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Lv 7

What Album Took You The Longest To "Get Into"?

The Wall by Pink Floyd has always been my least favourite album of theirs, it just never really clicked with me. Even though a couple of my favourite PF songs were on it, I found the album as a whole to be overlong and actually a little boring in parts.

However, today I decided to try once again to listen to it from start to finish and so far I think my opinion of it has changed a little. It's probably still my least favourite but I think I'm starting to enjoy it a bit more.

BQ: Favourite Pink Floyd album, excluding Dark Side Of The Moon?

BQ2: What song in your music collection has the longest solo?

I don't like doing this but if you could help me with this Q, I'd be very grateful:;_ylt=AnXVd...

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    25 years later and I still can't get into The Wall, i still say Dark Side kills it in every conceivable way.

    When I was young and stupid it too me forever to get into The Rolling Stones. For the first several years of my musical career (And before You are too harsh on me remember I was quite young and things were very different in the 80s and I've matured a lot since then) my opinion on the Stones was they were "Those twisty gay fruits from England" ....until I actually took the time to listen to a copy of Exile On Main Street, and that started a love affair with Blues Rock that's lasted 20 years.

    BA: Wish You Were Here

    BA2: My Sharona?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Talking Pink Floyd, I had the same problem you had but a couple months later I got into all the greatness of The Wall and I love it! But the album that really took me longest to get into, overall, was Aerosmith's Rocks. It's SUCH an amazing album and again, some of my favorite songs are there but there's something about it that just doesn't seem to fit...

    BQ: honestly I only have The Wall and Dark Side

    BQ2: Not sure, I have many long solos...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It depends on the album. Usually, anything from a couple of days to a week, and occasionally a month or so. I often saturate myself in a new album {mostly happens when I've only got the one to listen to ~ big backlog here at the moment!}, listening to it on repeat over and over. Sometimes I can tell within a couple of listens what songs I do and don't like, but other times I'll have to come back to it a few weeks later to re-asses {sp?}. It's common for me to take an instant dislike to a song ~ though I can't always pinpoint *why* I don't like one ~ but just recently I've found myself um-ing and ah-ing over some, and having them slowly grow on me until they actually become favourites!

  • One I didn't like: The Wall by Pink Floyd for pretty much the same reason as you. I have managed to listen to it straight through, but it only ever got sliiiightly less boring, never really straight out interesting.

    One I did end up liking: New York Dolls' s/t. It was insanely cacophonous to me, and I settled on just a few tracks, until a new one would get stuck in my head and eventually that happened for the whole album and now I love it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Probably The Police's Zenyatta Mondatta. I liked a few songs but really disliked the others. Now, however, I'm content with pretty much all of it.

    BA: Piper at the Gates of Dawn... such an incredible album!

    BA2: "Dazed and Confused" - Led Zeppelin (Song Remains the Same version. Solo was probably about 20 minutes) :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Black Flag had always been one of my favorite punk bands. When I first got into them, I only listened to pre-Rollins. After a few years, I picked up My War, only to find it was a different singer. I listened to it the whole way through, more or less, several times, but it never did anything for me. One night, I popped it in my stereo, and for no reason at all, I loved it! Now, it's my favorite Black Flag album, and I found out about S-O-A. But thats a different story....

    BA- Not a PF fan.

    B2- Po-jama People by Frank Zappa, but thats just off the top of my head.

    Source(s): Eddie Vedder
  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say the album it took me the longest to enjoy would have to be Planetary Duality by The Faceless... I loved the sound of the album but the content (as in lyrics/subject matter (alien invasions and ancient blood pacts)) really turned me off of the album. just started getting into it again.

    BQ: not a pink floyd fan honestly. really just not my style.

    BQ2: Idk thats a tough question. The longest song i have on this computer is Blackwater Park by opeth (The roundhouse tapes version 19:00) but as for soloes idk whats the longest but Necrophagist songs all pretty much are made of solos lol.

  • Mars
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Dark Side of the Moon. I tried to listen to it, but I just couldn't get into it. I honestly don't see the hype over it

    BQ: A Momentary Lapse of Reason

    BQ2: I'm not sure. I'd have to listen to about 600 songs to be able to give you an accurate answer... it might be Do You Feel Like We Do by Peter Frampton, though....

  • Sookie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Pony Express Record - Shudder to Think.

    The songs have some very interesting time and key changes which I really didn't like when I first heard it. It took a few more listens for me to be able to appreciate it.

    BQ: Ermmm...I have no idea. I've heard their albums from start to finish only once.

    BQ2: I'm drawing a blank on this one too.

    I really don't have any ideas for your other Q, but I starred it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In The Aeroplane, Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel

    If you've heard it its not too hard to tell why haha, very different from the classic rock I was used to. Really kick started the Indie genre though and opened me up to more music as a whole (when I was 13 all i listened too was classic rock)

    BQ: Wish You Were Here

    BQ2: Umm...No idea

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