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Submitting a manuscript to a publisher?

Hi; I have written a book, purely for the fact that I like to write. I have no idea if it is publication worthy, but I was doing some research online about how to go about submitting it, and I am really confused. It is a non-fiction book about horses. I've found a few names of publishers that have currentlly published non-fiction horse books out there.. do I just send them my manuscript and hope for the best? The text of the book is finished, but there are many many many images in the book. A few I've provided for myself, that I personally took ( I'm an amateur equine photographer, too), but the majority of them are just "borrowed" so it's set up the way it should look. Does that matter? I realize my borrowed images cannot be printed, but I really wanted the book to look 100% done.

Any experienced authors out there who would offer me some insight on what to do next? I absolutely know I do NOT want to self-publish. NO way.

Thanks in advance for insight in to this matter.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Non-fiction books are usually sold based on a proposal, not based on a finished manuscript, so you need to sit down and write a proposal. There are lots of books out there that can help you with this, just look up "book proposal" on Amazon to find them. The issue with the photos will not be an issue at this point because not only do publishers prefer to choose their own photos, they generally prefer that the book not actually be written before the proposal is accepted. Even if the proposal is accepted the publisher will likely request significant changes from what you propose so chances are they will never see the manuscript that you have now in anything closely resembling it's current form so don't waste time worrying about it at this point.


  • Joss
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Have you been to the publisher's website? 99.9% of the time they'll have written guidelines for you to follow and their guidelines trump anything you've heard elsewhere. So, check the publisher's website to see how to proceed with submitting your manuscript. Another thing you can do since you've already found books and was able to find the publishers, try searching for the authors literary agents (if any). They'll most likely represent non-fiction and you can try submitting your book to them first and then go for the publishers. The agents will have submission guidelines on their websites, too. Just follow the guidelines and wait. It could take a few months before you hear back. If there's any confusion, you can always send a nice email to the publisher/agent for clarification or you can try to find other writers who have dealt with or submitted to the publisher to see what advice they have. Sorry, I couldn't be of much help. GL.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the final way is the way that the writer requests on his/her website. i'm a writer and prefer to have 3 chapters submitted difficult replica with a performed advertising and marketing questionnaire and a notion first. If i like the three chapters i'm going to ask for the full component to be submitted the two difficult replica or electronically. I by no ability ask for something to be submitted by ability of CD.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i suggest you buy the writers and artists year book you will find lists of all the publishers and what type of books they specialize in publishing and some Information about the process.

    good luck with your book

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  • 1 decade ago

    Have a good look at their recommendations. Some won't accept unsolicited mss, this means they won't want work sent in unless they ask for it.

    What's the name of the publishers you are looking at? I'll look in my Writers Handbook and see what they want when the work is submitted. =)

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