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Do people pick and choose their morals as and when when it suits them..?

.. It was ok to make fun of the Man Utd fans when Ronaldo wanted to leave, but now when Cesc wants to leave everyone is taking it too far.. and are sicko's.. people are asking 'what kind of humans' would think something like this is funny

I see people like Anfield Aces make Munich comments regularly... and *some* people pretend they don't see it.. and continue to crawl crawl up his butt.... (and they know who I mean)

but when a Raoul Moat joke is told they get on their high horse... (and it an;t no fcuking white horse that's for sure)... why do people choose what is wrong based on who says it...

...issues..? ☺grow up... and make sure your horse is white...before you start


Pharcyde: that's self-egoism for you ..sad, but you're right

Update 2:

or just Egoism , in general

Update 3:

Muppet: I feel much better... clearing the air is good for the soul.. try it sometime☺

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some comments ive seen in my years on YA! are disgusting, some have been from fellow Arsenal fans, but i would still comment on what they had said being wrong, (unless i choose to ignore) or i do report them.

    Other users seem to like "shock" questions and have no worries in answering them, but as you rightly point out, their morals seem to turn on and off depending on whos asking or what the chosen subject is about.

    I dont mind the Cesc questions, even as an Arsenal fan, im just as in the dark as the rest of you as to where he will end up in the next month, im sincerely hoping it will still be at Arsenal, and seeing videos and pictures of his Spain team mates putting a Barcelona shirt over his head, was not only shocking, worrying and in a way upsetting, but yes it has made me smile too. (I cant recall any other player having that done to him in the past? can you?)

    My advice to all, is to do what i do, ignore the idiots on YA! and pick and choose which questions you wish to answer, if more people ignored the blatant disgusting "questions" regarding things like Munich, or other disasters, etc then the asker would soon get the message and f*** off. But all the time people answer and post links to these type of questions, they are giving the asker what he/she wants, and that is ATTENTION!

    Peoples morals are their own decisions, its them that has to live with themselves, not the rest of us. One day something will happen to them or their loved ones and they will realise what "growing up" means.

    ..... thanks for saying what you have, its good once in a while for us all to "clear the air" ..... but i think it wont change some fools than pop up on YA! footie section though.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I prefer not to use the word morals, because it can mean anything. I believe in ethics, which is about treating other people fairly, rather than fallowing a specific set of rules. Yes I realize that could still be considered a type of morality, but unlike more forms of morality, the benefit is obvious. If more people were ethical the the world would be a better place. If you want to pray five times a day, keep kosher or avoid porn, fine by me, but I don't see the practical value.

  • 1 decade ago

    BAd M8 its lost on illicit Banter with questions designed to you see Man City fans goiung over the top when you wind us up? Chelsea fans give it back in the same it is delivered. Even most Liverpool fans now take a joke without getting insulting....but for some reason Arsenal fans have lost that recognition its just banter....look at the disgusting things printed when Adebayor was involved with that shooting. And Barca fans you say anything tahts not pro Barca you are personally insulted and trolled to

    BAd i agree Anfield Aces is a low life but ask yourself why would a Liverpool fan defend La Liga and Barca and down the league his "supposed club" is I think wee know the kind of low life who does that kind of thing.....can give it but cannot take it

    Notice how many of these supposed Arsenal fans are Fifa regulars!!! lol

    I rest my case your honour. English section and Epl i am here as i support an english team..why are you i did not know Barca were in the EPL!! Do you not remind us all the time where you come from? lol and the Delboy wars reminds us of where the virtual world of Barca inter net fans are supposed to come from.....i comment its strange how two people in different time zones always seem to turrn up at exactly the same time.......strange but

    LONG Live Ricky!!!

    @Virtual world dub ...You are always going onto people taht its only the inter net why get so why do you become personally insulting.....typical virtual irrational I could understand if you were a season ticket holder, lived and breathed Barca.........but how can the web and YA make one so narrow minded.

  • Baddy, just ignore them.. U know their sole motives are to get up our nerves and cause havoc, we could atleast be intellegent enough and no patronize such a thing..

    Well, if u were to see, Cesc's transfer is cracking me up like hell.. Looks like it's been going on for AGES (literally) and the final outcome: No one really knows.. No one really knows if there is a dead end to this dilemma.. We can hav our lil laughs now..

    And yeah, whoever cares about what other people say, opinions are often fickle and hypocritical.. So, best is to ignore them, they'll die down themselves.. Mr.Aces is getting busted for his actions anyways.. Getting blocked by people etc.. So, it's all good..

    And about morals, I think the more stars u are getting now, the more people understand morals and value/understand what u're saying..:):)


    Muffins: Chig's an ***.. Don't mention him now..

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  • 1 decade ago


    with your high moralistic attitude,taking a stance for the common man......

    like i said before,you all quite pretentious self obsessed and really most USERS here abuse this section for their own existence..i mean who in their right frame of mind can possible spend as much time here as you guys do..the internet makes ugly people look good with their fantasy world they live in..i see how buddy buddy you all are but none the wiser,this community meant to be informative,educational and sharing experiences,BUT all you get is ridicule because a club hasn't won anything for a few years or how another tries to keep up,whereas the likes of UTD and CHELSEA completely DESTROYED the very fabrics of the sport...and you talk about MORALS..

    Sounds very HYPOCRITICAL to me,when you support a CLUB with NO morals..HOW can you Preach Morals...


  • 1 decade ago

    Couldn't agree with you more....there's funny, light-hearted banter, just having a go at each other and sometimes ourselves, and then there's complete and utter rubbish that is completely over-the-top and downright offensive. Sorry, but even some of the semi-censored language is not necessary as far as I'm concerned.

    Respect others more and show some consideration when posting comments.

    Let's keep this section an enjoyable experience as we take part, or else....go somewhere else with your poison & cheap jollies.

    We don't really need you anyway !!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    At the end of the day bud we all have opinions and views that mayseem hypocritical but were only human some things offends some dont,

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep, it's part of human nature to pick and choose standards and morals that are in our own interest. Just look at the society around you. There are double standards everywhere. We don't even notice most of them. They're just a part of life. I try to be as consistent as possible in my moral beliefs, but if I were to actually be completely consistent and not hold any selfish views, I would be considered a freak. Isn't that sad? Selfish morals still rule the world. I think that's sad.

  • Nick
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Anfield Aces is a moron...especially after one answer he gave me

    And I agree with you, dont see me roasting Mascherano or Torres (for the Atletico Madrid scarf)

  • 1 decade ago

    Agreed... no-one should tolerate jokes about Munich etc etc or racism

    IDK why Arsenal fans have got so touchy of late

    I'll dish and I'll take it.. but no racism or sicko stuff.

    Banter and reel for me

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