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2008 2009 2010 solar eclipses on First of Av in Jewish calendar: other specific examples and explanation?

There will be another solar eclipse in two days which will be the First of Av in Jewish calendar. Thus, the three consecutive solar eclipses of 2008, 2009, and 2010 all happen on the same date in Jewish calendar, on the First of Av.

Are there any other calendars similar to the Jewish calendar where the three solar eclipses happen on the same date, or something like it? Please be specific in examples to include past events and future events verifiable on the NASA web site.

Does anyone know how the Jewish calendar works scientifically that it captures the universe interaction of the sun, the moon, and the earth in these 3 consecutive years?

Are there scientific web-sites on it confirming these scientific-religious links on how the Jewish calendar works?

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