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guitarist asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Can i loose 15 lbs if i eat only fruits and veggies for a month?

I neeeeeeeeeeeed to loose this extra weight i have, school starts in a little less than a month, I'm 16 and weight 145lbs and am 5"8 tall. I have really low self esteem and if i lose these last 15 lbs i'll feel soo much better about myself.

So my question is, how much weight could i lose if i only eat fruits and veggies for a whole month, plus about a half hour of exercise daily?

Serious answers only please, I'm despirate. And is there anything else i could do to lose more weight or speed up my weight loss?


19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you don't need to just limit yourself to these as muscle will fall off extremely fast because of the absence of protein,all you have to do is find out your maintenance level and lower it by 500 calories,second week - cut out another 200 - third week - cut out another 200 and remain at that level then simply exercise on an empty stomach with interval training for 6 days a week ,this will burn an enormous amount of fat whilst performing it AND for many hours afterwards so the 15 lbs weight loss will be easy to achieve...

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree to Awesome's answer. Counting and cutting out your food portions will do more work than just eating veggies and fruits so u can lose weight. Losing weight will take a lot of time and motivation (trust me I would know) There is no shortcut to loosing weight just to get it right. Yes, or maybe you'll be able to lose weight within your diet but it won't last long. You are more likely to gain more weight in the near future if u do the 'shortcut.' I do gym and say I can VERY motivated in exercise if i want to but cutting out all your favourite food is not as easy as u think. If you wanna lose weight u have to eat 6 times a day but very small meals.. see the size of your palm thats how big your portion should be. It'll be hard to manage that huh? But it works. Reason for this is... research has been proven that if u eat 6 small meals a day it actually does speed up your metabolism and makes you less hungry than eating regularly which is 3 large meals a day. To lose weight 80% is your diet follow up by exercise. Doing cardio 3-4 times a day will do great. You'll feel better and will tend to eat less. Who wants to eat chips and burger after doing 45 minutes of cardio? Weight training should be included in your routine. The more muscles you have the more body fat you will burn. Doing weight training will also speed up your metabolism and believe me or not but when your body is at rest it will still burn fat. You have to rest for least 48 hours after doing weight training before you decide to do hard work out. If you have anymore questions on loosing weight I can help u out feel free to add me..

    Source(s): Wanna be a personal trainer.
  • 1 decade ago

    I actually used to be 5'8 and 144 pounds, but I lost it this summer. I am now around 128 when I go to bed. I don't think it's going to help very much if you only eat fruits and veggies. When I used to eat dinner, I used to eat until I was like SOOO full. But now, I just eat until I'm not hungry anymore. But if you really want to lose it, your exercise has to be more intense than mine, since I lost mine in around 2 months. When I lost my weight, I rode my bike for an hour (one of those exercise bikes, not a real one), and I played tennis everyday for around an hour and a half. But before tennis, I would run from anywhere from one to three miles. So if you want to lose the weight, you better exercise a lot more than half an hour.

  • 5 years ago

    Get wheat and dairy out of your nutrition recurring. Wheat does not something for you yet placed the fat on. attempt ingesting bread alternatives like spelt bread or rice bread or some thing. determine to examine the climate and verify it does not say wheat because of the fact lots of them that are "entire grain" are nevertheless wheat based. additionally drink soy milk instead of genuine milk in case you are able to desire to have milk or basically give up ingesting milk. Eggs are ok yet not too many. And get your daily volume of water. 8 glasses an afternoon is a secure wager. Plus you should workout. The physique isn't made to take a seat around all day long. basically not designed to be doing this. not saying you do yet i don't know you so I might desire to assert those issues. i could say a minimum of 40 5 minutes an afternoon of severe walking (and that i recommend severe) or walking at a sluggish %. is stable. walking is complicated on the knee's/decrease back however so in case you have any form of issues there what so ever i could shop on with walking. Treadmills are great for this in case you have get admission to to a minimum of one considering which you are able to set the %. to a minimum of a few thing decently quickly to start with and can't decelerate devoid of not noticing. So attempt to maintain that %. you started with. you will drop some weight doing basically this and this is not that undesirable in any respect. it is common to consume some chocolates. basically no dairy or wheat (a sprint interior the chocolates is positive if this is made with some) And yeah sorry no pop. almost forgot that one. it quite is huge. I basically figured it quite is a no-brainer in case you're genuinely attempting to drop some weight. credit to Chichi for that one.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ok this might shock you.

    you don't have to eat fruit and vegies only to lose weight.

    you can eat like everybody else, you just have to keep your portions small, and don't eat alot of junk food.

    drink loads of water and cut out other berverages.

    oh by the way your bmi is clearly in the nomal range so losing weight probably isn't necessary but its your choice so i'll tell you any way

    you need to get moving and but get moving i mean more then just moving around your house from room to room

    go out side for walks or runs or go to the gym and yeah just move around alot. because calories in verses calories out so think of it that way

    :) hope this helped and if you need any more just email.

  • 4 years ago

    Go open-faced for you to cut calories and carbs.

  • 4 years ago

    To shed fat you must eat or maybe burn 3, 500 calories for each and every single pound

  • 5 years ago

    When creating cookies, bake half the batch and scoop the rest into ice-cube trays. When the sweet tooth kicks in, pop out one and bake it in order to meet your craving without breaking this calorie bank.

  • Ty
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    ull drop SOME weight... but 30 minutes of exercise? really? mayb 30 minutes of cardio but u still need to lieft weights and stuff to burn fat from other parts of ur body and get ur arms and legs toned also do some crunches kid

  • 5 years ago

    Cut veggies into larger-size portions. The more chewing you have to do, the slower you'll eat, allowing your head to recognize the "I'm full" discomfort.

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