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Patmua6 asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

On Yahoo/ Answers , How do i Delete my Answered Questions ? , Thank you?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If they are in voting, or have had a Best Answer chosen for them, they cannot be deleted. If it is still open, you can go back to your question, and find the edit tab under your question. Pass your mouse over that edit tab and some options will appear. There are 4 options. The 3rd option says "delete question". Click this and the question will be deleted. You do not get your points back when you delete the question. These are all the options, from top to bottom.

    - Add details

    - Extend expiration

    - Delete question

    - Stop emailing me new answers

    Like I said before, you cannot delete or do anything with your question when it is in voting or has been resolved.

  • 1 decade ago

    Once resolved or in voting you can't delete them.

    To delete a question while it's still open, go to the question , pass your mouse over the pencil icon in the toolbar below your question, click Delete Question.

    emailing the YA team will most likely accomplish nothing You could hope that your question or questions are reported as a violation. Even resolved questions can be removed that way.

  • pi
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Once it's resolved, meaning a best answer has been chosen, you can't delete it.

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