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What is more healthy for the human and mammalian species, very low levels of CO2 or higher levels?

Can Man live with levels of CO2 that are less than 200 ppm. What is the breakdown of medical oxygen given to sick patients to help them breathe. What is the level of CO2 that the US Navy prefers for long term underwater excursions for submarines? What is the starvation level of CO2 for plants on earth?


Trevor, it is obvious you do not know, nor I guess you care to know. In submarines for example they keep it at around 8,000 ppm to ensure proper function and sleep habits for the submariners. Yes Trevor, CO2 does actually have health benefits at higher levels as medicinal oxygen given to sick patients carries up to 10,000 ppm CO2. Increased CO2 lessens the occurences of asthma and other respiratory ailments and the body exhales on each breath equivalent to 40,000 ppm. At 200 ppm, it is approaching the starvation level to plants causing decreased plant production. The MWP was a great time for human, animals and plants with higher CO2 levels.

There is much research on this Trevor, do your homework. Oh yea some knucklehead at the now liberal EPA called CO2 a pollutant. Put a CO2 meter in a classroom or any building and read the ppm's. You will find interesting answers like 1,000 to 3,000 ppm without any ill effects. CO2 is necessary for life, even for humans (lung vacuoles)

Update 2:

Ant, you are a liberal socialist. Do your own homework and quit relying on liberal propaganda websites. This information came from members of the APS, loser. You have a history yourself Ant for being a liar and anti-American. Oh thats right you are from Australia, home of queers and steers.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Like Trevor I see little point to this nonsense, given that global Co2 is close to 400 ppm and rising how is it falling bellow 200 even an issue, but then Starbunk has a long history of just 'makin stuff up'

    The reference to the U.S. navy seems to come from icecap (a well known denier site) so it's pretty suspect to start with

    But as Co2 can rise to ~5000 ppm in the average packed theater, again the point is fiction, levels above 5000 are known to cause drowsiness and headaches in some people. At 10,000 ppm or 1% is the max upper limit for those submarines (that Starbunk pretends to know about) at 2% the safety procedure is either vent or abandon, it would seem navy's don't have Starbunks attitude to the safety of Co2.

    Of course if he actually knew what he was talking about he would know that Co2 plays an important role in respiration, above 1% it causes respiration to increase (that's breathing Starbunk)

    These are all mute points as no one is actually saying this is a human health problem, as far as us being able to breath, even at levels of 2000-3000, although starbunk seems to be pretending it is, as he used to pretend about that fictional trial he claimed to be involved in. It is, as has been stated from the start, a matter of global warming, that why it's called global warming.

    If there is an issue of human respiration I've seen no mention of it in any scientific source.

    Of course using 'starbunk logic' there are no glaciers inside submarines, does that prove that increased Co2 causes submarine warming, has anyone ever seen a glacier inside a submarine.

    Trevor, I wouldn't worry about this guy he doesn't post any links to the claim of 1000-3000 ppm being harmful, because there aren't any, as I said above he simple makes up his points, and if you call him on it he starts throwing insults, which sound very similar to jims really.

    As for this uninformed blather

    "The MWP was a great time for human, animals and plants with higher CO2 levels."

    Lets see him post some Co2 level data that covers the MWP

    I think we will be waiting a very long time!

    Sorry to disappoint starbunk but my homework on this was started over ten years ago when I took up diving (to advanced open water), lying I will leave to the experts, although 'experts' are usually meant to be good at what they do, so actually I don't think you would qualify. But don't worry I'm sure by throwing all those insults know one noticed you still could not back anything you said.

    "You have a history yourself Ant for being a liar and anti-American. Oh thats right you are from Australia, home of queers and steers."

    Hmmm, I'll not bite to much on this, but let others judge what this sort of statement says about you (although it's hard not to notice that even most of the other lead deniers have ignored your question). But given your obvious political leanings, homophobia is a given I suppose, but why steers or is that another phobia. Please also note, regardless of my comments to you about your fiction, I don't feel the childish need to insult your country, as I have quite a few friends who are American.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Answers for CISN 103.nine Edmonton & Country a hundred and five Calgary CISN: 7am Song = Good Time 7:15 Word = Mexico BBFF = Lost In The Fifties Tonight 9am Song = It Happens Work Word = Job 10:15 Word = Ocean 12pm Artist = Brad Paisley - labored for me 2pm Song = What About Now two:15 Word = Beer four:15 Word = Boat 5pm Song = Mercury Blues Most Wanted = Don't Think I Can't Love You - labored for me eight:15 Word = Tonight Wine Country Trivia = A Place To Live Forever Country a hundred and five: 7am Song = It's A Great Day To Be Alive Work Word = Pole 1st Song @ Lunch = Letter To Me Top three @ three = I Told You So 5pm Song = Chattahoochee Trivia for Both: Games = 7 Herbal Essences = Devon Hello Mr. Prime Minister = B Mindfield = Santee, CA Sleuth = Home All The Rest = A Happy Hump Day Everyone

  • 1 decade ago

    High CO2 will lead to blood acidification and feelings of breathlessness.

