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PHOBIAS: What R U Afraid Of?

i suffering from -social phobia


The Y factor--i have done that

86 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Shadow me, my phobia.

    Follow me to this day.

    Since earliest memory serves,

    Somethings kept watch while at work and at play.

    Constant glances over the shoulder.

    Always feeling watched.

    Try to voice my insecurities...

    Yet, those careless of my fears, just blotched.

    Mind sensitive to being seen.

    Felt eyes upon my skin.

    But, since others would only mock my worry,

    I kept everything silenced within.

    Veil what felt should be hidden.

    Only for who I choose to see.

    Refuse to give into the invasion.

    Of what is my rightful privacy.

    Still, child within tip toes quietly.

    Knowing that something is there.

    Ponders if intent is to harm my being,

    by what can't be seen anywhere.

    Hold my blanket a little closer.

    Trying my best to force out chants from my mind.

    Saying..." We are here...We can see you!"

    Sanctuary, I try my hardest to find.

    Why?...just ask...just let me know.

    I will not hide the reality of me...

    Deny me, my curiosities...

    Allowing only yourself to see.

    Enter my world...behind windows.

    Instead of physical witness to view.

    I am worthy of what I wish to show...

    Would you like this to be done to you?


    Then show yourself...

    . ...What are you afraid of?

    Source(s): I always feel as though I am being watched
  • 1 decade ago

    I watched WAY too many horror movies so now im scared something will pop up in he dark. The only way i could sleep is if:

    - my feet are not over the bed

    reason: I think something will grab me and pull me

    -my bed is against a wall

    reason: so i only have to face one way, and wont worry that something will grab me from my back

    -i am not by a window

    reason: something won't come through the window

    -I am not on the floor without someone

    Reason: something will grab me, and who will i bring with me?


    So im mostly scared somethings going to grab me :P


    Most people are afraid to spiders than to death

    Its true...but im not afraid of spiders unless they're tarantulas...

    Another fact:

    I'm scared of being buried alive or locked inside somewhere dark

  • 1 decade ago

    I get nervous when I'm in a formal setting, where I'm supposed to act and behave in a certain manner, follow etiquette and stuff. Wouldnt exactly call it a phobia, but I just plain dislike formal situations. In a way, its a social phobia like yours, but just on a more specific level.

    Btw, congrats yaar, did you realise this is your 100th question on this account? Please raise your keyboard and mouse to acknowledge our support, just like how a batsman raises his bat. :p

  • 1 decade ago


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  • 1 decade ago


    its called Alektorophobia ( i love google ) lol

    no but i am dead serious, they are the scariest thing in the world to me.

    i been having nightmares since i was a little girl and still have them sometimes.

    i wake me shaking and crying.

    oh and i don't like roosters either or anything that has feathers or could remind me of a chicken..

    can't even see a picture or i freak out!!!! ):

  • 1 decade ago

    I 've hydro-phobia.....become breathless when i'm put in a pool...but still i jump in it to overcome my phobia :P

    I'm even afraid of clowns....dunno y but clowns give me goose-bumps!!! The white face...high-lighted eyes n the red nose is soooooo damn scary!!!! I even 've night-mares with clowns dancing all around me...huh!

  • 1 decade ago

    Making Speeches

    Creepy Crawly Things

    Losing Family/ Loved Ones


    OMG, i'm such a baby, i'm afraid of a lot of crap.

    Robert Pattinson - nah, i'm joking

  • 1 decade ago

    You... haha jkay=) Well... im so scared of bugs that I would flip up so I guess I have a bug phobia

    Source(s): luvClaudia53
  • 1 decade ago

    Actually it's not a Phobia.

    The only thing that I'm afraid of is GOD & that's only out of respect & nothing else.

  • 1 decade ago

    Small places that i can't fit into, entomophobia (bugs)they creep me out, in the dark sometimes .. and scary things.. and blood. And alot more scary things and masks, and clowns.

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