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What do you think of the first chapter of my story?

Stupid? Good? Should I continue?

Chapter 1

October 1, 1902

The small figure in the hooded red cape hurried down the street. She was silent except for the crunching of leaves with each step she took. Suddenly she stopped and looked at the ancient mansion that loomed before her. The girl walked up to the door and pushed it open. Her footsteps were muffled by the heavy coating of dust on the once magnificently glowing hardwood floors. She walked purposefully down the hallway, past spider web coated chandeliers, grand parlors and other such rooms, then she came to the black door. The black contrasted with the mansion’s other maple colored doors in a somewhat eerie way; nevertheless she twisted the gold handle and stepped forward. The room looked like a young girl’s bedroom, as it had flowers painted on the walls and a lovely white bed frame with very frilly blankets and sheets on the mattress. The girl looked around then removed her cape. She had a small, slight frame and looked around the age of nineteen or twenty. Her face was pale and her hair was a light mousy brown. In fact, all of her features seemed pale and dimmed except for her striking violet eyes and red lips. She absently played with the grey ribbon that was tied around the waist of her floor length grey dress, and then slowly she approached the closet door. Then she did an odd thing, she put her hand on her slightly protruding belly.

“My baby,” she whispered softly.

She knew whatever was behind that door would be much too dangerous and, for her own curiosity, would not risk her unborn baby’s life. The girl quickly put her red cape back on and sprinted back all the way to her home, to a small cottage down by the river. The baby was born a few months later. She was a girl, with brilliant violet eyes and cherry red lips.


The small figured women with the red cape and vibrant eyes returned to the house shortly after her baby was born. Her breathing was ragged and strained as she walked down the hallway. Dark circles dimmed her magnificent eyes. She strode down the hall, despite the fact that she was so terrified she could barely stand. She pushed open the black door and opened the closet. Coats and things filled the closet, but she pushed past all of them to reach a minute crawlspace in the wall. The crawlspace looked as though the largest human to get through would have to be the size of a six year old. Getting down on her knees, she fixed long, slim fingers around the top and pulled upward. The crawlspace now reached the height that a full grown man could easily walk through without bumping his head. She walked through, the crawlspace shrinking down after her. The room was dim, only lit by three large white candles that were shaped in a triangle. A man sat in the triangle, his head bent to the ground. He was clothed in all black, except for a long silver chain around his neck.

“At last you have returned, Aurielle. Your faith in me dwindles. Do not bother lying to me, you are no longer loyal.” The man said coldly.

“I came with a message, my lord. I have given birth to a child.” Aurielle paused. “She is your child.”

“Why do you tell me this, women? Kill it for all I care.”

“She is your daughter. I cannot kill her. I love her.” Aurielle nervously pushed up a sleeve of her grey dress to reveal twisting black marks all the way up her arm.

“Then I will kill it, since you are too weak to do so. Bring her to me.”

“No! My lord, she is powerful. She has the Sight, as I do. Her eyes are violet like mine and her hair as black as a raven, as yours is.”

“What exactly is the magnitude of her power?”

“She is the strongest I have ever seen. Her eyes speak the prophecy. My goodness, just the other day she nearly set the house on fire! I have named her Alida. She exceeds my power by far.”

“If she exceeds your power, I have no use for you anymore Aurielle.” The man pulled a knife from his cloak and drove in straight into the heart of Aurielle. The young women lay dying on the floor, as her lover kicked her body aside to reach the crawlspace. Before she breathed her last breath, she murmured a spell of protection for her daughter, so that the child would be safe from her father.


The people of the town noticed Aurielle’s disappearance, but in their opinion the community was better off without her. After all, she was an unwed mother, which made her a bad example for the children. Anyway, she was going to be executed in few days time for witchcraft, so she would have been gone one way or another. However, there was a slight disappointment that they would never see the witch’s neck hang from the noose. And as for her baby, no one could care less. Any spawn of a witch could be no good at all.


I'm sorry, it is a bit confusing. Most of the things that went on in the first chaper are explained in the second chapter and throughout the book.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm... confused....

    Int he first paragraph or two, why exactly does she goes to the house? From what I can discern, she hurries down the road, stops, looks at the house (there's not a really strong sense of her hurrying towards the house), goes in, into the room, takes her cape of, does something with her dress belt, says "my baby" and leaves. Why did all of that happen?

    what's the point of her revealing black marks on her arm?

    I get the premise, and it seems that it might be interesting. Try not to be too secretive. Also, be careful when you write. For example, the second sentence doesn't work. "She was silent except for the crunching of leaves with each step she took."

    Even though her steps emitted a sound, she was silent (not speaking). Maybe her movement was silent? Or she was silent except for the slightly heavy breathing that complemented the sound of crunching leaves. Also, the second part isn't overly grammatical. Except for the leaves that crunched with each step she took. So work on details like that. And maybe make your sentences a bit longer. For example:

    "The girl looked around then removed her cape. She had a small, slight frame and looked around the age of nineteen or twenty."

    "The girl looked around the room and then removed her cape, revealing her small slight frame that seemed to belong to a nineteen or twenty-year old." Something like that.

    Also, you might want to work on the dialogue a bit, as it seems we won't be getting much more info on the relationship between the parents.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It's a good storyline. Nice touch with the rose. Maybe you're 13? I altered the first paragraph, couldn't stop myself, removing unnecessary words. ^_~ keep writing it. I woke up early on Thursday, wanting to visit the bridge and the woods for any sign of William. It was only a ten minute walk if I took the shortcut. I closed my bedroom door carefully, trying not to wake anyone, tiptoed down the stairs and wrote a note: “Gone to school early, got coursework to do. El x”. I placed it on the fridge. Before leaving I checked our family’s frail, old rose and was surprised to see its red petals were now full of life. It had miraculously sprung to life over night. I turned around and walked straight into the coffee table that sat in the middle of the living room, the candles and place mats on the table trembled as I hit it. Cursing silently, I walked around the table, placing my bag on my back before heading out the door.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very good, I really enjoyed reading that. Very good description and I love the idea of the crawlspace. I think you are a very good writer and I would love to read more. The only think I would comment on is I feel the ending to the chapter is slightly abrupt where as the rest of the piece flows smoothly.

    Well Done! I would recommend putting this on and creative writing site to see what other people think unless your planning to publish.

  • 1 decade ago

    Looks great to me :D

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It sounds interesting. I would want you to continue!

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