    So I will only believe the very high numbers you quote if you give links to solid sources. I will look at them and learn, and thank you.

    Otherwise I will have to conclude you're a dupe or a liar.

    Edit: a web search shows harmful effects above a few percent. So your 8,000 ppm (0.8%) is acceptable. Also, the higher the CO2 level, the easier to scrub it from the sub's atmosphere. But where is the reference to your claim that it is actually beneficial?

    As you know, the EPA finding that it is a pollutant refers not to the direct effect of breathing it, but to the indirect effects on climate and hence,most certainly, on health. Malaria has come to the Florida Keys.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are telling people to do their homework when you obviously have ignored yours. You give no support for any statement you have made.

    You ignore the fact that CO2 scrubbing in subs is not done for optimal health level, it is done at minimal cost consistent with lack of adverse health effects. They scrub CO2 levels as low as reasonably possible, and the goal is 1/4 of what you report.

    CO2 levels during the MWP were not as high as they are now.

    High CO2 levels in treating respiratory problems are for the purpose of treating disease symptoms, not maintaining optimal health.

    We are now in the process of determining mammalian lifetime response to historically unprecedented CO2 levels. This experiment has never been done before, it is now occurring on a planet-wide scale.

    The "below 200ppm" scenario is not something that we are going to see in the historic future. Indeed, is trying, and failing so far, to get action in the direction of LOWERING CO2 to 350 ppm.

    You suggestions that higher CO2 levels might be beneficial to humans are unsupported.

    Your suggestion that super-low levels might be unhealthy does not apply to real-world actuality.

  • Trevor
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    • Can Man live with levels of CO2 that are less than 200 ppm.

    Not a problem, Provided there’s oxygen the body will produce it’s own CO2.

    • What is the breakdown of medical oxygen given to sick patients to help them breathe.

    Don’t know about medicinal oxygen but for climbing mountains it’s 100% pure dehumidified aviation grade pressurised oxygen.

    • What is the level of CO2 that the US Navy prefers for long term underwater excursions for submarines?

    No idea but don’t imagine it’s a problem as sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide are used to removed CO2 from the air which is replaced by releasing pressurised oxygen. Same system is used where people live or work in enclosed spaces for any length of time.

    • What is the starvation level of CO2 for plants on earth?

    Electron acceptance in some plants can take place in environments completely devoid of CO2 and thus they are able to photosynthesise, albeit very slowly. In this respect there is no starvation level.

    Provided there is enough time for evolutionary changes to occur, plants in general can survive in conditions of as little as 50mmpv of CO2.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    It is obvious I don’t know. I think I might have given one or two clues when I stated “don’t know” and “no idea”.

    Why would I even want to know? I’m not a doctor, submariner or botanist, none of the points you raised concerns me in the slightest and in this respect I have no intention of doing any “homework”.

    Quite why you asked this question in the global warming section is a mystery as it is of absolutely no relevance whatsoever. I assume your logic is that increased levels of CO2 are beneficial. The problem with this logic is that the climate does not exist in a submarine or hospital bed and it’s not a plant.

  • 6 years ago

    Humans are surprisingly sensitive to high CO2 levels, it's why we crave fresh air.

    Even 600ppm.

    study of sleep with ventlation and not. Without was nearly 3000ppm, with was around 800. statistical improvement found.

    The study, conducted with researchers from State University of New York Upstate Medical University, found that test subjects showed “significant” reductions on six of the nine scales of decision-making performance at CO2 levels of 1,000 parts per million (ppm) and “large” reductions on seven of the scales at 2,500 ppm. “They say carbon dioxide levels greater than 800 ppm indicates poor air quality in a bedroom and has many influences on health.  “


    On nine scales of decision-making performance, test subjects showed significant reductions on six of the scales at CO2 levels of 1,000 parts per million (ppm) and large reductions on seven of the scales at 2,500 ppm.  And they did not even reduce o2.

    Drops even at 600 ppm. initiative most of all! performance next day was better for ventalated sleepers. 400 ppm versus 3000.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    low kills the plants

    which will cause the mamalls to die too from no life cycle

    and high will cause the mammals to dise

    which will kill the plants too from no life cycle

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