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YA! and people with health and mental health problems?

I am concerned about answers given to people with real health and mental health problems, answers which may delay proper and necessary help. Most of us are unable to know or even decide what is serious in these cases, as we don't really know much ahout what is going on.

I just saw a question from someone wanting to know about being possibly committed to a mental health hospital. I work in mental health and felt that most of the answers were definitely not correct, and could have made this person even more scared to find help. Do you feel you have a responsibility when giving answers to people in this position, or is it all about points? Perhaps YA! should not post these kind of questions, or they should be reserved for a special site on YA!

I understand that most questions are for fun, but some are not, and we have to make a difference.

Your views?


Tom: I am not talking about willy nilly prescribing drugs - the mental health services offer much more than that, with good results too.

Andrea: I agree to some extent, but people with mental health problems are vulnerable, but you can't stop them from using YA! They are often frightened, not knowing what will happen to them etc, and they will try and find answers anywhere rather than where the answers should be. I think the best way is to direct them without too many explanations to their doctor who can take this further.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thoroughly agree that the internet is NOT the place to get psychiatric help. I try to help as best I can to figure out what the problem is (usually depression), educate if necessary, and try to get the person to go to their family doctor or get a referral to a psychiatrist or, if need be, a psychologist. I am a peer support specialist and have mental illness myself (bipolar 1, PTSD). I think the reason people go on the internet is to help them de-stigmatize whatever it is that is happening to them. Being taken seriously is a form of acceptance; being spoken to with compassion is validating. When I answer, I try to be ultra careful to get people into the hands of a mental health specialist asap, because I don't hear their tone of voice or see their body language or know how close to suicide they might be. I give the most thorough answer I know how. Yes, there are the misanthropists who urge someone on to feel worse or to suicide, but that's why it's important to be a serious and helpful voice. Did you respond to that questioner? Your life experience and knowledge could have made the difference. It's important for all of us who are compassionate and mature to be a voice on Yahoo 7 Answers! No matter how many ditzy or nasty answers someone may get in Mental Health, questioners read all of their answers and not just the "Best" one. It's important to step in and offer your knowledge and experience.

    I agree, too many times the answerer uses the question as a springboard for their own problems.

    Use your thumb!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I know exactly what you mean! Someone asked the best way to committ suicide. At 1st i thought it was a joke, then i read the detail and from what i read i dont think he was kidding! Some ignorant, thoughtless people took the p*** out of him, and some actually gave him ideas!! I left an answer telling him that although its not what he wanted to hear, he needed to talk to someone a.s.a.p, as many other people have felt like this at some point, but they all say they realise it would have been catastrophic for them, and the people around them after they have had help to see things more clearly. This question remained open on YA, yet a question "Is the catholic faith hypocritical?" was deleted according to the rules???????? In my experience of this site, far too many people push strong personal view onto others, instead of trying to give an objective, balanced view. The main one I find is Qs regarding abortion. I always attempt to give a balanced answer, even though I dont agree with abortion myself. If you ask me, YA ought to be reviewing what is deemed 'inappropriate', and prioritise better!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People asking questions here need to understand that asking uneducated teenagers serious questions about their health is not likely to get them qualified, educated answers.... Both questions and answers can be reported by anyone, but you cannot report an answer just for being wrong.... it has to be someone who is misrepresenting themselves or is rude or offensive. For some people it is all about the points.. other people get a kick out of trolling... some people just think they know but all they know are common myths or what they see on TV, other people share their own experiences that may or may not really apply..... If Yahoo wanted to be sure that all answers were responsible and correct they would have to employ doctors and allow only the doctors to answer questions abotu health. The responsibility lies with the asker...... to further research, and to get a qualified opinion (through a physician).

    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I understand what you are saying and I fully agree. I have read some pretty wild answers to people seriously asking about their mental health. I, like yourself, feel the whole issue should be kept off-limits on this forum, but that's just me.

    The only possible saving grace is that most people with mental health issues are fairly shrewd people on some inner level and can spot the foolish answers from the serious ones, but you bring up a very important point: what if they can't? The damage is done and we have lost ground. It is a valid and important question you have posed.

    I would think Yahoo! would be well advised to perhaps consider keeping health and especially mental health questions off-limits on this forum. Your point is well taken, and I for one happen to agree with you.

    Source(s): Sent with positive energies from Chris in South Portland, Maine, U.S.A. I am 67 and remember in medicine there is a Latin expression which means, when translated into English, "First, do no harm." I think your question is valid on the basis of not allowing any situation to develop on Yahoo! Answers which could conceivably make an individual's mental health worse. When I am answering such questions, I am very careful to always advocate for seeing the person's primary care physician or getting the person as quickly to hospital as is possible. - Chris.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I am more worried by those in the psychiatric profession who tout the tenuous theory that mental illness is a "chemical imbalance" and that they have magic pills to correct it and people who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate this this fallacy instead. The pills are more likely to cause an imbalance rather than correct it and are like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut - dulling all faculties and zombifying

    (psychiatrists disregard the study that schizophrenics in developing countries without access to psychiatric tablets make a complete recovery and have no further episodes much more frequently than those in western countries on their medication)

    And those who treat psychiatry as a sacrosant exact science when in fact all disorders in the DSM are just theory and arbitary

    I feel I have a responsibility to point out the dangers of pills and psychiatry

    Source(s): Dr Peter Breggin and his books
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