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Why are people homophobic? What do you think about homosexuality?

Why do people have negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexuality? It's discrimination and I hate it.

Being gay is natural, there is even widespread homosexuality in the animal kingdom. A review by researcher Bruce Bagemihl shows that homosexual behavior has been observed in close to 1500 species, if that's not natural then what is. Look at these articles:

'A recent study found that lesbians are slightly more likely than are heterosexual women to have male-type finger length patterns. Although the correlation was only slight, and although the researchers could not explain why some heterosexual women also had the same finger pattern, the study was quickly hailed as further evidence that homosexually-oriented people are "born that way." '

'Homosexuals have a greater incidence of mental illness, particularly depression and suicide, than do heterosexuals. Activists quickly explain that this connection implies neither a necessary psychological nor a necessary biological link between homosexuality and depression. They argue, rather, that suicidal depression is the unsurprising effect on otherwise healthy individuals who have to live a closeted existence in an abusive and hostile society.'

'homosexual men typically have higher testosterone as adults than heterosexual men. I believe this is caused by a lack of turnover in the brain of testosterone to estrogen, which affects the hypothalamus-pituitary-genital axis, and never puts as much a brake on testosterone production as would typically occur in hetero men.'

What do you think?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Homophobia arises out of ignorance. Cure that ignorance, and you cure the homophobia. Unfortunately, a lot of people resist education and enlightenment. They find it much more fun to imagine that their answers are correct, and that they can't possibly learn anything from anyone who has studied the issues which their ignorant anti-gay arguments are about.

  • Hugh M
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I feel sad for homosexuals not hatred. Society is not geared towards same sex partnerships at present, so no kids for most no weddings for most the list goes on and on, I think it is impossible to put people into boxes tho and say you are born gay/straight bi etc. As some people will never change their orientation and some will and some will never be sure either way their whole life. I know a girl who was straight as a die then she was raped and now she prefers women and women only!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Alright, I'll tell you something. People can't really control how they're feeling, that's why it's called a feeling in the first place. Feeling weirded out by gay men is a feeling. The hatred doesn't stem from nothing, it comes from the feeling of uneasiness caused by a gay man's presence. I'm Arab and live in the Middle East and whether my logic tells me otherwise or not, my personal inclination is to feel rather uneasy around the gay guy. And maybe forcing oneself to act in a different manner despite the contrasting feeling might not be good for you mentally. What I'm trying to lay on you basically is that despite my awareness and belief that hating someone just for playing for a different team is silly, my feelings tell me otherwise. Feel me?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that if people say something about other people's sexuality than it is discriminating and completely homophobic.

    I mean if you were the person who was being teased or harassed then you wouldn't like it.

    For example; if someone came up to you and went, (this is just as an example i have made it up), "meet me later with your boy/girl friend queer".

    You would hate it!

    There are a lot of homosexuals in my school but everyone has learned and have moved on it doesn't even make a difference to us anymore of who is homosexual and who isn't. Even one of my teachers are homosexual but he is a great person/teacher.

    Why can't people learn to deal with it like at my school? im not saying my school is perfect by the way it has its downsides too, but fortunately for us this is an upside.

    And Yes being homophobic is natual as you have pointed out.

    But can people not just get on with life how it IS meant to be like, NATURAL.

    So yes, lets just get on with life.

    And take what it throws at us Not what stupid immature children throw at us.

    I hope this has made atleast a bit of sence for you.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People are acting like this stuff is anything new. Homphobia is just like Racism and Sexism and whatever else. It's just a form of hate, no different. And it's been around forever and it will be around forever. And there's no logic behind it so there's no point in asking why people do it.

    As far as my feelings on Homosexuality...I think it's fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are homophobic because they listen to a book(the bible, even though i believe in god i don't believe the bible) that says it's wrong, even though it also says something about wearing different clothing fibers or fabrics is wrong as well. They refuse to even try to understand, and some are homophobic because they think that the same sex is going to try and hit on them or something. It's really just their stupidity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think I've never been gay, so I wouldn't know. And I think everyone should respect other people. Being gay isn't endangering ANYONE else, homophobia is irrational and juvenile.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I Think People Should Be Allowed to be happy considering they can't control their feelings and they should leave us alone i mean come on what did we do to them?


    Source(s): Matt (¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´ ¸.•Â´Â¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•Â´ (¸.•Â´ .•Â´ ¸¸.•Â¨Â¯`•.♥
  • 1 decade ago

    idk , i think some people are because they dont beleive in it...and they think that its a sin.. and it kinda a way..

    so they are homophobic.

    idk im not homophoic so idk....

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