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Is the obsession with the Black Panthers by conservative news media little more than racial fear-mongering?

The Black Panthers conjure up the image of black men with guns, black berets, and a belligerent attitude. Huey Newton, Eldridge Cleaver et al. scared middle-class white America in a way that transcended the much more viable and long-lasting Nation of Islam.

So are conservative, predominantly white media types fanning the flame of racial fear? If so, why? If not, then why are they focusing so heavily on a group that has had no real power or even visibility in almost 40 years?



To my conservative friends here: your suggestion that they are racist and perhaps threatening (I usually don't presume allegations true) is certainly a valid one. But then the question arises: why aren't the more conservative news nabobs (or any news organizations) focusing on white hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, the White Aryan Resistance, or the National Alliance?


23 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The real subject is not really the Panthers, but the policies of the DOJ. The Panthers were only the cause that brought up the policies concerning certain segments of our society. The Panthers are not and never were the real subject of the discussion, but rather Holder's policies within the DOJ.

    When a militant activist group led by a man that calls for the murder of crackers and their babies is considered as an irrelevant group, that is a problem. Whether they were at the polls that day to intimidate voters, or as they claim, to divert the attention of the poll watchers so ACORN activists could register illegal votes makes no difference. It is tampering with the rights of citizens to have an open and fair election, unhampered with for any reason. The Panthers may have been invisible for nearly 40 years, but are now very much in the open.

    The problem however is not the Black Panthers, but the reduction of vote tampering charges of one by the administration.and the dismissal of charges for the others. Then there was the allegation about Holder's policy concerning the prosecution of a black person when the victim was a white person. This is not an obsession, but a concern that justice is being subverted for a larger agenda. When people of any race or creed are allowed to break the laws without fear of being punished, there are always concerns by those who abide by the law. What they did was wrong and there is no deterrent to stop them from doing it again. Holder will take the heat for any of the policies, but what do you want to bet that Obama had a lot of input into those policies.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not as concerned about the Black Panthers as I am about the DOJ. If the whistle blower, J. Christian Adams, is correct and the DOJ has a policy of not prosecuting voter intimidation by blacks upon whites and the case was dropped because of their race then that is a racist policy at the highest level of law enforcement. It is wrong for anyone to try and intimidate anyone from exercising their right to vote. That should concern all Americans.

    If this had been done by a bunch of whites in sheets trying to intimidate black voters and charges dropped by the DOJ it would have been all over the mainstream media.

  • ICH8TE
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's definitely obsession with the "Black Panthers" and racial fear mongering. What was the name of the THUGS who intimidated Black and "minority" voters at the polls when Bush was running BOTH times??? What was that? The KKK or the GOP, which acts a lot like the KKK? Why don't they ever mention that huh? They're trying to turn one guy into the WHOLE Black Panther party which hasn't really been active in DECADES. And when they were out there protesting, it was against INJUSTICES done to the Black American by the KKK and other racist pigs. And the KKK is still out there along with their baby brothers, the Skinheads.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How would the liberals react if it were a group calling out the killing of gays? would your reaction be justified or would it be a fearful Obsession?

    Is the liberals reaction to the tea party an exaggeration fueled by the liberal media more than racial fear mongering?

    You want to complain about the voices being heard that oppose you without allowing the same criticize toward your own views

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  • 1 decade ago

    People keep saying that but what if it's true, when are you going to fight back?

    Maybe after it's to late huh.

    Ok look at it this way.

    You all say white people are fearful of loosing power because we fear being treated like minorities, Ok where is the logic in letting them have all the influence and power?

    Who, what or why would anyone in their right mind would give that up!

    It's not logical

    Especially when we see where these minorities come from and what their homeland is like.

    No sh!t they ran away, who the hell would want to live there!

    Their governments corrupt to all hell and they treat their own people, their own ethnicity like slaves!

    And you want to give them that chance, that maybe they won't screw this country up any more than they have already, god damn 0bama is only half black and look at what he has done.


    Minorities live better lives as second class citizens here than in their own countries!

    Think about it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You know, if they had done this forty years ago with a white-supremacist group, I and every other democrat I know would have cheered?

    Now, they stand up against racism they get called racist.

    Your post is incredibly unethical and it has my contempt.

    No. It's calling someone on racism and illegal behavior trying to influence the polls.

    Educate yourselves, folks. Read about the Black Panther Party. BELIEVE them.

    Sometimes the best evidence is to talk to the people themselves. They SO reveal their agenda it's silly, and for that, I can respect them.

    I have NO respect for apologist behavior like this question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    BINGO. The black panthers were never actually violent but we have documents reports of white violence against blacks ever since the beginning of slavery. They are doing this to scare whites and make them hate Obama so a republican can win and make big business bigger and the divide between the rich and the poor even more drastic. People mostly care about money so they distract those who don't think for themselves with things like race so they can sneak in and make money off their fear and hatred.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow I see blacks on TV condemning want happen in the 2008 elections everyday and yet you sit here and try to turn it back on the whites, get off the internet and go live outside for a while to see what is really going on.

    Watch this video

  • 1 decade ago

    If you aren't bothered by an organization that advocates the killing of white people and their babies--then I guess nothing bothers you. Either way--your ranting and false racial accusations do nothing to bolster your cause. Did Huffington Post pay you well to do this?? I hope so, it is a colossal time waster.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, It was they're big mouths is what brought the heat on.

    When you go off spewing hatred like that! Well then the people are gonna hear it.


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