pretend to know your situation better than you do. The resources that I know best are Catholic but again, this isn't the stage where beggars can be choosers, and God is a better strategist than us anyway. You may find that you don't concur with my beliefs. That is okay. Truth, mercy, and charity can come in many forms, such as the kind 'Athian/Christeist' lady who recommended you follow your heart/the truth best you can.

    The most immediate recommend. The Bible, starting with the New Testament, probably Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The next that comes to mind is to know you are a Christian. Shape and flavor to be determined. You can get a very good book/audio "Mere Christianity" By C.S. Lewis for free on the internet. (Librivox, sonitus sanctus) I know that you may be limited to visual media depending on security concerns. Again, not all Islamic countries are the same. I am erring on the side of caution.

    There is a difference between dying for faith, and dying for stupid.

    Search for book (kindle on laptop?) for Ravi Zacharias, the book "Son of Hamas" (extreme I know, but hopefully encouraging. I know him as Joseph. I don't recall his Muslim name at the moment)

    Don't worry so much about 'flavor' and 'sects' so much right now. Remember charity/love. Trust God to provide and protect you from His followers. We don't always. Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, Baptists. Make whatever local contacts, prudently, that you can. You mother sounds pretty smart.

    I will help how I can. I normally don't establish email type contact with minors. I will very short term until something more appropriate can be arranged. A friendly adult will be preferable. In any event, there is no need to foolishly compromise safety.

    The links I provided are the ones that I know. There are others, not all Catholic. Hopefully you can network with a nun, deacon, priest, or protestant with some type of missionary network.

    My email should be up. Please go through more sex/age appropriate first though.

    Yours in Christ, blessings and welcome <><

    Source(s): Catholic
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well, i can see that you're already swayed towards Islam, and I say you should convert to it. The Qur'an is the word of God, and Islam is the last religion sent by God. I'm a Muslim, but we do believe that Christianity was a religion from God, but it got corrupted over the years as did Judaism. God sent Islam as the final religion and the Qur'an as His final Book which He will never let be corrupted as were His Holy Books of the past(i.e. the Bible, the Torah, etc.) Islam does make sense and it has all the real answers on why we are here, what should we be doing, and so on. Islam is really the best choice. Islam is the real deal and I can ASSURE you that you would be MUCH happier in the hereafter if you chose Islam. Please trust me and you already know that Islam makes more sense. So, final answer, you should convert to Islam. EDIT: I wanted to add that if you convert to Islam, you shouldn't be converting to "sunniism" or any other sect like that. Allah sent ISLAM to us, not any other sect of religion. He wants us to be Muslims, not Sunnis or shias or wahabis or any other sect. As it says in the Qur'an" “...This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (5:3)

  • 1 decade ago

    Will God accept you? ABSOLUTELY!

    "In my heart i believe in jesus"

    In essence, this is all you really need to do, is believe in Jesus, and make him lord of your life.

    As for making it official, in John 3, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit". Further, in Acts 2, we find the command to "repent and be baptized" to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So your next step is to be baptized. All this requires is finding a Christian church and asking to be baptized.

    From there, go to services, study the Bible, and do what says. As far as studying, I recommend you get with experienced Christians to help you understand what you study. Again, a local Christian church can help.

    Can you get a copy of the Bible? If not, the link below will give you access to the full Bible online until you can.

    Welcome to the Kingdom

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our Lord said "be not afraid I go before you always come follow me".May the Holy Spirit guide you always.I would urge you to contact the Catholic church either on line or locally( some Islamic countries have them).It is the institution founded by Jesus Himself.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think like your mother you should follow your heart...but also question yourself-are you converting for the freedom or the religion and belief-because I've heard islam and christianity have nearly the same beliefs- they both believe in jesus(pbuh) but islam is 'more' faithful and they do not need 'pictures' to prove he is there and exists-that God is more powerful and doesn't need to come in human form but send prophets to guide human kind- in islam there is more limits and restrictions and in christianity it's also the same but most people forget there faith and do not do what their religion tells them to do whereas in islam muslim MUST think of their faith before doing anything.

    i'm sure you've realised by now i am a muslim and i am so proud to be one- i am also proud to see someone like you question your faith and your mother for not caging you but allowing you to see the world from a different point- im wondering if your mother is a muslim and if your faith is weak if you are a muslim- i think in any religion just believing you are part of it you can be really part of it-so if you believe everything in christianisty and believe you are one then you might aswell call yourself a christian- i have many christian friends- they are all lovely people-

    I think you might believe i am mocking and taunting you-but i really can't- i believe you have the rights to believe what you believe as long as you love it with your heart.

    i do want to help you change your mind- but i have no rights to if you don't allow me-i just want you to research your own religion 'ISLAM' and then your -to be- religion 'CHRISTIANITY'

    Source(s): With my love for my brother/sisters and respect for your choice.
  • dd k
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hello Mariam,

    Though this is a hard decision, I truly feel that God is the one who stirred your heart.

