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Am I wrong to be upset about my fiancee's male "friends"?

My fiance lives several states away from me. It's not an online relationship or anything like that, just that work has us temporarily separated until time for the wedding. My problem is that with her so far away, I feel very sensitive to trust issues. I don't know if I trust her, frankly. She has males that seem to always be hanging around her. She says they are "just friends", but she admits that both of them have tried to date her in just the last several weeks. '

I contend that since they want to take my place, that it is ethically wrong for her to spend her time with them, because that makes me feel insecure. Even if I trust her, I know I don't trust THEM. One of them just got her a diamond bracelet for her birthday (basically the same as the gift I got her). The other one was overheard dropping hints to her that if she didn't go on vacation with me, that he would gladly take my place. So much for "friends".

Am I being unreasonable?


It's a HER.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Has she ever given you reason not to trust her? I mean, when she tells you about these male friends of hers, is she saying it in a way to intentionally make you jealous? If not, it sounds like she's being on the up and up by telling you about these dudes in the first place -- if she were really up to no good, she wouldn't mention it at all. You're in a long distance relationship until you get married-- like it or not, you need to be able to trust each other more than this. What is going on with your communication that you are feeling so insecure? : ( When my hubby and I were long distance, I found it really helped not talk on the phone too much. I got super sensitive when he sounded distracted and I felt insecure. Instead of talking on the phone we switched over to video chatting. That way I could get his full attention and see his facial expressions and feel more secure. ( is a good free site if you need one)

  • 1 decade ago

    At first when I started reading this, I was just thinking "here is just another insecure dude". But seriously, those guys are trying to nail her. Honestly, a diamond bracelet? You don't buy that kind of thing for a friend.

    Those aren't her friends, they are trying to get down with her. You have every right to put your foot down about this issue. She is being very unreasonable and if it puts a strain on your engagement, perhaps it would be a good idea to leave her to the wolves and find yourself a better girl.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Come on dude. You are totally right. I personally believe that once a couple is engaged, friends of the opposite sex who are single should be eradicated. It's just out of principle, but I guess there are some exceptions if it is a really close longtime friend.

    BUt the fact that these jerks have asked her out says two things:

    1) They are not true friends but the kind of guys who fake friendship as a way to eventually pounce on the girl when she is feeling drunk or vulnerable. I bet they can't wait for her to get in a fight with you so they can swoop in. And buying a diamond necklace is WAY TOO romantic of a gift for a platonic relationship.

    2) She is either stupid or totally inconsiderate. One of my girlfriends had a lot of male friends that she hung out with and it bothered me because she was really hot and I knew these guys just wanted to get with her. She said I was being a jerk for not trusting her. So what I did was start hanging out with my female friends. Of course, she got really jealous and I said "well if you can have opposite sex friends, then why can't I?" ANd from that point forward she saw where I was coming from. So you may need to show her what it feels like.

  • Be honest. If it makes you feel uncomfortable it is unfair to you and to your relationship. Realistically that is putting a strain. Dont tell her its me or your friends because that too much. But say that youarent soo comfortable her hanging out with the guy friends so much.If she doesnt understand place yourself in that situation and ask her if she would like it... Dont be angry but make sure your voice is calm and collected. If you get somewhat emotional or if she does then you have to stop that conversation and wait for another day to tlak about it. When people are emotional that ALWAYS say things that are stupid and not true. keep a clear mind and talk.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think its alright for women and men to spend time apart from their significant others, but when it comes to women, men seem to push things, or try to "steal" away someones' girl. That's because men are competitive by nature, I really don't think she should be out with these men by herself, if it was a both gender outing then i would be FINE with it, because she would most likely stick to her female friends in the group, and the men would stick with their own male friends, thats just how it is. Her going out in a group of male friends, implying they want to take your "place" is just disrespectful, and I would tell her how you feel about the whole thing, don't let it slide. When you do get married, hopefully, she will get used to you letting her "hanging out" with guy friends, which is not acceptable, she has you for her guy friend/lover/everything and she has her girlfriends to talk about those girly things women talk about (gossip, fashion tips, make up, etc)

    Source(s): In a long committed relationship.
  • 1 decade ago

    i'd be wicked jealouse too. it sounds like u can trust her but not the friends as much but they can't do anything if she won't. talk to her about it. it might upset her b/c she knows she won't cheat but if ur feling insecure she needs to hear it before it ruins ur relationship. don't try to be controlling though like tell her not to see them but jsut express how you feel and let her know maybe she'll start reminding u more that ur her only one or something to help u with ur insecurities. if she's ben friends with these guys for a while she won't want to give thme up. maybe u having a better relationship with her friends would help. if they got to know u they would feel bad hitting on ur girl also maybe ur girl could talk to them about setting boundaries and explain to thme that she already chose u and if they r looking to be more than friends they should leave. but if they tryed be4 to date her and she said no then it seems she really wants u.

  • 1 decade ago

    If she accepted the diamond bracelet from another man, that in itself is a problem. Does she hold your same moral, religious and political views? She might be trying to make you jealous to see if you really care, but that's a game I played in middle school. Very childish.

  • 1 decade ago

    Guys don't really understand, but girls have a much easier time to be friends with guys. Girls are always catty, drama-filled, and annoying. Unless she's spending more time with them as she used to do with you, then I wouldn't be to worried. She wouldn't have agreed to get married to you if she wasn't committed to you. Just TALK to her if its upsetting you this much. Hiding your feelings isn't going to help anything. You really need to emphasize that you TRUST HER, but not necessarily trust THEM. Good luck in the future!

  • 5 years ago

    I understand why you experience undesirable, yet your fiance sounds like a good guy and he in basic terms gets to work out his pal so in many circumstances. What he could have executed is asked you in strengthen if it may be okay to reschedule lunch so as that he gets to hold close out along with his pal longer. yet adult men in many circumstances do no longer think of approximately issues like that. It does not seem to me that your dating is threatened in any way with the help of what got here approximately and you could merely enable it flow the 1st time. I propose the area is unusual and you do no longer recognize what could you do in case you could desire to no longer see you pal for a protracted time. merely be extra information. you appear to be a functional female and you're quite dissatisfied. the main's - he did no longer propose it the way it got here out. i think of he replaced into hesitant himself to delay your lunch because of the fact that till the final 2d he tried to kepp your plans

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I understand you i know how you feel it's difficult to trust in this situation nobody could ,i could feel probably same way like you do .What to say just good luck.

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