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What are your thoughts of suicide?

And what are your thoughts on people who commit suicide?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's really sad. A lot of it is to blame on the people who abuse the person, and don't treat them like they should, while some of it is to blame on the person for not venturing out.

    It can easily be prevented if people were more optimistic, and people would learn to just get along with each other already. I honestly don't see what's so hard about it, and my heart goes out to those families who lost someone from suicide, and to those who have suicidal thoughts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Annually over a million people die of suicide.Every 40 seconds someone dies of suicide. It's really a truly sad and horrible thing. Hard times push people to do certain things. Not only does it effect the person who commits suicide but it really effects everyone else. Friends and family have to deal with the pain also. And that's the worst part.

    As for people who commit suicide, they obviously aren't thinking clearly in that moment. If they sat down and really really truly thought about it there wouldn't be a million people dying annually of it. For anyone who has ever had the thought of committing suicide, please please please tell someone close and dear to you. You can stop yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think its very wrong to commit suicide. I know there r many people who suffer severe depression and others harass and bully them every day, but the best thing they can do is speak up to someone about it. Any adult or any friend, just one person who cares enough to hear them out can help them out of their misery.

    People who have committed suicide and died, im really sorry for them that they had to go through months or even years of pure torture. =( may they rest in peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had friends and family commit suicide over the years. My thoughts:

    Well, they certainly showed us a thing or two; discovery of their body (an unforgettable sight), survivor's guilt (could I have done something to have talked them out of it?) and the most painfully and unanswerable - "why?".

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh god, I could go on for pages about it. I think it's always the wrong thing to do, but that in no way makes the person wrong or bad.

    You'd probably end up taking it seriously if your best friend almost died twice, was hospitalized multiple times, and put in a coma due to extreme blood loss, it effects you.

  • 1 decade ago

    no matter what anybody is going through..suicide is not the answer..there is always a solution..we only have short time on earth anyway..why make it shorter?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not knowing what happens after we die, and the prospect of facing an eternity in Hell.... I think suicide is about the most gutsy and brave thing a person can do.


  • Jimmy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Suicide is never the right answer.

  • i think it's terrible and it hurts everyone around you. there are people who are going through worse things and they try hard and deal with life every day. i know 3 people who have tried to kill themselves it's very scary for those close to you. it doesnt pay off to try and take your life, people:(

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't commit suicide, it's too heartbeaking to part from Y!A.

    I can help you if you let me (for people who want to commit suicide)

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