    Ask God for protection for you and your family.

    God will reveal more and more as time goes on.

    Try to find a Bible (or order one online) and just start reading the book of Luke, which begins with the story of Jesus.

    I pray that you will be able to find other Christians for support, even if you have to go "underground."

    I will be praying for you for the next few days.

    Source(s): Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    The Scriptures indicate that proper knowledge & appreciation are both a prerequisite to becoming a true Christian:

    "The Be·roe′ans [a group of early Christians] . . . received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, *carefully examining* the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so." ---Acts 17:10,11

    "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but *test [them] to see whether they originate with God*, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world." --1 John 4:1-21

    So it follows that you should begin to thoroughly research what God's Word says. I've studied an excellent Bible study aid which discusses the Bible's main teachings, and it has been posted online, here:

    "What Does the Bible *Really* Teach?"

    OR, you might prefer the more concise Bible study aid, complete with study suggestions:

    "What Does God Require of Us?"

    Both of them are full of links to the Scriptures they are based on, as well as review questions.

    You can also request a free personal Bible study with a qualified Bible teacher, by filling out an e-coupon (click on "Contact Us" at the top of each page), and they will contact you as you indicate. Along with the above books & the Scriptures they refer to, you would also do well to read:

    "Reasons to Trust the Bible"

    "The Lord 's Prayer---Its Meaning for You"

    "What Must We Do to Be Saved?"

    "Why Believe in Jesus Christ?"

    - How Jesus Can Change Your Life :

    - - His Teachings, Deeds, & Sacrifice

    Regarding whether God will accept you, consider:

    "Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom.  And YET THAT IS WHAT SOME OF YOU WERE. But You have been WASHED CLEAN, but You have been SANCTIFIED, but You have been DECLARED RIGHTEOUS in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God." --1 Corinthians 6:9-11

    "...Many of those who had become believers would come and confess and report their practices openly. Indeed, QUITE A NUMBER OF THOSE WHO PRACTISED MAGICAL ARTS brought their books together and burned them up before everybody..." --Acts19:18,19

    Consider, too, the cases of Moses and David:

    "Will God Overlook Our Weaknesses?"

    > Consider God's dealings with Moses and David <

    - God Expects Us to Fight Our Weaknesses

    "Help to Understand -&- Why We Need to Study the Bible"

    "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine." --1 Thessalonians 5:21


    Source(s): Read the Bible Online:
  • 1 decade ago

    It is simple (though not easy) to become a Christian. It's not really about some formula; but here are the basics:

    1. Realise that you are a sinner in God's eyes since he is perfect and Holy in every way. Even your smallest sins (lying, bad attitudes, being ungrateful, lustful thoughts etc.) are vile and wicked in God's eyes because in him there is no darkness. Understand that God justly condemns you for your rebellion against the laws he has written in your heart, and what you deserve from his is wrath and punishment.

    2. Understand that God, because he has a heart of love and is willing to extend mercy to you, have made a way for his enemies to be cleansed of their crimes and be united with him.

    3. God took on human form as Jesus Christ who temporarily set aside his diety to live as a human being on earth. He lived the perfect life we are expected to live and he never sinned. Then he willingly died a criminal's death to pay the penalty for the sins of those who would be saved. Three days later he rose from death to prove he is God and that his work on the cross was succesful.

    4. Repent of your sins before God. This means that you make a decision to turn your back on your old self-centered and idolotrous way of life and turn towards God. Ask God for forgiveness and beg him to receive you as his child

    5. Believe on the Lord Jesus. This means believe that he is Lord and God and the only one who can save you from enternal punishment. Trust that he will save you - do not trust in your own goodness. Ask Jesus to be your saviour and to cover your sins with his blood. Believe and trust that he is the eternal God and Lord of your life

    6. Begin living in faith by following Jesus and obeying his commands. Get a Bible if you can and learn what God wants from you by reading the New Testament first. Until you learn Christian theology just try and please God by following your conscience and doing what is right as far as you can. Living a moral and excellent life doesn't save you, but it is worship to God and proves that you love Jesus who has become your saviour.

    There way more that this. But everybody has to start somewhere.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should obey Acts 2:38

    Acts 2:38 (King James Version)

    38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    I suggest finding an Apostolic church nearest you. I have no idea what country you are from, but the United Pentecostal Church International has missionaries in many many countries.

    check out the website for more information.

  • Danny
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


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