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caribman asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 1 decade ago

If I'm a barbarian horseman, can I really capture a woman and put her to sit side-saddle in front of me?

How does that work? Would she fit sideways on my saddle? Would she have to sit facing front? Would she sit between my saddle and the horse's neck? Maybe as a barbarian I would have a special saddle to allow me to capture women and put them to sit in front of me.

Anyway, my scientific nephew asked me this after watching some movie

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your chances of capturing a woman without too much fight is to try it with a Harley instead of stinking horse.

  • 1 decade ago

    You just throw her over your horse in front of you. It wouldn't be comfortable for her (especially if the saddle has a horn like Western saddles), but you're not really concerned with your captive's comfort, now are you? ;)

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